Weight Gain! Oh Noes!

LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
Actually... it's not bad. :happy:

I've been slacking a bit lately (read: enjoying life and not obsessing over calories) and have gained a few pounds, but it's not something I'm concerned enough about to really make an effort to lose. Especially after looking at photos. I mean, if I compare photos from last fall at my lowest to now... yeah, I look a little bigger. But not worse. If I only went by the scale, though, I'd probably be freaking out.

Some brief history... Up until July of last year, I mostly did cardio plus some body weight and 5# dumbbell work. About 10 months ago, I started heavy lifting. Yay for strength training!!!!! What a difference that makes. I reached my lowest weight of 125.5 in October, and went on maintenance. Continued running and lifting, until I got a stress fracture in late December and took a little over a month off. Starting in February, I slowly started back into running, continued lifting, and even picked up another best in age group medal in a race. Now, I log sporadically, but, to quote my Brit friends, I just can't be arsed to bother losing whatever it is I gained. If it gets to the point where my clothes stop fitting, or I cringe when looking at photos, I'll do something about it.

From around the time I started lifting to a couple days ago:


Rear view. Can I remind y'all I'm going to be 40 next weekend? :happy:


Back, bum and shoulders from almost a year ago to now, at the same weight.


And to be fair, here's one from the fall when I was around my lowest weight and now. Yeah, my stomach isn't quite as flat. But to be perfectly honest... it's not different enough to bother me. For that matter, it could be that I had PMS (tmi, I know) or even that I'd had a breakfast, lunch, snacks and at least 8 cups of water when the photo was taken. :laugh:


Mostly, I'm just posting these, all of these, to show that measurements, how clothes fit, and photos are a MUCH better way to gauge your progress than the scale.


  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    You look awesome... awesome enough to make me super jealous! Good for you for learning not obsess over every pound and being happy with yourself! I can't wait until I get to that place!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    You look amazing! And SO happy! Oh what I wouldn't give to be 135 and have your muscle structure....this last 17lb is keeeling me! LOL~
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Gasp!! Not weight gain! Lol...

    I try to keep the same attitude. I'm not yet to my goal body fatness (which I'm just going for visually), and because of weight training my weight on the scale stays almost the same. But I can see positive changes in the mirror and feel the difference in my clothes. I need to take more pictures! Maybe will do some today.

    You look fantastic, btw....truly an inspiration!! :)
  • Irish_Lanie
    Irish_Lanie Posts: 100
    To me you look healthier now. More tone and muscle! :)
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    You look truly amazing! Congrats on all your hard work! It is definitely noticable!
  • GreatVibe
    GreatVibe Posts: 87
    You look amaazing!! what kind of lifting do you do?!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks, everybody. :smile:

    I belong to Planet Fitness, so there's not really any free weights, so I do the machines, as heavy as I can for 3 sets of 8. Ideally 2-3 times a week, but to be perfectly honest, it's been about once a week lately, since I've been doing heavy duty yard work and house work instead. It's nice to put those muscles to use... Don't think I could have carried at 90 pound television set a year ago. :happy:

    On the flip side, instead of my muscles wearing out while pulling up stray Rose of Sharon bushes, I keep going until my hands are tore up from blisters. :grumble:
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Your posts and pics are amazing as always!