29lbs in 29 weeks...??

So - I've already lost 50lbs and have about 25 left to lose - but my actual goal weight is a little lower at 145 lbs. My question is - is it too aggressive to try & lose 1lb per week (consecutive) for these last 25lbs?? I would like to hit my goal weight by the time I leave for vacation in April. I don't want to set my goal too high & not reach it. It's taken me 9 months to lose the 50...so whats that, like 50lbs in 36 weeks? I know towards the end it gets harder to drop the weight. OR - this is a 2fer question lol - should I wait and see what size I'm in along the way? I mean, if I get to a size 10 or 8 at 160lbs (I am almost 6ft) I'll be happy. Now that I'm in the ''healthy'' BMI range, should I focus more on my measurements than poundage?!

Any & all suggestions are welcome. :flowerforyou: That is, if you can sort out what I'm even asking. :tongue:


  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    JStar, HI!

    Imho, Since you're in the healthy BMI, you should focus on size, not lbs. I think once you get to a comfortable size, your weight shouldn't matter. (Unless you weigh less than a healthy bmi.)

    That's just my opinion and that's how I plan to handle things once I get to my healthy BMI. Weight doens't really matter, it's how rocking hot my body will look that's gonna matter. :laugh:

    Hope this helped. :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Just from experience I would say judge from size and not so much weight. I am twice your age and have lost and gained weight many many many times. If you want to lose and keep it off you need to not worry so much about the number but being healthy and eating right and exercising. IF you do this now you will not be where I am at my age. 1 pound per week is possible but just make sure you are making a life change and not dieting to lose it and then go back to old habits. I hope this helps you. Good luck on your journey and have fun on your vacation.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Do what you can, take good care of yourself. You'll lose what you lose. I can tell you that last 10 pounds is clingy,,, :smile:
  • ecoker06
    if you start to plateu switch everything up. If you do the same workouts every day try something else. I have done 1 hr workouts of eliptical stairmill and walking on the treadmill 5 days a week for 18 pounds and then i was stuck for three weeks. so i started doing interval running for only 20 min. on the eliptical and now i'm loosing 2 pounds a week again. Also switch up your food. Not eating after 6...is difficult because thats when you want to sit down and relax and munch but i really helps SOOOOOOOOOO much. then when you sleep your body eats your fat and not the food in your stomach. so sit down with a water bottle and work on that. hope this helps!!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    JStar, my friend, since your deadline is your vacation, and we all want to have the energy and feel good enough to do everything we would want to do on vacation, I would focus on working out and building up your stamina, so you are unstoppable for your vacation, the dress sizes and weight will fall into place in good time.

    I started my weight loss journey several months before I had a trip to Ireland last year, and by the time the trip came up, some of my clothes were falling off me, and I was able to do so much more physically than I did when I started. (I couldn't do three minutes of aerobics initially without sitting down after, by Ireland I was able to walk up a big hill albeit slowly to see this ancient fort). Now I can do a couple of hours of cardio at a time, and I never have to think about if I can physically do something or not, I just go ahead and do it.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    :smile: Thanks guys! After getting on the scale this morning & being up 4 lbs now since last weigh in :angry: i'm going to try the focus on size - this means starting and sticking with an exercise routine. :grumble: I'm so terrible at that - I have no one to hold me accountable...except me & I'm pretty lenient. :tongue: Any volunteers?!?! lol

    :flowerforyou: Thanks for all the responses!

    ***thread officially killed****
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    It's fluid. You've been playing this game long enough to know that you have not packed on 4 pounds of real bodyfat. You can do this.

    Now get your butt on that (treadmill? Bike? Whaddaya do anyways?) !!! :bigsmile:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member

    ***thread officially killed****

    Not this time Jstar. :laugh: It's prob just water weight. You said you have chinese? Chinese is delicious but high in sodium. Drink a ton of water and relax. Good luck on finding an excercise routine to stick to. :flowerforyou:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    It's fluid. You've been playing this game long enough to know that you have not packed on 4 pounds of real bodyfat. You can do this.

    Now get your butt on that (treadmill? Bike? Whaddaya do anyways?) !!! :bigsmile:

    That's the problem - I don't do anything! :noway: I need to start!! I don't have a treadmill - I've got a 3yr old and a 10 month old and a husband who works 2nd shift so there is no time for a gym membership, no funds for a treadmill & the only time I can get to myself to work out is after the kids go to sleep - which of late has been 9pm or later....and who wants to work out at 9pm? I went running a couple nights in the summer after DH got out of work (11pm) but that didn't last more than a week & I have no idea how I forced myself to do the shred for 19 days bc I never got to workout before 9pm then either. :huh: And I'm too much of a wuss to go to the gym at before work alone - I'm scared of everything, I just know a serial killing rapist is lurking behind every corner so I can't go anywhere alone. :ohwell: ugh I know, excuses excuses. Someone slap me already!!! :indifferent:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    So - how did the 19 days of the shred go for you? Make any progress? Was it fun? MRose and I did it last night, first time, and it was fun. Can't wait to do it again.

    <<If you can find the time, I know, big qualifier>> I've found exercise to be a big self feeder. The more you do, the better you feel and the more you want to do. The hardest part really is getting started, and finding the time.

    Our kids are 20 and 19. That helps. You'll find a way, I'm sure of it. :smile:
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    There is no way you would catch me going into a gym , to shy to workout in front of other ppl and hardly seemed worth paying a monthly fee for .....ok people Im prolly gonna get blasted out for this but this is what I did . I took my credit card to walmart and bought my 3 machines .... cheapest I could find .... 200 bike , 200 elliptical and got my treadmill for like 500 on sale ..... approx 1000 . K , I didn't buy the best but it still does the job . Think about it if your card is 20% intrest and say u pay 50$ a month ... It will take you 25 months to pay it off and intrest would be like 250$ which averages to 10.00 a month .

    I personally think the benefits of having the machines at home out way the cost . Cause everytime you see them it motivates you to get off your butt and move :smile: :smile:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    +1 vote for the home gym if you can do it. We've put together a pretty good collection too. Let's see,,,

    Treadmill - friend of a friend needed rid of, $25

    Elliptical - Wallyworld, $300 (worth every penny, love that thing).

    Gazelle glider - Craigslist, $30

    Dip tower - Craigslist, $50

    Incline bench - Wallyworld, $70

    Dumbbells + about 100 lbs of iron,,, already had some, bought plates here & there as needed (and need more now :smile: ). Cost is about $.80 a pound - better if you can find used. There's no such thing as "used" iron. What's it gonna do - stop being heavy? Hehehe,,,

    We also have some floor space open, and an old TV and our Wii and a DVD player and do 30shred in there. I plan to start P90X in about a month.

    We use the stuff a lot. I'm probably in our little home gym 6 or 7 hours a week, wife a little less. It's a very good thing. Just put it in a convenient spot, where you'll see it and use it. Don't hide your gym in a dreary basement you hate to go in. Make it light, keep it fun. Hang some mirrors and watch your body change before your eyes. It's very cool.
  • altazin0907
    altazin0907 Posts: 188 Member
    It's fluid. You've been playing this game long enough to know that you have not packed on 4 pounds of real bodyfat. You can do this.

    Now get your butt on that (treadmill? Bike? Whaddaya do anyways?) !!! :bigsmile:

    That's the problem - I don't do anything! :noway: I need to start!! I don't have a treadmill - I've got a 3yr old and a 10 month old and a husband who works 2nd shift so there is no time for a gym membership, no funds for a treadmill & the only time I can get to myself to work out is after the kids go to sleep - which of late has been 9pm or later....and who wants to work out at 9pm? I went running a couple nights in the summer after DH got out of work (11pm) but that didn't last more than a week & I have no idea how I forced myself to do the shred for 19 days bc I never got to workout before 9pm then either. :huh: And I'm too much of a wuss to go to the gym at before work alone - I'm scared of everything, I just know a serial killing rapist is lurking behind every corner so I can't go anywhere alone. :ohwell: ugh I know, excuses excuses. Someone slap me already!!! :indifferent:

    Do you work? maybe you could go for a walk at lunch?
  • burbuja
    burbuja Posts: 32
    Just a suggestion...

    why don't you buy one of those work out videos this way you don't have to leave home and you can do them when the kids take a nap or something. There are so many vids out there such as salsa dancing, core work out, and my favorite tae bo, there are more but I can't remember anymore :embarassed: sorry but I hope this helped.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Yeah, I work full time at a bank so atleast I've got the benefit of ''bankers house'' but after 5pm i'm with the kiddos. I've got a couple workout videos & I also can get them on netflix - I've got bootcamp on my instant que right now - just need to get off my butt & do it I guess. :ohwell:

    I didn't lose anything while on the shred - I guess I lost inches? I didn't measure before I started so I'm no positive if I lost, but I can't imagine doing 19 days straight of it & not losing inches - altho I lost 6lbs the week after I stopped the shred. It's a good video - I enjoyed doing it, it was just so hard to find the movitvation to do it at night ...but you're right Casper, once I was done I felt great about doing it, I felt good for doing it... but I missed a night, then another, then another & then just gave up totally...

    once the weather cools off for good I'll start walking on my lunch breaks again - I work in downtown so I can get about anywhere from 2-4 miles in after I eat - or before, depending on my mood. I actually enjoy putting on my hoodie, sneaks & ipod and taking off for a brisk walk in the cool air - but when its 80 degrees- forget about it. I'm a sweaty b*tchy mess when I come back in lol so soon enough I'll be back to my normal walks. :smile:
  • burbuja
    burbuja Posts: 32

    My husband and I were talking about that this weekend, we were saying that the hardest part is getting of your butt :laugh:, but once you're doing it you feel awesome and don't wanna stop. I completly understand the missing one day and ends up being like two weeks LOL that happens to me that's why if I'm not in the mood I try to do at least 20 minutes so I don't fall into the 2 week gap. Don't stress too much about it I'm sure it will all work out, it will all fall into place...kids, work, hubby everything. Just keep doing what you've been doing because it's obviously working....congrats on the 50 lbs. :drinker:
  • craftyNcrazy
    wow, I'm just a hair under 6' and I would look like a skeleton at 145 lbs. My goal is 175.

    I wish you the best of luck with your goal.