am i losing slow or is it just me?

Hi all. Ive been on the site for a month almost exactly now. I have 30 pounds to lose and have lost approx. 4 of them so far, which is great...
I am discouraged, however, because alot of the folks that i saw coming in around the same time as me are up to 10 or more lbs lost! So ive become a little anxious
I do the diet by the book almost.. dont go over my calories by very much if at all every day, get a decent amount of excercise in each day.
i dont beleive that i am in starvation mode, however i dont really understand why my loss is so slow when it seems like its too early into the diet to have hit a 'plateau' already!
i am 5 foot 4. 166 is my last weight logged. My whole life 150 has been my general 'norm' with the exception of highschool when i was anorexic, had my gall bladder out and weighed somewhere in the 130s at my lowest unhealthy weight.
Could the past problems with anorexia slowed my metabolism down so much that i am losing slower still today ? Could it be that suddenly increasing my exercise per day has created new really heavey muscle? (thats optimistic)
Im just discouraged this morning and thought i would 'type it out' thanks for listening.


  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi all. Ive been on the site for a month almost exactly now. I have 30 pounds to lose and have lost approx. 4 of them so far, which is great...
    I am discouraged, however, because alot of the folks that i saw coming in around the same time as me are up to 10 or more lbs lost! So ive become a little anxious
    I do the diet by the book almost.. dont go over my calories by very much if at all every day, get a decent amount of excercise in each day.
    i dont beleive that i am in starvation mode, however i dont really understand why my loss is so slow when it seems like its too early into the diet to have hit a 'plateau' already!
    i am 5 foot 4. 166 is my last weight logged. My whole life 150 has been my general 'norm' with the exception of highschool when i was anorexic, had my gall bladder out and weighed somewhere in the 130s at my lowest unhealthy weight.
    Could the past problems with anorexia slowed my metabolism down so much that i am losing slower still today ? Could it be that suddenly increasing my exercise per day has created new really heavey muscle? (thats optimistic)
    Im just discouraged this morning and thought i would 'type it out' thanks for listening.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    My lovely Sparkles! Don't be discouraged! :flowerforyou: Everyone's body reacts just a little differently. I was at a plateau for several weeks until all of a sudden the bottom dropped out and I lost about 8 pounds in one week. It's like my metabolism decided to start cooperating all of a sudden. Just try to stay positive, and look at it from a little different perspective, 4 pounds a month doesn't sound like much, but in six months you'll be right at goal. Six months may seem like a long time, but in all honesty that isn't long at all when you are completely altering your life. Not to mention that I am very positive that if you stick to the plan, you will start losing more than that per month.

    Also, since I know you are into hiking, if you are like myself you have been hitting the trails hard lately, and it is very likely that you are building muscle while losing fat, and that's the ideal! Don't look so much to weight. It will come off, just focus on becoming healthier and fitter. Everything else will take care it itself in time. :wink:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    We are lose at our own rate depending upon how much we have to lose, our age, activity, etc. You're not that much over a "normal" healthy weight for your height as it is, so it will probably be harder for you to lose weight given you don't have that much to lose.

    That said--four pounds in a month is great! Don't be discouraged; a pound a week is a good amount to lose.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Yeah, I lose 1/2 lb a week, on the 1 lb a week plan. So consider yourself fortunate! Not everyone is the same.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    thank you guys so much..i needed this! i really appreciate the encouragement. Looking at it in the big picture does help.
    When i was in highschool, i lost 60 pounds in about 3 months, which was so unhealthy! I realize it now, but its hard for me to see things in a realistic light, when all of my life, my answer to this problem has been to stop eating all together! That works fast, but in a terrible way for your body. This way is twice as slow but sticks around i guess!
    Sgt, i DO love to hike, and the weather has allowed me to do it ALOT lately. I mentioned in a post the other day that my legs are like chiseled solid concrete blocks:) So in my heart i know that ive lost fat and gained muscle, at least in that area. I just have the curse of what my girlfriends and i call "the alien baby' OR the area of fat given to us by the Almighty to protect or babies when it is time to have them! Anyway...
    Thanks again! I will probably feel a better if i can get into the lower 60s, and some lower sized jeans!
  • missktuga
    missktuga Posts: 21
    how'd you lose 60 pounds in three months????
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    i stopped eating altogether.
    bad idea!
    it resulted in an extended hospital stay and lots of therepy to this day!
    dont try it!
  • familybugs
    familybugs Posts: 129 Member

    I lost 15 pounds in 4 weeks.. I weigh in every 2 weeks, so when I went yesterday I stood on the scale and lost nothing in 2 weeks... .i was very discouraged for a moment, :grumble: but!!! I also measured again yesterday and I lost 3 inches around my waist and 3 around my shoulders and 1 inch everywhere else.. so that helped me feel better.:happy: Then I looked back at my diet and realized the difference from the past 2 weeks and 6 weeks ago.... I was eating more lettuce and greens at dinner. and the biggest thing was that I switched from having my protein shakes to having protein bars.... my trainer said STOP! It takes longer to digest a protein bar than a protein shake.... so I am going to set a side the bars and do the shakes and hopefully at my next weigh in I will be down 5 more pounds... thats the goal...

    oh btw.... I am a muscular girl and I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 5 days a week... and my legs are SOLID! I did loose 1 inch in the thighs...:happy:

    feel like i'm rambling... so sorry...