


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Back before it was banned, 'diet' pills containing amphetamine sulphate (speed) were 'the rage'. Amphetamine sulphate became a controlled substance years ago. Phentermine has a lot of similar effects and negative possible side effects of both amphetamine sulphate and methamphetamine and has similar pharmacology. Now while both speed and meth actually are used for certain medical conditions (obesity being one), I do not really understand why 1) and doctor would prescribe and 2) someone would take something similar unless there was a strong medical reason to do so.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I started trying to loose weight in January (new years resolution time) and lost the first 30lbs or so taking Phentermine and eating between 900-1200 calories a day. After a couple months I was feeling terrible with these heart-racing-dizzy-spell-panic-attack type episodes happening more and more frequently. We took a 10-day vacation mid-March and even though the Dr gave me an extra week's worth of the diet pills I decided to just leave them at home and kind of detox from it since I was pretty sure the medicine was to blame for making me feel so bad. About Day-4 of the vacation the crazy heart-racing thing stopped and by the end of the vacation I felt 100% better. When we got home I had only gained back a couple pounds and decided to not go back to the Phentermine clinic and started on MFP instead. Since then I have continued to loose at about the same pace without the pills and feeling much much better. Despite all that I don't really regret taking them since I think it jump-started the process. To me the hardest part of loosing weight has always been getting started- once you start seeing and feeling the results it's usually enough to keep up the momentum.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member

    crack also suppresses the appetite (so i've heard). ;)

    My doctor described it as legal crack XD

    True! I took it ages ago (looking back I don't know why the Dr gave it to me as I wasn't overweight) and it is exactly the same as speed. You will find yourself up at midnight doing the ironing and cleaning the house. Dry mouth, constantly drinkling water, it's actually hard to eat.

    Then of course you lose muscle mass and of course when you stop taking it your metabolism is slower and you put it all back on. I think it's a quick fix.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    It's a legitimate appetite supressant. There are others as well though, that may be better suited. Note that there's always going to be variance - some people will not react well to it, some will. And there will always be the ones who think more must be better and overdose and end up dead. But that's with any drug.
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member

    I know of at least two people who stopped taking them because they suddenly developed severe anger issues.

    The two friends I know that took this had great weight loss but one of my friends was on this for almost a year and she had to quit because of unexplainable rage. I'd say to proceed with caution.
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I think Party B was referring to fenfluramine/phentermine, also known as fen-phen. There was a big lawsuit because the fenfluramine caused some sort of heart problem. I don't know about the health risks for phentermine alone. I'm sure it will give you results, but those results may not be sustainable. Learn to eat healthy and exercise...those skills will be your lifelong buddies. ;) Good luck with whatever you choose.
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 418 Member
    Trust me, step away from the diet pills. They are nothing more than old fashioned snake oil.

    Gimmicks don't work in the long haul ~ you will gain it back & then some. Changing eating habits, getting more exercise and becoming healthy will work ~ you didn't gain weight overnight; you cannot expect to lose it overnight.

    Patience & hard work. period. :flowerforyou:
  • proctor78
    proctor78 Posts: 51
  • ash12783
    ash12783 Posts: 82 Member
    I've had it before by prescription and I love the stuff... I would only take 1/2 a pill per day...long days that I was super busy, i would take one early in the day then mid-day. I had no negative side effects such as the jitters or racing heart or anything.... it just made me feel so much more energetic, alert, and of course less hungry.
    Phentermine is NOT to be confused with the diet pill craze Fen-Phen which proved fatal in some cases and caused serious Cardio related abnormalities/diseases. Fen-Phen was a COMBINATION of two drugs: fenfluramine & phentermine- presumably a bad combo judging by the adverse effects it had on people.
    I personally feel that if you take the smallest dose you need to help you under the care of your doctor that it is fairly safe. Obviously, if you're able to do it the good old-fashioned way (eat healthy & exercise) than that is by far your best option...but if it seems like it is still not working than this really can help. Be truthful to yourself when you are deciding if you are REALLY giving 100% to your weight loss before taking this step though because the less unnatural things you put into your body the better :)
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    Several years ago Phentermine was sold in a set of Phen/Fen (I think that is what it was called). Don't know the difference and what the 2 drugs did. I do know there was a class action law suit filed because of the side effects due to the Phen/Fen.

    Like others have said, it works for some, other not. This is a great forum for weight loss, and if you follow the guidelines outlined for you with calories, carb, proteins.....and add exercise you will lose. Most folks who go the drugs route, or fad diet route, usually end up gaining it all back. With MFP you are learing to plan and eat better. With the drugs you are not changing your habits, you are letting the drugs do the work for you. So unless you have great displine, you may gain the weight back.

    Is your health worth the risk.
  • smurdock85
    smurdock85 Posts: 2 Member
    I have taken them, and yes you will lose a significant amount of weight with them, but here is the cons on them. 1, you lose sleep, 2, your mouth is extremley dry all the time and you will crave water, 3, your heart rate will pump very rapidly, 4, its VERY easy to gain the weight back if you don't keep it up. When I first started on them I lose 10 pounds in a week. But when I started losing sleep and when my heart rate was racing it scared me so I stop taking them and I gained TRIPLE the amount of weight back. My classmate has been taking them for about a year now and she has lost 100 pounds. She worked out with them and she ate right. She is just one of those people who can take them and maintain her weight. Everyone is different. She also took the B12 shot once a week along with taking the pills. She looks amazing! So what Im saying is that its different strokes for different folks. I wouldnt recommend them, but thats just from my experience. I think its healthier to just eat right, exercise, and take a multi vitamin everyday. Just my opinion! I hope things work out for you!!!
  • proctor78
    proctor78 Posts: 51
    My daughter is taking it and she is doing fine losing weight, I can say they make her a little edgy but other than that she is fine...
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Amphetamines have always been great weight loss drugs! (yes, phentermine is not technically an amphetamine, just like 1,3DMAA, but their method of action is the same).
  • rsparks38
    rsparks38 Posts: 51
    They are just speed! I took them several years ago and lost 20 pound while being a sleepless jittery mess, then I gained 50 in 6 months. I would never even consider taking them again. It's not worth it. Change your life, forget about the scale for awhile, change your eating habits, count your calories, take a walk everyday. You will be thin for life if you live that way. There is no "magic pill" that will change your life. If you want to friend me and look at my food diary you will see I am far from perfect, but I have changed ALOT in the past year, I'm 41 pounds down too!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    I know of at least two people who stopped taking them because they suddenly developed severe anger issues.

    The two friends I know that took this had great weight loss but one of my friends was on this for almost a year and she had to quit because of unexplainable rage. I'd say to proceed with caution.

    this friend didn't happen to eat another man's face in florida, did he?
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    I took them, years ago 2 different times and lost lots of weight. That tells you I gained back all I lost, everytime. However, the first time stayed at my goal for 4 years (without pills). Fast forward a couple of years and started to take them again but stopped. My best friend, a nurse stopped taking them too. By then, there were a lot of reports of dangerous side effects for some people. It was during and part of the FEN-PHEN Diet. My friend (a nurse) told me stories of people who came into the ER with problems while on FEN-PHEN, too. It was a big scare for a lot of people. Now, it seems that phentermine can be taken if you don't have certain conditions. My friend has taken them again since then, also.

    It is prescribed by a doctor and you should be monitored while on it. Also, I know FIRST HAND that people (nurses) in the medical field open offices all over and hire doctors to prescribe this stuff. They (Dr.s) only show up once a week or so for newbies and give them a once over, just enough to prescribe the medicine. The nurses monitor weight, blood pressure and ketones only. They will give you a B-12 shot to if you want. Keep in mind that these offices want to make money so the price can vary a lot depending on where you go and can be way overpriced. So, I would highly suggest that if you have any type of health conditions, ask your own doctor first if you can take them.

    About the effects, I myself had no appetite but was always too jittery and hyper, which I didn't like. And personally, the scare was enough for me even though it was deemed okay to take. So, when my best friend (nurse) just recently asked if I wanted to take them again to lose weight. I said, no thanks!
  • CalPacs10
    CalPacs10 Posts: 1 Member
    I went to a weight lose clinic 4 years ago. They started me on Phentermine and a very strict high protein/low carb diet. It was great, I went from 208 down to 143. While I was taking it I experienced heart palpitations, cotton mouth, my mouth worked faster then my brain, my brain wouldn't slow down or shut off so I could sleep at night even when I cut the dose in half. When I went a few days with-out taking Phentermine I would crash. I had no energy at all and it took a few days to get it back. I took it for approximatly 3 1/2 months. I had to stop taking it because I went from being irritable to angry all the time. I gained back half the weight I lost 4 years ago and that's not to bad. I went back to the weight clinic. When I was sitting in the room with the Dr. and we were discussing going back on Phentermine, I had a sinking feeling in my gut. I just couldn't do it again. Yes I lost the weight and mentally/emotionally that felt great. But physically, I felt weak and unhealthy. I didn't go back to the clinic, instead I joined MFP. This was my experience, everybody is different. I hope this helps you with your decision.:wink:
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    I took these years ago. I did lose weight but it came right back. Side effects include horrible dry mouth, trouble sleeping and becoming a SUPER, MEGA *ITCH!! I was hell to be around. I would not recommend them.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Amphetamines have always been great weight loss drugs! (yes, phentermine is not technically an amphetamine, just like 1,3DMAA, but their method of action is the same).

    Amphetamines always seem like a healthy way to loose weight.......and teeth. LOL Along with all the other cardiovascular problems.

    Seriously I would strongly recommend not using pills, eat right (calorie deficit) and move more
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    Youve struggled for the past 6 weeks? Reading your older posts It sounds like you need I get your diet/training in check before trying to add something that won't help long term. It's a great product and does what it says it will but it's just like any other pill. It only works if you're eating at a deficit & have your diet it check. The hunger supressent aspect does & will fade. Your old posts come off like you haven't even attempted to do it right by yourself and are looking for shortcuts that will only leave you worse off.