I want you to brag on yourself

So, I'm feeling pretty positive today, so I want to share that spirit with everyone. I know sometimes life can get us down, especially when we feel like the scrutiny of the world is on us, but it's all too easy to forget what makes us amazing, beautiful good people.

So, I want everyone to brag on themselves a little. Don't be shy! What do you think your best feature is? What is your proudest moment? What wouldn't you change about your life, come hell or high water? No negativity, let's bust this side of the interweb out with positivity! Tell us all what makes you great!!! :happy: :heart: :happy:


  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    So, I'm feeling pretty positive today, so I want to share that spirit with everyone. I know sometimes life can get us down, especially when we feel like the scrutiny of the world is on us, but it's all too easy to forget what makes us amazing, beautiful good people.

    So, I want everyone to brag on themselves a little. Don't be shy! What do you think your best feature is? What is your proudest moment? What wouldn't you change about your life, come hell or high water? No negativity, let's bust this side of the interweb out with positivity! Tell us all what makes you great!!! :happy: :heart: :happy:
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    Since I'm not shy... haha

    I think my best physical feature is my smile! I've been told other parts of me, but I'ma say my smile. haha And I wouldn't change my personality for anyone. I am who I am regardless. I've come to know alot about who I am as a woman and a mother, and it's pretty darn good so far.

    And what about you Mr. Sgt? haha If I had to choose for you... I'd say your smile! :happy:
  • BlazinEmerald
    Wow , this is a tough question. It shouldn't be , but I think everyone is so used to concentrating on the negative.. Here we go my best feature ... or what I like most about me is my hair, lol what a girly answer I know. But I love my naturally curly hair. My proudest moment is when I decided to live my life for my self. To choose my happiness, and not worry about what everyone else thought I SHOULD be doing. I'll never regret the choices I've made to make myself happy. The one thing I wouldn't change in my life is my son. He may have come at a time when i didnt think I was ready or when I hadn't planned it, but God did. He is a joy and a blessing and gives me a sense of awe every single day. He is my Love.
  • spexs69
    spexs69 Posts: 4
    I am not a quitter. I lost 40 pounds with Weight Watchers 3 years ago and I hit a stand still in my WL journey. I hung in there for years..going up and down in the WL dept. Six months ago, I got a personal trainer and I am finally down another 12 with 26 pounds to go.
    Yesterday I partook in a Relay for Life Challenge at the gym. It was really hard for me, but I finished it! The last event was on the ellipitcal on the random program at level 18 for 45 minutes! I thought I would die 15 minutes into it, but I kept on going. I am very proud of myself for my achievements and I am very happy that I can finally say that I like me!! YIPEE!!!!!
  • Wantabe
    Wantabe Posts: 50 Member
    This is a tough question. I know I am a good person; I try and help when someone needs my help; I give advice when it is asked for and only when it is asked for; I believe there is good in all. My best attribute, I believe, is my hair which is dark brown with lots of body and no curl. I know I can lose this weight, it is just hitting the right combination and I try to turn negative into positives.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I have a sharp wit and nice eyes. Butt & gut are still a work in progress. :bigsmile:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I am down 17 pounds and I passed this trimester with all B's.....3 hard classes!!! I like and wouldn't change my personality....I am funny and I love life. My children are my biggest accomplishments and my life is them. I am a strong woman and I have good hair! LOL

    This site rocks as do the people on it!

    zen :happy:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I am sharp witted and open-minded and I have nice hair and eyes! :tongue: I have survived a lot in my life and feel proud of the woman I have become despite it.

    I have also lost 77 lbs so far since September (the healthy way) and feel better than I have in a long time. I have a beautiful baby boy (17 1/2 months) who is the light of my life. He truly makes me feel proud and that I have accomplished something amazing.

    I think you are all great!!! Keep up the EXCELLENT work. Weight loss is NOT easy!
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    This is great!

    I think i am sexy! (especially now! :laugh: )
    I have flirtatious eyes and a nice smile. I can strike up a conversation with anyone and make them feel at ease. :wink:

    I have a great family (husband, mum, dad, sister, niece and nephew) who i would do anything for and i know they would do anything for me. I feel proud to be part of them and we have lots of fun together!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Wow... there's just so much to say about me! ....Just kidding!
    I am the complete opposite of this.... anywho...here it goes....:indifferent:

    I am so proud of myself for sticking to this new lifestyle.
    Proud of myself for taking up jogging.

    I have awesome hair, lips, eyes, shoulders, back.....
    I :heart: my curves!!!!!
    My butt is looking better and better everyday :wink:
    I am an awesome mom!!!

    I am so proud of myself for maintaining my weight for 2 months!

  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Since January 31st, I lost 10 pounds for the first time through diet and exercise ; I'm currently 137.

    Before that, I lost 60 pounds from chemotherapy so I became thin by sleeping all day. I never recognized that it took hard work and dedication to lose weight and be healthy, so I'll work harder to maintain my weight when I get to 128/130.

    My measurements have changed a lot:

    Waist: 29.5 - 27
    Hips: 38 - 36
    Left & Right Arm: 11 - 10
    Left & Right Thigh: 22 - 20

    It just takes energy, will, and patience :)
  • Morningflower
    Well.. in the spirit of being open and honest .. I think that I have a great pair of boobs! I love them! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I had a cancer scare in November 2007 and I have a deeper appreciation for them I also that I have an awesome smile...people tell me that all the time.. as for the rest of me.. well...I am a masterpiece in progress - and thanks to myfitness pal I am determined to succeed.

  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    i think that i have nice eyes and im a very determined person. and im a good good friend to have. i also have a lot of great friends family and a great boyfreind!!! i always like my big boobs!!!LOL:laugh:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    Hmmm were do I start?
    I'm a great mother, a wonderful wife, a great friend. I have always lived my life to believe
    being good to others is a must!
    I love my strong legs :tongue: I see people who are in incredible shape and think I would love
    to be like them...then I sit back and realize I kind of am. I never give myself enough credit. Shoot
    as far as I know people are thinking that of me???
    I can go for 45+ mile bike rides with no problem, I go for 20 mile hikes, I love
    to walk. I could walk miles and miles and love it every step along the way. I use to be a runner, but decided to save my knees for a rainy day :smile:
    Oh and I love my hair LOL!!!
    Gosh I never thought I would have such and easy time bragging about myself hahhaha!
    Peace and love to all of you :flowerforyou:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Wow! I just want to say how proud of all of you for being so positive. No matter how great (or ungreat) you might think you are, I PROMISE, I PROMISE, that you are all amazing people, and I am BLESSED to be apart of this community and your friend. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all being here.

    As far as myself, I think I have a couple of nice attributes. I have been told I have really beautiful eyes, they are such a light blue they are almost grey, everyone in my immediate family has eyes like this, and I think they are pretty striking. I shall now forego modesty, and admit that I think I have a pretty cute man butt :wink: :laugh: . I also have a good muscular chest, and it gets better the more weight I lose. (I also appreciate the comment on my smile, I have never really thought it was all that different from others, in fact I tend to kinda 'sideways' grin. I think I taught myself to do it as a kid because Han Solo did it...:tongue: )

    My greatest achievement was the 3 suicide saves I had when I was a crisis negotiator. They were extremely long affairs and they were absolutely draining, but I talked the kids out and they are alive today. I don't take credit for it, but I know I did my part and I am so glad I was able to be there for them when they needed someone to talk to.

    I love how I am flirty, but disarming, and I care very very much about being a good person. I have always strived to live my life in a way that would make my Mom and Grandma proud of me, and while I haven't always lived up to that, I strive for it everday. I can't wait to be a Dad, that's my greatest dream. I know why they don't have greatest Dad ever awards, because they know they would just have to give it to me, and they don't want to make all the other Dad's sad. :wink: I'm ok with that. :laugh:

    Again, I just want to tell everyone here how proud I am of them. I am amazed everyday by this eclectic group of people on a mission. Thanks for letting me be a very small part of your lives. :happy:

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Here goes. . .

    I think I am a very strong person,and I use this strength to stand up against injustice and cruelty if I see it. Also, I think I strive every day to see the beauty in others, and in the world.

    Also, if I may say so, you can bounce a quarter off my *kitten*.


    I think we all are pretty darn cool.
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    -Haha, umm, for the most part, I love my smart *kitten* personality! :happy:
    -I love how my family members all give to each other so unselfishly
    -I love what I've accomplished with my life, like owning my own home by myself, and my college degrees
    -I have finally lost over 20 lbs!
    -I went golfing today and wasn't drained when I got done walking 9 holes! What a change from last year! And I went on a 1/2 hour walk, and I went on a 4 mile bike ride!
  • BlazinEmerald
    I can't wait to be a Dad, that's my greatest dream. I know why they don't have greatest Dad ever awards, because they know they would just have to give it to me, and they don't want to make all the other Dad's sad. :wink: I'm ok with that. :laugh:

    OH yes they do! Cause I currently hold the greatest MOM ever award, I know this cause my son told me so and thats what counts :laugh:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I can't wait to be a Dad, that's my greatest dream. I know why they don't have greatest Dad ever awards, because they know they would just have to give it to me, and they don't want to make all the other Dad's sad. :wink: I'm ok with that. :laugh:

    OH yes they do! Cause I currently hold the greatest MOM ever award, I know this cause my son told me so and thats what counts :laugh:

    Haha, can't argue with that. :wink: :laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Best feature? Gonna have to go with my boobs....... unfortunately they are melting away with the rest of my fat but I am finding new things about myself that I love! Like who knew my waist could look so defined? :bigsmile: