How do YOU get your 8 cups?



  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Given the amount of wine I tend to drink in the evening I need 8 cups before my first daily bowel movement before I feel hydrated ;)

    After that, I am constantly sipping water instinctively ... I've always been like that ...
  • "I don't drink water, fish fornicate in it." W. C. Fields.

    I drink so many liquids during the day, that I don't even keep count. Recently, however, I bought a 24 ounce bottle with a sippy straw in the lid. I keep it on my desk at work. I used to drink diet coke, but now, I fill it with water and sprinkle a package of Crystal Lite in with it. It's a LOT less expensive that a bottle of pop...
  • Shenanagins85
    Shenanagins85 Posts: 116 Member
    I drink a bottle as soon as I wake up, another getting ready for work, two more on the way to work. At work I legit carry a gallon with me. I drink the whole thing at work. Following the same routine home.

    At first I was just doing bottles of water, once I opened then I threw away the cover to make myself drink the who thing at once. Then I went to litters at work and challenged self this week I'm going to drink one whole litter at work, next week it was two, and do on.

    Now I'm up to a gallon I depend on that amount of water everyday now. It helps by not only keeping my hydrated but fuller as well. I need the ladies room more than most. However it's been a month since I've drinking at least a gallon a day and if I don't get it I defiently miss it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have 3 - 32 oz. G series Gatorade bottles I use daily.. I put all 3 in the fridge the night before and first thing when I wake up I drink one bottle with my morning pills (vitamins, etc) and then refill that one and add a packet of low cal G series grape to it and head to the gym. I easily put away that bottle during my workout. For lunch I get my 3rd bottle down. and do one more with my evening pills... This gets me atleast 4x32oz.=128 oz. for the day but i usually squeeze in 1 or 2 more... I was never a water drinker before I began this journey, if I drank a glass every other day it would have been a miracle... I lived on soda back then... I still work in a couple Pepsi Max's a day but for the most part my water consumption is just part of my routine now... Don't really have to put a lot of thought into it anymore..... Best of Luck!!
  • At work I have a 16 oz cup that I refill. Everytime I get up to strech, grab a snack or use the restroom I refill it - well drink whatever is left and then refill it. Also, the way i look at it is if my cup is empty it gives me an opportunity to leave my desk and walk around for a few minutes to go refill it.
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I bought a waterbottle that goes with me EVERYWHERE! I sip it all day long. I can definitely tell when I don't get enough water throughout the day. I usually come home from work with headaches.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I don't. The eight cup research included water from food in the eight cups. If I actually drink 8 cups, it's because it's summertime and I have no AC or I am preparing for a fast day.

    ^^ This for me.

    I simply count every liquid I drink toward my water I drink teas, and have a sodastream machine and carbonate ALOT of water to make my own drinks. IMO, if it makes me pee, it counts.
  • I drink all day at work. I am terrible once I get home. I can usually get about 12 cups of water in me. The only problem is I pee all the time now!
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I have 3 - 32 oz. G series Gatorade bottles I use daily.. I put all 3 in the fridge the night before and first thing when I wake up I drink one bottle with my morning pills (vitamins, etc) and then refill that one and add a packet of low cal G series grape to it and head to the gym. I easily put away that bottle during my workout. For lunch I get my 3rd bottle down. and do one more with my evening pills... This gets me atleast 4x32oz.=128 oz. for the day but i usually squeeze in 1 or 2 more... I was never a water drinker before I began this journey, if I drank a glass every other day it would have been a miracle... I lived on soda back then... I still work in a couple Pepsi Max's a day but for the most part my water consumption is just part of my routine now... Don't really have to put a lot of thought into it anymore..... Best of Luck!! are amazing...what an awesome journey you have had.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    diet juice
    decaf coffee
    decaf diet soda.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I'll easily drink a litre during a workout which is what, 4 cups already? At a basketball game I'll have 2 full 600ml water bottles with me and finish both with ease as well.

    At work on my desk I also have 2 bottles that I'll fill up at the start of the day which I think are about 750ml each and will usually need to refill one if not both after lunch.

    Even before changing my eating and greatly increasing my exercise I was a big water drinker, and that's just plain water. Aside from the occasional coffee the only time I don't drink my water straight is when mixed with a supplement (protein/intra workout BCAA etc).
  • dgyfrsh
    dgyfrsh Posts: 5 Member
    I have 3 - 32 oz. G series Gatorade bottles I use daily.. I put all 3 in the fridge the night before and first thing when I wake up I drink one bottle with my morning pills (vitamins, etc) and then refill that one and add a packet of low cal G series grape to it and head to the gym. I easily put away that bottle during my workout. For lunch I get my 3rd bottle down. and do one more with my evening pills... This gets me atleast 4x32oz.=128 oz. for the day but i usually squeeze in 1 or 2 more... I was never a water drinker before I began this journey, if I drank a glass every other day it would have been a miracle... I lived on soda back then... I still work in a couple Pepsi Max's a day but for the most part my water consumption is just part of my routine now... Don't really have to put a lot of thought into it anymore..... Best of Luck!!

    I do the exact same thing. I keep 2 used powerade 32oz bottles in the fridge at home and 1 at work. In total I drink 6 a day=1.5 gallons. On top of that I drink 2 cups of coffee and about 5 diet cokes on average. That's a lot of fluids and a lot of trips to the bathroom haha.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I use bottled water bottles. They are two cups. I fill it from the tap for a few days before I toss it. I prefer it at room temperature. It's easier for me to drink more then. I drink 14-16 cups a day. Usually mostly before 6.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I don't much believe the whole "8 cups" myth, but I like to drink lots of water anyways because then it's a) a non-calorie beverage and b) not eating but keeping my tummy full.

    Adding lemon/lime/orange/mint/etc is a good way to make it taste better if you're not a water fan. I love water though, so I'm happy to keep on consuming!
  • cdirig
    cdirig Posts: 5
    I use a free iPhone app called Waterlogged. Every time I drink a glass, jug, mug, cup or whatever, I mark it down. It tells me how much I have remaining for the day, and when I've reached my goal it gives me a nice little "congrats" message. It's actually very fast...only takes a few seconds to log your water.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    using straws!
    adding lemons!
    mixing it up with club soda and seltzer waters!
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Coffee does not count as getting your water in since it's a diuretic and makes you pee more which dehydrates you.

    False! If you are a regular coffee drinker, the diuretic affect (if it affects you at all) will NOT negate the fact that the coffee is made primarily with water. It may not count as much as a glass of plain water, but it does count.
  • I drink water and unsweet tea. Gave up sodas 3 weeks ago. Haven't found it that difficult to drink water. Add lemon or lime to it. Or the occasional Crystal Light..or flavored stevia drops. As long as it is cold..I am good. I drink a lot of hot tea--different kinds from Teavana. And have been eating watermelon too. So I am getting in my 8 cups and then some most days!
  • using straws!
    adding lemons!
    mixing it up with club soda and seltzer waters!

    Great ideas!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I usually get double that.
