Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for June 2012



  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I'm 5' 1/2" and weigh 233, down from 255. I've lost 11 lbs. on MFP plus 11 more lbs. in the previous couple of months. I really only just got into MFP in April 'cause my computer crashed right after I joined last year, so I couldn't keep track like I should. I also have a birthday coming up soon. Is it okay to tell my family that I don't want a birthday cake? Too tempting!!! Maybe a birthday cupcake for me?
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5' 1/2" and weigh 233, down from 255. I've lost 11 lbs. on MFP plus 11 more lbs. in the previous couple of months. I really only just got into MFP in April 'cause my computer crashed right after I joined last year, so I couldn't keep track like I should. I also have a birthday coming up soon. Is it okay to tell my family that I don't want a birthday cake? Too tempting!!! Maybe a birthday cupcake for me?

    I was wondering that ques as well since I have a summer birthday. It is YOUR birthday afterall so I would decide what you want. Do you feel that having one piece of cake will sabotage all that you have done or that it'll lead to having more ? I think if you honestly want a cake, dont deprive yourself. But if you're just not into having a cake this year, go for ice cream or a simple cupcake. If your family truly wants you to have a cake, then they all can enjoy it while you enjoy whatever you decide to have. ALL in ALL, you're the birthday girl and should get what YOU want :)
  • beraggled
    beraggled Posts: 17 Member
    If you don't want cake don't have one.For mothers day this year told the kids i didnt want chocolates.They bought me nut and rasin mixes instead.At that stage thats what i was eating not eating them now though.Been following more what i should eat for my blood type and most nuts are out.
  • ziggy5621
    ziggy5621 Posts: 44
    I love being a fun-sized chic...may was good for me..lost 4 lbs but toned up more finished my first 8 weeks of weight addicted love it!
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    5 foot half an inch here. Been lurking decided to step in and make a post/reply. May was a good month for me, got a bit discouraged with my running seemed like I was taking one step forward and three back but apparently i am more dislexic that I thought. Weighed in this morning at 109.4! Started in January at 119. Didn't see much progress at all until I started calorie counting/MFP. Needless to say I am very glad i kept at it and didn't give into discouragement. June will be awesome!!!! Gotta get the flat belly and sexy legs before the Kenny Chesney concert in August. haha this is my goal.
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    5'1" here! I spent May recovering from skin removal surgery. I had my 6 week post-op on Tuesday and was cleared for all exercising.

    Sunday is my 40th b-day. I hope to get down to 120 by the end of June and that might be my goal!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Congratulations to Litatura, Eal12, gaiareeves, bexx03, Auntkk28, Brittany103, Ziggy, Rayvynn and to any one I missed for a successful May. A loss is a loss even if it was not what you wanted to loose.

    Corinne – what is your BMR? (under tools in case you are new to MFP). You should not go below your BMR especially when first starting out.

    Bellasouth, yes, tell them. If they do get you a cake anyway, make sure it is not in the same house as you are. Lol

    99cherrypie – Happy Birthday!

    My story:

    I started off at 178 pounds (Nov 2008) and was possitive I had a thyroid problem because there was no way I thought I ate enough to weight what I did. Everyone in my family has problems with their thyroid. Right? That had to be it. My doctor said I had to track what I ate for two months to prove I needed a thyroid test. Well, you know how it all ended. I did eat enough to weigh 178. I am at 154 now and had gotten down to 137, but when my son had a nervous breakdown I had to stop exercising and here I am back in the 150s and starting over. I just turned 59. Both parents live with me and this may be their last year on earth. I have two teenage kids with learning disabilities and my husband was recently disabled at work. So, I'd say that stress is one of my weight issues. lol

    Plus hubby and daughter both had major surgeries in the last 4 years. Hubby is heading for another back surgery soon. It has been hard since 2007. Each year I just pray for a boring year.

    Turning 59 was hard. I want to be in good health/weight when I hit 60. Both parents are in their mid-90s and I want to be healthier than they are when I hit my 90s.

    PS: I love Yoga and Tai Chi
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Hang in there Jeannie! I hope the summer months bring you a bit less stress - it's so much more difficult to stay on track when there are other priorities in your life that need attention.

    The month of May was just plain rotton for me -> my motivation has been super low, and my tracking & planning nearly absent. Although I've started back up with my running schedule (~ 12 miles/week right now), I really haven't been showing any discipline in my diet... so end result = 5 lbs gained since Feb. Add to that the emotional distress that I'm STILL feeling nearly 1 year after a breakup & the fact that I am an emotional eater... no wonder I've backslid!

    For me, June needs to be all about finding my motivation! It is a super-busy month at work, so I just need to PLAN, PLAN, PLAN my food so that I can keep on track.

    About me: 5'2-1/2", age 31. Currently ~ 144 lbs, trying to get back under 140 during the summer, final goal weight 130-135. I run several half-marathons each year, and find the weight loss to be very slow so that I can keep up my energy for training.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Hey shorties! I totally understand the frustration of being short and trying to lose weight, it feels like sometimes its impossible but it definitely is possible! I used to weigh 172 at my highest and am currently around 144. I got down to 119 before but it wasn't healthy and now I am doing it the right way! I am 5'3, and wanting to be around 125 (or however I look best and toned!)

    Feel free to add me I need all the support I can get and I love to help when I can!

    For May I totally slacked but its a new month and a new start for me so June can BRING IT! :)
  • annie208
    annie208 Posts: 8
    Hi Ladies :)

    I'm (almost!) exactly 5' and weigh 133.4 starting today... I just started last week and have lost 2lbs doing a combo of P90X and Couch to 5K (training for a 5K in Sept).

    I'm hoping to break out of the 130s in June.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I don't really consider myself a shortie, but being just under 5' 3", I suppose I qualify! Hello all :).

    May was a good month for me. I've been losing weight very slowly, but became more active in May. I started riding my bike again now and then, after years. I'm generally just moving about more and exercising more, trying to make it part of my routine.

    In June, I hope to continue to make exercise part of my life, but I'm planning to get into strength training in a more organised fashion and I understand that that might temporarily mess with my weight loss. I'm around 200 lb which is quite big for a shortie. I've just gone down to 199 lb and it would be great if I was still under 200lb at the end of June.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    May I join in?
    I'm 5'3.75" !
    I currently weigh 141-142.
    In may I joined a biggest loser challenge (5 months!)
    And, I went from 149 to 141, in a MONTH!

    (according to the gym scale, I weighed in at 146 :/ but they weighed in the evening) So on the record I lost 2.01 % Body fat lost for the month of May!

    This month, my goals are to walk the bridges here in town (10 km, or 6 mi) three times a week. I did it last week at a steady pace of 8 min/km and I finished in an hour and 20 minutes. I would like to keep that time, or better it. When I am feeling more confident I would LOVE to jog half of it!
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 5"4, just about!
    Currently weigh 140.

    This month I'm going to start up running (finally) with my neighbour, it will be more of a walk/jog effort at first though to get some good cardio in. I'm also going to try lifting more weights as my arms are pathetic, doing some push ups is the dream!
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    On saturday was the birthday present or one of my twim sisters, a 5.4 mile hike (1500'+ elevation gain) around the Multnomah falls here in Oregon. I now hurt. We made this same hike about 2 or 3 years ago and I couldn't barly walk last time, this time all I have is muscles sore instead of joint sore, I am getting more inshade it is ust taking a while. It was a very pretty hike as it didn't rain. It was the twin sisters, my boyfriend ,my 7yr old nephew and I. My boyfreind had the least trouble and had to constantly slow down for me. I am amazed the little one made the whole hike with out compaining about anything other then he was hungry. I get 3 days of relativley lite walking and then it is back to the golf course track or the gym depending on the weather.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    May I join in?
    I'm 5'3.75" !
    I currently weigh 141-142.
    In may I joined a biggest loser challenge (5 months!)
    And, I went from 149 to 141, in a MONTH!

    (according to the gym scale, I weighed in at 146 :/ but they weighed in the evening) So on the record I lost 2.01 % Body fat lost for the month of May!

    This month, my goals are to walk the bridges here in town (10 km, or 6 mi) three times a week. I did it last week at a steady pace of 8 min/km and I finished in an hour and 20 minutes. I would like to keep that time, or better it. When I am feeling more confident I would LOVE to jog half of it!


    You've joined by posting here.

    Walking the bridges sounds like it's a good walking routine.

  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Hello fellow shorties!

    I've been away from MFP for about 7 months during which time I gained 8lbs and am heavier now than I was when I first started :sad:

    So this month for me is basically about getting back into using MFP, eating properly and exercising again. Oh yeah, and trying to cut down on the vino collapso (my all-time favourite food group).

    I'm currently 158lbs and need to be as close as possible to125lbs by mid-October - eek! - so it's time to get moving: C25k, Zumba, swimming, Jillian Michaels, Nell McAndrew, Hotpants Workout... you name it, I'll be doing it!

    Have a happy, healthy June everyone :happy:
  • Blu4dayz
    Blu4dayz Posts: 12
    So May I slacked and up til now in June I am still slacking. I have lost 12 lbs since April. Anywoo my SW was 163 CW:148 GW: 130 toned. We will see. I wish i could jog or run for long periods of time but I have joggers itch which is an allergy to exercises like running or jogging or walking for long periods of time. My itch starts after five minutes to the point of being ready to cry. Looks like I better work on sprints and weights.
    Just wanted to say hang in there ladies and be blessed in all your righteous endeavors!

    Oh yeah to Jam(the host) my husband thinks fit and fun sized is the cutest thing he has ever
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Bump for later. Thanks for the inspiration, fellow shorties!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    fyi.... my parents live with me. Mom is 94 and we just found out she has lung cancer and has 2-4 months to live. Dad had a mild heart attack and has been in and out of the hospital in the last week. I am not sure if I will be able to keep the forum going in July.

    We are going to keep Mom at home and Hospice started this past week.

    I know I am luck to have had my parents so long. So many my age have lost one or both of their parents already. Being lucky and grateful to have had them around so long isn't making this any easier.

    While I am going to try to keep logging my food, I don't think I will be posting or chatting much over the next several months.

    Hang in there everyone and good luck in June.

  • sdavis0224
    sdavis0224 Posts: 23
    Hello another shortie here (5'0) I just recently started on here and I am trying to find inspiration... I have small waist and big hips and I've been getting very discourage cause my ideal weight (115-127) may look odd with my figure but my weight now looks even worse. I could use some insight and support from my fellow short ladies out here!!!! Good luck to all of you lovely ladies out there