walking vs running

I have a treadmill and i also go out walking for an hour a day, i can only manged 30 minutes, walk/run on the treadmill, if i was to just do walking for my exercise will i get the same benefits


  • GAsoulstar
    GAsoulstar Posts: 84 Member
    I just read this from a website about walking vs running "If you enjoy running, you can burn calories in less time and be done with your daily workout sooner. Many people enjoy the higher heart rate and the burst of happy brain chemicals it produces. But for others, running is a grind that they have to force themselves to do. In order to get any benefit from a workout, it has to be one that you enjoy and will do day after day. If you love to run -- run. If you hate to run but love to walk -- walk. You will just need to spend more time walking to go the distance you need to burn the calories you want to burn"

    At the end of the day, it all depend on what is best for your body. I personally like walking over running.
    CALABRESE3 Posts: 86 Member
    I have lost all my weight, walking on a treadmill! I do fast and slow walking intervals and use mostly the 15 incline...Quite honestly, my knees cant take running and I just dont like it! I walk at a pace where I am comfortable.
  • MissClarey
    MissClarey Posts: 13
    Walking and running are both good ways to burn calories, but running is more intense and burns more in a faster period of time. They're both good for you health wise in terms of building up your stamina; especially if you brisk walk rather than stroll. I started off on brisk walks and now I'm progressing onto jogging! It also depends on what your body is capable of - don't push it too far too fast.
  • JDhi5
    JDhi5 Posts: 10 Member
    Does your treadmill have a incline option? That will burn up a ton of calories.
  • jlebert716
    jlebert716 Posts: 92 Member
    If you look at the calorie burn that mfp will give you as long as you go the same distance, whether you are walking or running you will burn the same amount of calories. Its just up to you how fast you want to finish!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Walking is easier plus it's easier on your joints. I do both because I want to strengthen my heart and improve lung function but if I have injuries, walking works fine. I've lost 36lbs from walking/logging food since Jan. You burn just as many calories walking a mile as you do running and unless you run super fast, you won't save that much time on your workout.

    Do what you prefer and are more likely to do regularly.
  • Charliebarleymo
    I'm a treadmill walker too. I prefer the pace of walking up an incline, even if it takes longer. My knees can't take jogging!
  • NeverGoinBack2012
    Walking is better for you...running will wreak long term havoc on your back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Almost every runner I know in my age bracket is an orthopedic doctor's dream. Back problems, knee problems, etc. I see a chiropractor and he discourages people from running. Particularly if you are overweight. Walking is the best cardio activity and it is a natural movement. You may get a workout in quicker, but the long term ramifications aren't worth it. Of course, this is my opinion...and as we know, opinions are like elbows, and everyone has one :)
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I think both work, it's just that when you run, you burn more calories, quicker. So really it depends on how much spare time you have.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Walking is better for you...running will wreak long term havoc on your back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Almost every runner I know in my age bracket is an orthopedic doctor's dream. Back problems, knee problems, etc. I see a chiropractor and he discourages people from running. Particularly if you are overweight. Walking is the best cardio activity and it is a natural movement. You may get a workout in quicker, but the long term ramifications aren't worth it. Of course, this is my opinion...and as we know, opinions are like elbows, and everyone has one :)

    It's a very *negative* opinion, though, isn't it? I don't really recognise the description you paint here, and I know a lot of runners....

    I don't diss walking (I walk a lot myself). Why do so many people who *only* walk seem to get off on being so incredibly negative about running? It's a natural human activity, just like walking is. What's that about?

    To the OP, the benefits of walking are great, as are the benefits of running. Ultimately, running will burn more cals, and do more for your CV fitness. But realistically, to be healthy, you don't necessarily *need* the kind of fitness associated with running. I started out walking, built up to quite long distances, and then started to run. I love both things. You need to think about what you want to get out of your fitness routine, and which one meets those goals the most. You also need to think through what you enjoy. (bear in mind that it takes a bit of getting used to before most people really start to *love* running, so you might need to persist a little to judge how you feel about it.)
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    You won't get the same cardiovascular benefits by walking.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Walking is better for you...running will wreak long term havoc on your back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Almost every runner I know in my age bracket is an orthopedic doctor's dream. Back problems, knee problems, etc. I see a chiropractor and he discourages people from running. Particularly if you are overweight. Walking is the best cardio activity and it is a natural movement. You may get a workout in quicker, but the long term ramifications aren't worth it. Of course, this is my opinion...and as we know, opinions are like elbows, and everyone has one :)

    all that, plus running will make your uterus fall out...
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    <snip> Of course, this is my opinion...and as we know, opinions are like elbows, and everyone has one :)
    Or more. :smile:
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I see a chiropractor and he discourages people from running.

    Small world, I see an MD and he discourages people from seeing chiropractors...
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Walking is better for you...running will wreak long term havoc on your back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Almost every runner I know in my age bracket is an orthopedic doctor's dream. Back problems, knee problems, etc. I see a chiropractor and he discourages people from running. Particularly if you are overweight. Walking is the best cardio activity and it is a natural movement. You may get a workout in quicker, but the long term ramifications aren't worth it. Of course, this is my opinion...and as we know, opinions are like elbows, and everyone has one :)

    You haven't met me. : )
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Running burns up about 100 cal per mile, walking a mile burns a lot less, plus from running you will then also ge tthe afterburn effect whereby you keep burning calories at a higher rate then if you had gone for a walk.

    From runners world http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-242-304-311-8402-0,00.html

    In "Energy Expenditure of Walking and Running," published last December in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, a group of Syracuse University researchers measured the actual calorie burn of 12 men and 12 women while running and walking 1,600 meters (roughly a mile) on a treadmill. Result: The men burned an average of 124 calories while running, and just 88 while walking; the women burned 105 and 74. (The men burned more than the women because they weighed more.)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means but this is what I have found on the net while smurfing for info.

    Walking burns more fat then running because you stay in the target fat burning zone.
    Running burns more calories then walking because you go above the target zone and tax your body more.

    Guess you can see which one you want. I do the walking right now but I also realize I have to do more of it then if I ran to get the calorie burn. But if the above that I have found is true then I will stay with walking because I want the fat gone first.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Personally, I prefer walking to running. I have tried running (on the treadmill) but for ME it was not an enjoyable experience.

    Running burns more calories for the TIME you are doing it, so if you run for 10 minutes, you will burn more than if you were to walk for 10 minutes. However if you walk for one mile you will burn the SAME calories as if you ran for the same distance, it would just take you longer to walk. Running is obviously a higher intensity workout. However if you are walking on a treadmill and have only 10 minutes, you can increase the intensity by doing it on a good incline, and yield just as good results in terms of calorie burn as running for the same period of TIME.

    Ultimately it is up to you. I love the motion of walking whether that is fast or slow. I do not like the motion of running. I started C25k on the treadmill and have not got past week 2. I weigh 169 pounds and have dodgy knees! I definitely would not say that one is better than the other. It really depends on individual differences and preferences. It is far better to choose an activity that you love and you know you will stick to. For me that is strength training and walking. Good luck with your diet and fitness!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I do both. I like both. I feel more of a burn when I run than walk unless it's a fast paced with stairs and hills. Then it sometimes feels the same.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i really like walking....i do it more than i run because i have a knee injury. if i am running it is barefoot on grass....but walking is wonderful and very therapeutic for me. i am literally berating and screaming at myself the whole time when i am running