calorie goals question...

Ok so... I have always been part of the 1200 per day group. But I continuously read how eating more will help me to lose so I bumped myself to 1370 giving a projected loss of 1 pound per week but wasn't losing. When I went in to change my projected weight loss goal to 2 pounds per week it dropped me back to 1200 cals per day and gave me a projected loss of 1.3. Am I doing something wrong with this? I am 177 pounds and 5'3". I have only taken off 3 pounds since October. Granted some days are right on target and some are a little over or under. My diary is closed so you will have to take my word for it as to what i eat. Just need advice on the goal setting for how many calories per day to maximize my loss. Any ideas?

I must add that I am NOT looking to go UNDER 1200 calories... I wanted MORE :)


  • coombsy87
    coombsy87 Posts: 50 Member
    Why don't you open your diary so others can see what you are doing, may realise something that you haven't?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    since MFP will never give you a goal under 1200 calories you're "close enough" to your goal weight that 1 lb per week is the highest setting you have that will "project" you to lose the weight you set. 1.5 lbs would also show 1.3 lbs projected loss.

    you could get more calories by changing activity level or choosing 0.5lbs per week, but you'll not see projection of 2lbs per week if setting to 1.5 lbs would give you 1200 calories as its the floor for "MFP assigned calories"
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Pick the amount of calories you want to lose in a week, stay within the calorie goal you choose and you should lose. If you exercise and enter it into your exercise log it will give you more calories to eat.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I guess it doesn't REALLY matter whether or not my diary is open or closed... I just prefer to keep it private. Maybe one day I will open it. I appreciate the advice. I will not be eating UNDER 1200 per day so I guess I will just increase the exercise and keep on keeping on :)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'd say a good rule of thumb is to eat your BMR minimum. However, considering you still have quite a bit to lose I don't believe 1200 calories a day would be *TOO* little for you. (although it will definetly be counter productive the closer to your goal weight you get)

    According to MFP Your estimated BMR is: 1,537 calories/day. I'd say eat that. Anytime you burn calories with Intentional exercise (treadmill, eliptical, running, etc.) eat those calories back.

    Considering you have only lost 3 pounds though it makes me wonder if there is an underlying reason. Those are usually over-estimating your calories burned with exercise, under-estimating the amount of calories you're actually consuming, and inconsistent caloric intake (I.E. Only creating a 500 calorie deficit a day and then repeatedly eating over that on the weekends allowing your net weekly goal to be close to maintainence.), or a medical issue such as underactive thyroid.

    I'd say it is likely you are doing any of those and they should be addressed.

    Best of luck! Stick with it! I know it can be frusterated.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    You edited your post to say you wanted "more" calories.. which is fine, I told you in the first response how to get more...Pick 0.5 lbs a week as your weight loss goal... Not sure why you'd expect 2lbs a week to give you more calories to eat than 1lb a week loss since it's another 500 calorie a day deficit to achieve 2lbs over 1lb..... But the 0.5 lbs is less of a deficit so would be more daily calories.
  • I have a personal trainer at the gym, and most of the trainers there use/recommend MFP, so it's been great to have his insider input into MFP. He told me that for someone who is regularly exercising and doing weight training (reference point - I go to the gym about 3 times a week, and do other outdoor activities like gardening, walking dogs, volleyball other days), that MFP underestimates protein needs. So maybe try changing the source of your calories so that you are getting more calories in the form of protein instead of additional carbs or fats. I'm not talking about going all out on Atkins with a bunch of steak and no potatoes, but adding in things like eggs with morning cereal, or post-workout protein shake with almond milk between gym and preparing dinner. I still don't seem to get as much protein as he would like me to get, but I am consuming much more than MFP would automatically set for my height/weight. Just my two cents... sounds like there are lots of other good recommendations in the replies you got.
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    Don't do that anymore :) and don't listen to MFP when it tells you how much you will lose a week-it's very inaccurate.
    I also recommend getting new rules of lifting for women it explains everything and how eating less may "work" right now it depletes your muscle mass which is terrible.
    one of my pals put a post up of the formula right before I got the's the link to it!

    Also, a big thing when you increase your calories is remembering to eat can be very tempting with that extra amount of calories to eat more things or splurge and what not so you need more self control but it's worth it.

    hope that helps :)
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    You edited your post to say you wanted "more" calories.. which is fine, I told you in the first response how to get more...Pick 0.5 lbs a week as your weight loss goal... Not sure why you'd expect 2lbs a week to give you more calories to eat than 1lb a week loss since it's another 500 calorie a day deficit to achieve 2lbs over 1lb..... But the 0.5 lbs is less of a deficit so would be more daily calories.

    Thanks! Only edited to let people know that I wasn't looking to eat UNDER 1200 a day... ha ha now I'm confusing MYself! :wink:
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Thanks to all of you! I will take all this info into account and do appreciate it!
  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    I think rainbowbow gave a good answer. My MFP says 1200 and it wasn't enough food. My BMR said more like 1500. I eat that and any extra calories that I earn from exercise. Drink lots of water and then be patient. It took my body 2 weeks to figure it out, but now I am losing weight and inches eating this way and I am not starving myself. You can message me if you have a question.

    I have returned back to MFP after being gone for about 4 months and had been doing it for about 6 months before this. It does work. Sometimes you plateau at the same weight, but patience is the key (and eating more!)
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    I could give you some advice if you opened your diary. The eating 1200 a day since October and only losing a few pounds though shows me obviously something isn't working right. I'd tell you to eat more. I know it sounds crazy to people who do 1200 a day. But it does work. Your body has obviously adjusted to the 1200 and won't allow you to lose any more. I'd go with what someone above said and make sure you at least net your BMR. Good Luck!!! You can do it.
  • enadolny1
    enadolny1 Posts: 3
    Add more fruits and veg and cut out all white foods, potatos, rice and processed flour items. And instead of having full meals, spread it out more throughout the day. Same calories but spread out you don't get hungry in between. That seems to have helped jumpstart me. I was stuck but after making these changes I have lost about 3lbs in 2 wks, plus I walk for at least a half hour every day.