Great Tasting and Good For You Carbs???



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Ohhh girl. I was a bread/pasta FIEND back when I was overweight. There is a line from 30 Rock where Liz Lemon is ordering a meatball sandwich "with extra bread". That could have been me :)

    I cut back a LOT on bread and pasta. I ate mostly vegetables and meat, some fruit and yogurt. Bread was a much smaller portion of my diet. I lost the weight and have been keeping it off and you know what... Bread is delicious, but it doesn't have the same hold over me as it used to. Every once in a blue moon I'll eat pasta and enjoy it but I don't CRAVE it anymore. So for me personally, this was one of the sacrifices I had to just suck up and deal with, and it was absolutely worth it.
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    I love bread, too but have cut back on the amount I normally eat. I always read labels and buy bread that is whole wheat (not white--it has been processed too much). Compare labels for calories, fiber content, protein etc. I personally like Nature's Own Double Fiber bread.
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    pepperidge farm has a low carb style bread that is yummy and whole wheat :)
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I think the key to sustainable weight loss is to continue to eat things you like but just do so in moderation. A lot of people have suggested some good for you breads but that won't help if you eat the whole loaf. Learn to eat one or two pieces at a time. Carbs are not evil if you eat them in moderation unless you have a medical condition that forces you to not. Make healthier choices like brown rice, quinoa, and whole grain breads so you get good nutrition with your carbs. I have a medical condition that forces me to eat few carbs so consider yourself lucky that you have a choice.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    There is a ton of research about how grains are bad for you. I didn't make it up, do some research.

    Wheat Belly was a huge eye opener for me. Glad someone finally wrote a book explaining why wheat is NOT appropriate for our genetic make-up.

    Everything that moron ever said is wrong.
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    I eat yams almost every day. They're delicious, healthy, and filling!

    I usually dice them, then sauté in a teaspoon of coconut oil. :)
  • ladyace15
    ladyace15 Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions! I will be looking into a lot of them as I begin this journey! I love bread, but not to the point of consuming a whole loaf, lol Now if we were talking croissants, then we may have a problem! Please keep on informing me on your bread finds as this will help me with my upcoming grocery list. English muffins are a must, but I hardly ever buy them! You all are amazing, I appreciate it!
  • Lay821
    Lay821 Posts: 73 Member
    Is there even such a thing as great tasting and good for you in the card department? My downfall is bread, all types of bread:sad: ! I know that the whole wheat is supposed to be my best friend, but can any of you recommend another type of bread with flavor, but doesn't spike my caloric count? I'm all eyes and ears on this one :happy:

    Peppridge farm has a whole bunch of low Calorie/Carbs options
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    we made cauliflower crust pizza for dinner tonight. i had half a 12" pie for just over 500 calories. and it was amazing.

    the calorie count isn't considerably different than a regular pizza, but the protein count is enormous and the fiber count is pretty good, too. the carb count is fantastic. and did i mention it is amazing? A.MA.ZING.

    there are all kinds of ways to put cauliflower into "bread" form, so you can feel somewhat relieved to satisfy a craving without blowing your carbs
  • teenasbody
    teenasbody Posts: 212 Member
    Oatmeal Bread taste great and low cal/carbs
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    There is a ton of research about how grains are bad for you. I didn't make it up, do some research.

    Wheat Belly was a huge eye opener for me. Glad someone finally wrote a book explaining why wheat is NOT appropriate for our genetic make-up.

    Everything that moron ever said is wrong.

    Yes, so many Cardiologists are considered "morons". I suppose you're far more qualified.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    If you like bread then eat it!

    I personally don't want to give up bread so I just stick to portion control. The loaf I buy is a12 grain from whole foods and I try to only have one piece at a time (110 calories per slice) I eat a lot of open face egg sandwiches for breakfast or half sandwiches with plenty of raw vegetables on the side. If I buy a baguette I just make sure to weigh my piece so I know how much I'm actually eating..that way I don't "accidentally" mow down on half a loaf!
  • LordHappyCat
    Not sure where you are, but I am in Canada and we have a bread called Squirrely Bread. Its very hearty and tasty. You know you have had a piece of bread when you eat that....I like it with Peanut butter & butter (which probably explains why I need to lose so much weight!!)
  • rosewatershay
    rosewatershay Posts: 39 Member
    Healthy Life has a 35 calorie a slice bread; white, 100% whole wheat, and Italian. Also have you tried the bagels thins?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Whole wheat or any kind of wheat is bad for you.

    Stop making things up.

    she isnt making things up. just because you disagree, doesnt mean she made it up. grains dont offer anything that cant be obtained from a better source. you know it.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    There is a ton of research about how grains are bad for you. I didn't make it up, do some research.

    Wheat Belly was a huge eye opener for me. Glad someone finally wrote a book explaining why wheat is NOT appropriate for our genetic make-up.

    Everything that moron ever said is wrong.

    Yes, so many Cardiologists are considered "morons". I suppose you're far more qualified.

    LOL @ the appeal to authority. How, exactly is a cardiologist qualified to make the claims that this clown does? If you actually read the article, you would see that he lacks basic understanding of human physiology.

    Case in point.

    WheatBelly: "–Triglyceride-containing lipoproteins, such as chylomicrons and its remnants, are toxic to pancreatic beta cells: lipotoxicity."

    Response: " Chylomicrons, folks, as any idiot introductory soft-science nutrition student will learn, are the lipoprotein particles that carry dietary fat in the bloodstream. Their triglyceride load is delivered to peripheral tissues for energy and the adipose tissue (the proportion of which is determined by nutrient state and size of fat load with more going to periphery in fasted state, and more going to adipose tissue in recently fed state and/or large fat load). When these chylomicrons are depleted of triglycerides, they become .... chylomicron remnants (nothing fancy about that name!). Bottom line, chylomicrons themselves have nothing to do with carbohydrates in general, or any carbohydrate or protein component of wheat in particular. Zilch, nada, etc. "
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    LOL @ the appeal to authority. How, exactly is a cardiologist qualified to make the claims that this clown does?

    how exactly are you qualified to spout all your claims?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    There is a ton of research about how grains are bad for you. I didn't make it up, do some research.

    Wheat Belly was a huge eye opener for me. Glad someone finally wrote a book explaining why wheat is NOT appropriate for our genetic make-up.

    Everything that moron ever said is wrong.

    Yes, so many Cardiologists are considered "morons". I suppose you're far more qualified.

    LOL @ the appeal to authority. How, exactly is a cardiologist qualified to make the claims that this clown does? If you actually read the article, you would see that he lacks basic understanding of human physiology.

    Dr Oz is ok though, right?
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    I eat bread everyday and I'm still losing weight or have kept my weight as is. I'm at 119, at 5ft 3inches, dropped 2 pounds over the last 2 weeks keeping to my diet of bread and white rice.

    I've been baking my own bread and realized that many store bought bread esp the white loaves are high on butter ( fats) and sugar and some with milk, tHat you really don't need that extra in your body. So, now I bake Italian bread that's mainly made up of salt, flour, olive oil, yeast and water. I add in things like olives, walnuts that are really nutritious. And you may also check out artisan loaves that usually have only the 4 main ingredients of flour, salt, water and yeast ( usually natural)

    Even store bought whole wheat bread or light rye may be filled with lots of sugar, butter, to make them soft, and those that have whole grains, Ok, some are good, but if you break down to the calories, all those whole grains are high in calories by itself. And you may be under counting your calories. So, be careful with what you buy. I don't like whole wheat bread as well, so I usually stick to white bread, or mix a quarter portion of rye or whole wheat flour. When you buy, you may look for light rye, Which I find taste better than whole wheat if you don't like the taste of whole wheat.

    The key is not to go over board with bread and white rice. I usually take my bread in the morning, 2 slices up to 100g, eat them with peanut butter 1 spoonful, that will already be about 250-300 calories, or eat with 1/2 avocado, or tuna, or cheese ( Gouda -25g). And lunch is 1/2 cup rice or max up to 100g pasta, try to keep 50 g if possible, with meat and vegetables. What I do is keep such complex carbo out in dinner. ie, no rice, no bread for dinner. Ok, Once awhile I will though.

    Keep away from donuts, high on sugar and they are deep fried, croissants or flaky pastries, pie, those sweet dough with lots of cream in them, those are the ones that have lots of butter and sugar. I found out that croissants from Starbucks is 330 calories high in fats and sugar! I stayed away from it after that. Well, unless I have calories, sugar, fats to spare, I will treat myself to that.

    Other carbo are potatoes - love making potato egg salad, No mayo, just slightly salted with black pepper, If you like, put some cheese on it.

    Yam or sweet potatoes are also great tasting carbs. Make them into mash or add into your chicken or meat when you bake or grill. They are great tasting on its own.

    Hope this helps explains that your carbo can be great tasting!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    LOL @ the appeal to authority. How, exactly is a cardiologist qualified to make the claims that this clown does?

    how exactly are you qualified to spout all your claims?

    What claims have I made that haven't been backed with evidence?