Snap, Crackle, Pop Knees

Why do my knees create a symphony of Snap- Crackle- Pop sounds when I do squats? Is there something wrong with me? Or a way to end the creaky knees? I'm only 30!


  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    Why do my knees create a symphony of Snap- Crackle- Pop sounds when I do squats? Is there something wrong with me? Or a way to end the creaky knees? I'm only 30!

    unless you are having pain, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    It's probably no big deal unless it's painful, but you might want to warm up your joints a little before you launch into your exercises.

    Go to any morning ballet class and the first plie of the barre will sound like the room is made of Rice Krispies.
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    Mine are the worst when doing star jumps, my ankles and knees both crack repeatedly. My girlfriend can't stand doing 30DS with me because of it.

    I've tried cod liver oil and other joint care capsules but haven't found that they've made it any better.
  • taintedbutterfly18
    taintedbutterfly18 Posts: 189 Member
    Mine used to do this as well. The stronger my legs have gotten, the less they make noise!
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    That sounds like my knee. I just wear a knee brace and it takes care of the noise
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i think its the water in them or something and the heavier you are the more they do it! lol :sad:

    as you lose weight it does calm down! :bigsmile:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Haha, oh do I hate star jumps.

    I'm 29 and I get cracklin's in my left knee, especially during squats. This is also, not by coincidence, the knee that sometimes bugs me when I run. You could possibly wear a brace, or learn how to tape your knees yourself. Cracking joints doesn't necessarily mean anthing,

    During squats, try to widen your stance and point your toes outward more. This will sometimes completely alleviate the cracking for me. Squats are difficult on the knees but also good for building strength there. Changing your alignment may help.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Mine used to do that with intense pain. Did a detox and now no pain and no crackle!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Mine used to but then stopped, hopefully your will soon too.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    It's called getting old. Welcome to the club. :drinker:
  • lunchgirlie
    lunchgirlie Posts: 114 Member
    My knees are always always like that. Like, I've never squatted down and not heard my knees pop, at least not in the last 10 years. I've just accepted it.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    My shoulders do that! Esp when I do the warm-up rolls. It sometimes hurts when I do heavy lifting sets but no pain later....I'm assuming its fluid and we may suffer in later years...
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    My knees have always popped any time I bend them, it's nothing to worry about unless it hurts. I read once that it is just air and there's not much you can do to fix it. Although, I heard gelatin can make it go away, but I've never tried it...
  • ngrodeon
    ngrodeon Posts: 7
    Mine would do this every time I go up and down stairs. They still do it on occasion, but since I have lost some weight it is much much better.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Why do my knees create a symphony of Snap- Crackle- Pop sounds when I do squats? Is there something wrong with me? Or a way to end the creaky knees? I'm only 30!

    I'm 26 and have this exact problem. It started after I did P90X last year. I take glucosamine/chondroitin to help rebuild the cartilage that may have worn down... Hasn't helped much though. It doesn't hurt, but it can't be good.

    My knee pops at random when walking too, and usually at that time it does hurt. =/
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    I've had it since I was a kid -- turned out my femur bones grew twisted when I was a toddler and the cartilege in my knees was worn away from rubbing against my thigh bones at the wrong angle.

    My orthopedic surgeon told me I would have to have my knees replaced by the time I was 30.. I'm now 43 and I still have the same knees I've always had but MAN do they complain!! Mine don't always hurt, but sometimes, they do..

    That's PROBABLY not what's happening to you.. but the noise was explained to me as the gradual wear of the cartilege.. it happens over time -- for some of us it happens sooner, some later.. it can also be encouraged by long term obesity.

    Glucosamine and chondroitin was recommended -- but I have not found that it eliminates the noise all that much.. just the discomfort and I feel like my stamina is a bit better.

    If it gets worse or starts to hurt, I'd mention it to your doctor at your next visit.

    Good luck!
  • nastenka26
    This happens to my knees now and I'm 20, and I've literally had my knees crack during squats since I was pretty young (it always freaked me out so I'm definitely remembering correctly haha).
  • pgalvez
    pgalvez Posts: 4 Member
    My right knee does that all the time and my family hates to hear it. And when I touch my knee I can actually feel something grating, its kind of gross. I'm only 24 years old so I'm kind of worried too! Also I asked my doctor and they said that unless it was hurting to not worry about it. They also said that it would probably help if I lost weight and drank more water. So I'm hoping once I lose more weight it stops. It's freaky!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Mine sound like Barbie doll knees, has since I was 19-20 (probably the scoliosis lead to them). Normally it doesn't hurt, but the older I get, the more it is beginning to hurt when it makes that sound. I just try to do low inpact stuff although my pain has lessened the more squats I've been doing... and OMG, they hurt so bad when I started I could barely do 5. Now I can get 40-50 before it hurts.

    I do take Glucosine/MSM, but i don't notice to much of a difference, so I'm gonna change brand to see if I can find a better. The one I used to take did make a difference, but it's not available anymore sadly. One time I had been taking Sam-E and it did help wonders with my pain/joints, but it's pricey & can cause mental side effects (since it plays w/ serotonin levels).
  • namowrepus2002
    namowrepus2002 Posts: 20 Member
    I have this too. The only thing that helps for me is getting stronger (making sure to keep excellent form when doing leg workouts) and losing weight. I worry about this for me because my mom had her knee replaced recently and needs to get the other one done as well. She is a heavier, sedentary woman so I think that does play into it.