Always Struggling - Determined This Time!

Hi all,

I'm back on track this week with my tracking. I'm someone who has been a Weight Watchers fan for years, and lost 20 lbs on the program last year. I gained it all back, and then some, over the holidays when I gave myself permission to "enjoy." Big mistake. I thought I could handle it but as soon as I went off track I couldn't get back ON. I joined WW again but just couldn't get into the points, etc. and my dad recommended this site.
My stepfather passed away suddenly a couple weeks ago and as a stress eater things got out of control. I hopped on the scale a few days ago and was horrified. I am more determined than every to do this and make it work!
My exercise of choice is Zumba - on my Wii :) I'm a little to self conscious to take a class still but I'm kicking butt on the Wii right now. I love to dance and don't feel like I'm exercising doing it.
I'm pondering starting Shakeology as I have heard amazing things about it but am not sure yet that it's right for me.
And that's me in a nutshell. Fingers crossed I can stick with it this time.


  • shereethomas2012
    you can do it!!!! i also love zumba! but what is shakeology?
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    Yes you can do it if you commit to it. Track your food and exercise every day, make lots of friends to help inspire you. You will see the "Friend X has logged in for 20 days in a row" which will keep you wanting to come and track daily.

    The message boards have a ton of great information and pretty much all aspects of diet and exercise are covered. It's a really fun lifestyle change, so join in, make some friends and have fun with the new you!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I love Zumba, I can't so some of the things they do, my body don't work like some (maybe I'm to shy to shake like that in front of others) but I keep moving...still can't do the whole hour but made it up to 35 min yesterday...I'm moving up. Keep up the good work