


  • SilMarillion
    ...and rinse it first.... always rinse it because it has a coating on it which is bitter if not rinsed... :)

    Actually, I've found that rinsing is not really necessary, but its up to you.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    ...and rinse it first.... always rinse it because it has a coating on it which is bitter if not rinsed... :)

    Actually, I've found that rinsing is not really necessary, but its up to you.

    I guess they put something on it to keep the bugs away... not toxic, but bitter... i think most companies do rinse it away before packaging but I still rinse it, just to be sure :)
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    its a grain, you don't need any brand. you can buy it in bulk and save yourself some monies.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    What do you suggest to top it with for breakfast? I always made is savory, but sounds like a great sweet breakfast option!! :)
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    it's good stuff and there are some good ideas here! It's good hot or in a cold salad
  • photojunkie28
    Love this post, I was about to add quinoa to my grocery list this weekend. I heard about the stuffed peppers and am dying to try that. I love stuffed peppers and this would be a fabulous way to "clean" it up a bit! Glad to know it's not one of those eat it if you have to foods!
  • kayakchickc
    kayakchickc Posts: 6 Member
    I put in the pan that I fry my egg in while I fry my egg. Quinoa salad or just quinoa. I just cook it up in my rice cooler.
  • chicfreak9
    chicfreak9 Posts: 78 Member
    I use agave or honey. whatever you sweeten your oatmeal with put on your quinoa. I like it with soy / almond / coconut milk fresh berries or dried fruit. the best part is that it keeps you full for a long time
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    its a grain, you don't need any brand. you can buy it in bulk and save yourself some monies.

    Not to nit-pick, but it is actually a seed that some grain-sensitive types (like me!) can also enjoy! I usually have it in the breakfast porridge way (mixed with buckwheat, which is actually a fruit, is great)...or with steamed veggies and a tahini/miso/lemon sauce. Thank goodness for quinoa, it's my salvation!

  • soccermoma11
    soccermoma11 Posts: 126
    Cooks like rice, my favorite is to cook up some spinach in just a tad of olive oil and some garlic, and than mix with the quinoa. It goes great with a nice chicken breast.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    This is a quinoa based crustless quiche and it is soooo good! we had it for dinner last night. http://balancedplatter.com/fresh-farmers-market-quinoa-bake/
    I cook mine in the slow cooker, with twice as much water as quinoa. Also good pilaf style with sauted onions and garlic.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    What do you suggest to top it with for breakfast? I always made is savory, but sounds like a great sweet breakfast option!! :)

    I cooked it in coconut milk + some water, topped with brown sugar, diced banana, and coarsely chopped almonds. It was wonderful.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    What do you suggest to top it with for breakfast? I always made is savory, but sounds like a great sweet breakfast option!! :)

    I cooked it in coconut milk + some water, topped with brown sugar, diced banana, and coarsely chopped almonds. It was wonderful.

    Sounds delicious :-) :-) :-) will try this tomorrow morning :-)
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    If you have a rice cooker it'll work fine for Quinoa as well.
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
  • cjcolorado
    cjcolorado Posts: 49 Member
    I make a sort of Greek-inspired salad with it, adding diced cucumber, red onion, feta, red wine vinegar, salt, kalamata olives and a touch of olive oil. Chill it for awhile and it makes a great lunch or side dish.

    I have another recipe that calls for simmering it in coconut milk with some sugar (or other sweetener), vanilla, and cinnamon and letting it thicken like a pudding while it cools. I didn't care for it, but others might. I think it has just a bit of a funky taste that doesn't pair as well with certain flavors, but that could just be me.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    its a grain, you don't need any brand. you can buy it in bulk and save yourself some monies.

    Not to nit-pick, but it is actually a seed that some grain-sensitive types (like me!) can also enjoy! I usually have it in the breakfast porridge way (mixed with buckwheat, which is actually a fruit, is great)...or with steamed veggies and a tahini/miso/lemon sauce. Thank goodness for quinoa, it's my salvation!


    Thanks I didn't realize that! My main point was you really don't need to buy to packages and no brand name is necessary! Whole foods should be enjoyed without band names, you know?
  • cara4art
    cara4art Posts: 48 Member
    @tngnt - Scrambled eggs are GREAT in with quinoa, and very filling too, for not all that many calories really. I do 2 eggs with a half-cup of veggies in there, a little bit of feta cheese(like 1/2 an ounce)and mix that in with a half-cup of cooked quinoa. I just cooked up a bunch this morning - it keeps for a few days in the fridge. I just ladle out my half-cup serving and steam it to heat it up - it only take a very few minutes, since I don't do microwaved food of any kind(plus I don't have the microwave anyway). Since it has a higher protein content it's actually more satisfying and filling than the same amount of, say, white rice. Much better for you too. I usually cook it one part dry quinoa to 2 parts plus a little bit more water for 17 minutes or so. Then turn off heat, fluff up, and then cover and let steam for 10 minutes. Nice fluffy quinoa every time!:) Lots of uses for quinoa, like the bowl I mentioned with the eggs and veggies(you can season this with low-cal condiments like soy sauce, hot sauce etc.) Black beans, roasted corn kernels, some green onions, and some mango or apricot chunks makes for a nice bean-quinoa salad that again gives a lot of satisfaction for the calories due to the protein content, and not a lot of fat either. Even a bit of avocado is good plus that's healthy fat anyway. Quinoa has become a staple in my kitchen now, not only for the protein and nutritional content, but it's one of the few whole grains that doesn't take a long time to cook(without a pressure cooker). Also, far better to have quinoa as one of one's starchy carbs rather than some empty-calorie white rolls or something like that.
  • Afaida
    Afaida Posts: 142 Member
    I love quinoa salad but have been too intimidated to buy the raw product. Thanks everyone for the great ideas. Will now pick some up for sure.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    its a grain, you don't need any brand. you can buy it in bulk and save yourself some monies.

    Not to nit-pick, but it is actually a seed that some grain-sensitive types (like me!) can also enjoy! I usually have it in the breakfast porridge way (mixed with buckwheat, which is actually a fruit, is great)...or with steamed veggies and a tahini/miso/lemon sauce. Thank goodness for quinoa, it's my salvation!


    Thanks I didn't realize that! My main point was you really don't need to buy to packages and no brand name is necessary! Whole foods should be enjoyed without band names, you know?

    Absolutely agree! I'm pretty pro at scooping out just enough to fill the container in my cupboard...ha!

    Love the scrambled eggs idea, can't wait for breakfast now!