changed from WW to MFP and now not losing....

I was following WW for the last 14 months and was very successful on it. I decided to change to MFP to save some money and because I have heard great things about the website from friends.

On WW, I lost a total of 68lbs. I now weight 153lbs and my BMI goal is 141lbs. Since joining MFP 6 weeks ago, I haven't lost any weight. I'm just maintaining. I workout 5 or 6 days a week running or running and doing a Jillian Michaels video. I wear a HRM and burn about 400calories each workout. I eat back those calories. I account for all foods that go in. I weigh or measure everything. A typical day of food for me is: cereal for breakfast, salad, cheese stick and yogurt for lunch. Dinner usually consists of a meat, veggie and startch (for instance, rotisserie chicken, broccoli and mashed potatoes). Usually have a banana for a mid morning snack and a dish of frozen yogurt for a snack after dinner.

I had my goal to lose 1lb a week on MFP and just changed it to .5lbs a week. Do you think this will help? Some friends thought I wasn't eating enough calories, especially given my workouts.

Any other suggestions? I appreciate your help!


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    If WW works for you than I say go for it! It's a great program and very helpful tool in weight loss. I like it because unlike other program where you buy their food and stuff, it's a completely sustainable way to lose weight :)
  • clovr24
    clovr24 Posts: 56 Member
    Did you try double tracking before completely quitting ww? I know for myself, and several others, I was drastically undereating in order to stay within points. You're diary isn't open so I'm not sure what your calorie goal is- but it could be that you're either not eating enough, or that you're eating too much.

    On ww I was usually netting less than 1000 calories. Now I net at least 1600 (total of 2000+/day) and am finally starting to see some progress.

    Makibg your diary public will probably get you some more help/advice too :)
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Overtraining is the culprit nearly every time when you are within normal range and stalled. Try a break from your workouts and research overtraining.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Since you're only 12 pounds from your goal, I think making the switch to a half pound a week is a great place to start. Also, make sure you're getting adequate protein. MFP's protein goals are very low. Many people change it to a higher percentage, but you should at very least think of the protein goal as a minimum to hit or go over, instead of a maximum to stay under.
  • katkada
    katkada Posts: 35 Member
    what is WW?
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    what is WW?

    I believe it's weight watchers, I tried it and hated it. Everyone is different though.
  • JenW1973
    JenW1973 Posts: 82 Member
    I'd try eating back only about half the exercise calories instead of all of them. I try to shoot for a net of 900 each day.
  • Cmandy67
    Cmandy67 Posts: 108 Member
    Weight Watchers V.S. My Fitness Pal
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Since you're only 12 pounds from your goal, I think making the switch to a half pound a week is a great place to start. Also, make sure you're getting adequate protein. MFP's protein goals are very low. Many people change it to a higher percentage, but you should at very least think of the protein goal as a minimum to hit or go over, instead of a maximum to stay under.

    This. Definitely this.
  • giovanapc
    giovanapc Posts: 4 Member
    I don't have a lot to loose either, a total of 13 pounds, and MFP is working really well for me. My daily calorie goal is 1200 but I almost never eat under that limit, usually I go over 100 calories or even more and the weight is coming off. Yesterday I had pizza and wine and I still lost weight, it's all about controlling your calories intake. From your diet description it seems like you're eating too little, and that won't help you because your body gets into starvation mode. And you're also exercising a lot too, which means you're probably building up muscles and that may be affecting your body weight as well.
  • why don't you take what you learned from WW and apply it to MFP? You can weigh your own food, track your points and follow the same advice. Think outside the box and use both to your advantage.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I'd try eating back only about half the exercise calories instead of all of them. I try to shoot for a net of 900 each day.

    You eat 900 cals a DAY? You will lose muscle if so which results in screwing up your metab so that whenever you eat something bad it not only looks worse ( you will be fatter looking at a lower weight) and is harder to re-lose! You CAN indeed eat much more than that and lose weight in a fashion that ends with maintience cals that are sustainable for life!
  • momma2ii
    momma2ii Posts: 1 Member
    I did this too. I flat out stopped working out for 3 weeks. I started up again and lost 5 lbs within the first 2.5 weeks!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I don't have much to lose, but I have MFP set to 1/2 pound a week loss which gives me 1420 base calories plus I eat back most or all of my exercise calories. Which means on heavy workout days I eat 1700-1800 calories.

    I have been losing 1+lb per week doing this.

    There is one red flag that hit me. You said you do Jillian Michaels and I do as well. You said you typically burn 400 per workout. Is that 30DS or Ripped in 30? Either way, my calorie burn is only 163 for the 22 minute video. Your hrm may be over estimating your calorie burn.

    Edit to add - I am 5'4" 123 lbs and about 25% bf.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I did this too. I flat out stopped working out for 3 weeks. I started up again and lost 5 lbs within the first 2.5 weeks!
    I think that this has to do with the fact that if you workout (and strain your muscles) they hold on to a lot of water (get swollen, which I love after lifting because my muscles look bigger haha) do that when you stop, they release the water and you will lose that weight. Just my opinion on how that works.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    i read that the new ww is 26 pts per day +49 weekly + exercise earned .
    i also read that 1 pt = approx 40 cals so your daily points = approx 1.040 cals + 280 for treats
    so no ww doesn,t allow alot of cals even your exercise doesn,t earn much back .
    although your fruit and veg are now free on ww .
    i would give mfp a couple of weeks , eat all your food allowed and exercise normally for you and see if it starts to come off or you go up if you go up try using mfp but use the calories at the ratio of 1pt =40 cals and stick 26 points like on ww is that confusing .:a:flowerforyou:
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    I was following WW for the last 14 months and was very successful on it. ...... Since joining MFP 6 weeks ago, I haven't lost any weight.

    If you had success on WW, why not keep with it (even though there is a cost), and get back to losing weigh? During that time, you can start to use the food tracking on MFP, and see what your actual calorie count is. Using that info, if you decide later on to again drop WW, you'll at least be able to do a comparison on your calories on WW vs your calories when off of WW.

    In other words, return to what was previously so successful for you, but start making use of MFP tools also.
  • dalbrown
    dalbrown Posts: 15
    Do whatever works for you, you still can keep up with MFP and have all the support you need! D:smile:
  • dalbrown
    dalbrown Posts: 15
    With WW you can eat fruits and vegetables (non starchy) without counting them so if you are hungry you can have an apple or strawberries and they do not count. I was on WW for about six months and lost 20 pounds. It is a good program and overall does work! D