Does anyone lose wt. eating 1200 calories or less?



  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    You also need to carefully check the QUANTITY of what you eat. You also should eat 3-4 times a day. One time a day is really not good. I weigh just about everything I prepare as well.

    Agree. eating 1 time a day is probably not good for the body. A good habit is stick to 3 meals a day.

    And body needs time to adjust when you make changes to diet or exercise. Keep at it, most important, don't starve yourself.
  • I did I lost a lot, however I was hungry most of the time. I was also sick a lot of the time too.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I am 35 and wt. 256lbs. I used to eat a lot mostly binge eating. Now That I found a formula that keeps me full 75% of time and cut my creaving down, I can only eat one meal a day and I would not be hungry for the rest of the day. after I joined MFP and starting logging in my meals, my MFP friends start commenting that I am eat to little (I lost 18lbs doing that). so I bumped up my calorie to reach MFP calorie goal. I have not lost a lbs since. I feel like to go back to what I was doing b/c it worked, but I am afraid. Any advice please?

    Yes, I do. I'm 44 years old with a job that keeps me in front of a laptop most of the day and night. I'm 5'2", live a fairly sedentary life and eat mostly clean. I've journaled my diet and exercise since January 2010 and have found that 900-1,000 calories helps me lose weight, 1,000-1,100 calories helps me maintain my weight and 1,200+ calories makes me gain weight. When I do exercise for the day, then I try to reach 1,200 so I have the energy needed. I've lost most of my weight this way.

    It's great to ask questions and seek advice. But the bottom line is that NO ONE knows your body as well as you do. If you know you are eating healthy and taking care of yourself... then do what works for you. Good luck!
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    If it works for you then go for it, Me I try to keep around 1200-1300 per day and the weight comes off I have not gotten sick. I eat normal food just cut the portion size down and I drink lots of water. good luck
  • babyschatz
    babyschatz Posts: 15
    I think you are eating to little. Yes, first such formula works just fine, but as soon as you get back to your old routine or even eat an extra 100cal, even more lb will come back. You will be putting on weight from salads...You are slowing down your metabolism by eating little! Just add physical exercise and eat reasonably.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You also need to carefully check the QUANTITY of what you eat. You also should eat 3-4 times a day. One time a day is really not good. I weigh just about everything I prepare as well.

    Agree. eating 1 time a day is probably not good for the body. A good habit is stick to 3 meals a day.

    And body needs time to adjust when you make changes to diet or exercise. Keep at it, most important, don't starve yourself.

    Untrue. Some people eat one meal a day and do fine.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    If you don't mind losing muscle along with the fat, that's probably okay......
  • babyschatz
    babyschatz Posts: 15

    900-1,000 calories helps me lose weight, 1,000-1,100 calories helps me maintain my weight and 1,200+ calories makes me gain weight.

    Wow, you just killed your metabolism...
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member

    900-1,000 calories helps me lose weight, 1,000-1,100 calories helps me maintain my weight and 1,200+ calories makes me gain weight.

    Wow, you just killed your metabolism...

    Not at all.
  • jess393
    jess393 Posts: 220 Member
    Years ago I lost 40lbs in under 4 months by eating 1200cals/day. This time around I tried to eat that amt, and nothing happened :/ I'm eating between 1800-2000 and am losing at a really consistent pace now. Everyone gets different results!
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    I am 35 and wt. 256lbs. I used to eat a lot mostly binge eating. Now That I found a formula that keeps me full 75% of time and cut my creaving down, I can only eat one meal a day and I would not be hungry for the rest of the day. after I joined MFP and starting logging in my meals, my MFP friends start commenting that I am eat to little (I lost 18lbs doing that). so I bumped up my calorie to reach MFP calorie goal. I have not lost a lbs since. I feel like to go back to what I was doing b/c it worked, but I am afraid. Any advice please?

    I constantly eat under 1200 calories. I lost 26lbs so far. I am very active and am starting to train for my first half marathon on Sunday. I recently plateaued and took this week off of MFP and decided to not log my food and cut back on my exercise in order to "shock" my body. I do not have cheat meals or cheat days. I have tried this before and for me it does not work. I need a week where I can eat what i want in moderation without feeling guilty. I am getting back into it first thing Sunday morning and i know my weight will start coming off again. Everyone is different. If eating under 1200 calories works for you and you do not feel weak or are not getting sick then by all means go for it. Eating under 1200 calories does not mean you have an eating disorder as some people would say. I constantly get ridiculed for my food diary and I just simply say I know what works for me so please don't judge. Good luck to you and make sure you listen to YOUR mind and body as you know it best.
    i would like to wish you luck for your first half! i just did my first half a little under a month ago and it was a great experience!
    that being said, just be aware of the fact that you will probably need to up your intake A LOT so you aren't dragging during/after long runs and the race itself. you're going to feel like death if you eat less than 1200 and then burn 1300 on a 12 mile run, simply because your body requires a lot energy and it won't be getting enough.
    by all means, do what works for you, but don't be surprised if you need to eat at least a couple hundred more to make it through!
  • babyschatz
    babyschatz Posts: 15

    900-1,000 calories helps me lose weight, 1,000-1,100 calories helps me maintain my weight and 1,200+ calories makes me gain weight.

    Wow, you just killed your metabolism...

    Not at all.

    Why are you gaining weight on 1200cal then?
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    And why would you even make a blanket statement like that? You don't know me. You don't know what works for me. You have no idea the type of healthy lifestyle I live. So how in the world would you know what was going on inside of my body? Are you a doctor? My doctor?
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member

    900-1,000 calories helps me lose weight, 1,000-1,100 calories helps me maintain my weight and 1,200+ calories makes me gain weight.

    Wow, you just killed your metabolism...

    Not at all.

    Why are you gaining weight on 1200cal then?

    Because that's what happens with MY body, living MY lifestyle, and how MY body burns and stores fat. My metabolism is just fine. I've been with MFP for a year, and tracking for longer than that. I think I would know better than anyone on what works for me.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I have lost almost 110 lbs of the 150 that I hope to lose. I am eating anywhere from 600-1200 in 3 meals a day. I try to vary it up and down and have what hubby and I call "resetting our metabolism" days where I eat more in case that "starvation mode is actually true (the research by science/medicine is wishy washy on it). I gotta admit, it's hard sometimes. I'm banded (lap-band) but it is not filled at all though I still have some restriction. There are times that I could eat a lot more and I feel like I am really hungry even when I have eaten up to 1500 calories due to emotional eating. I have it covered most of the time and turn to the book "Shrink Yourself" by Dr. Roger L. Gould which has helped me tremendously! Wishing you luck with your diet. IF you are able to exercise a lot, you can lose eating more calories but it will be slower.

    Also, I have a disability (FXTAS/FMS) and have to get my labs drawn every 6 months. All my levels have been tremendous. My Folate, Calcium, Potassium, vitamin D, and B12 are well within normal (I have a problem with my Vitamin D before I started dieting and now take vitamin D every day. I use EAS protein drinks normally once a day and take one a day-vita craves gummy every day) That's it!

    PS: We all have different bodies, different metabolism rates, different medical conditions, what works for me probably won't work for a lot of people especially without WLS!
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    food is your friend.. the more you eat the better, combine sensible eating with resistance training and you can achieve desired aesthetics.
  • babyschatz
    babyschatz Posts: 15
    And why would you even make a blanket statement like that? You don't know me. You don't know what works for me. You have no idea the type of healthy lifestyle I live. So how in the world would you know what was going on inside of my body? Are you a doctor? My doctor?

    Calm need to be so aggressive. You do whatever you want with your body, but some people might not want to do that. We are collecting opinions, aren't we?
  • babyschatz
    babyschatz Posts: 15
    food is your friend.. the more you eat the better, combine sensible eating with resistance training and you can achieve desired aesthetics.

    Thank you!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    food is your friend.. the more you eat the better, combine sensible eating with resistance training and you can achieve desired aesthetics.

    Thank you!

    Just because someone eats 1,200 or less doesn't mean food isn't their "friend" or they don't exercise.