underactive thyroid

hey everyone, I have recently been diganoised with an under active thyroid, im wanting to make friends with people who have the same issues so I can learn more about it! I have been on MFP for about a week and have lost 3kilo which is normal for my yoyo diets except this time I am going to get to my goal weight underactive thyroid or not) please feel free to add me so we can help each other out! I have 34 kilo still to lose and want it bad!


  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    Just remember that weight loss isn't a race, it's just a journey to a healthier you so the thyroid won't stop you, it'll just make progress slower. Good luck! I have it too
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There is a group you may want to join:


    I am not a member as I do not have issues in this area - but it is often good to join a group that have the same issues so you can get better responses to questions and also to develop a network of friends with the same goals/issues/interests.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    hi :) I've had an under active thyroid since I was a teen. I have a strict no excuses policy and although it tries to get in the way I just don't let it! I see you have a baby, sometimes women have issues post nataly then they settle down, hope this is the case for you! welcome to the site and good luck with yr journey to a healthier life ;)
  • maikastar
    maikastar Posts: 78
    Me too! Feel free to add me :)
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    Yep me as well....I have lost weight so I imagine you will too :happy:
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    I've had an underactive thyroid for about 5 years now & recently got diagnosed with other hormonal imbalances (all causing weight gain)... I'm not considered overweight but still would like to reach my pre-thyroid issues weight one day (possibly impossible due to the fact I am now an adult haha)... You can do it :)
  • thanks everyone! trust me I will not use this issue as an excuse but rather as somthing to fight against!
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    well you have the right attitude girl! go get what ever you want, the world is yr oyster ;)
  • Me too, the only thing that worked for weight loss for me (prior to diagnosis) was doing the Cambridge Diet. But now I just want to make long-term lifestyle changes instead. Trouble is, the more I exercise the more weight goes on, but I will give this a try as its probably my portion sizes im getting wrong!
  • I've had an underactive thyroid since i was born, (now 18) and take thyroxine tablets for it. but i have recently read that people suffering with this will really stuggle to lose weight? just wanted some more info about this if possible? feel free to add me :)
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member


    You might want to join the above group. I belong to this group and there is soooooooo much good information on this sight. Also there is a book that really says it like it is. Give it a look Good luck and if you want to add me please feel free. http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com

  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Me too, no big deal. Take meds and exercise my *kitten* off!!