Diet drinks.

Do diet drinks really help to make you put on weight, they are very low in cals if not any at all so how can this be worse than drinking there full sugar counterparts.


  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
  • MILICA1986
    MILICA1986 Posts: 172
    I drink Coca Cola Zero almost daily, and I've lost weight
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Some say dont drink it....some say its not a problem. I subscribe to the theory everything in moderation.....even diet soda. I drink maybe a few cans of diet ginger ale a week.....thats it.
  • ylolablvr
    ylolablvr Posts: 8
    I have heard pro and cons on it, but I agree in moderation. I found out I couldnt go without one or I got a headache. So I have one a day, and limit myself to that. The rest of time I drink tea and lots of water (half my weight in oz).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    I've been drinking it over 20 years with no issues. Great dental check ups, no loss of bone, no cravings for sugar, or any of the other anecdotal symptoms that diet soda opponents state as being "fact".
    It may cause problems for some, but by in large, it's fine to drink if you want to use it as your "sweet" treat.

    And before opponents post the bad about diet soda, please link a peer reviewed clinical study supporting your stance against it. No a blog, or an article from a "naturalist" site, but some peer reviewed study done by a University, Journal of Medicine, etc.
    It's always good to read the real truth instead of spout info you've learned from hearsay.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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  • pandurbear77
    pandurbear77 Posts: 11 Member
    I have heard that the fake sugar in diet soda changes the way your body processes fat and that is also a stimulate to make you body think its hungry. People who drink diet soda are more likely to be overweight because of this things
  • sdevan45
    sdevan45 Posts: 74 Member
    Here you go: Not a smoking gun, but suggestive:

    Nutrition studies are, as this article suggests, always difficult. Too many uncontrolled variables. The science may never be anything but correlational, not causitive. Even so , it is suggestive. For a very long time, the science on smoking was correlative also. It hasn't been until recent genetic studies that it has shown smoking to be causitive.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Here you go: Not a smoking gun, but suggestive:

    Nutrition studies are, as this article suggests, always difficult. Too many uncontrolled variables. The science may never be anything but correlational, not causitive. Even so , it is suggestive.

    I just don't think it's all that suggestive of anything, though, if we can't even come up with a plausible mechanism for the weight gain other than people who drink diet sodas are more likely to consume more calories.
  • sdevan45
    sdevan45 Posts: 74 Member
    Yup, that's why its correlative. Just like the science on smoking was. It took over a 100 years to even figure out how aspirin works.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I'd be interested to see the actual studies rather than a journalist's conclusions based on those studies. Then there might be something to discuss.
  • pandurbear77
    pandurbear77 Posts: 11 Member
    I have heard that the fake sugar in diet soda changes the way your body processes fat and that is also a stimulate to make you body think its hungry. People who drink diet soda are more likely to be overweight because of this things
    You "heard" it. And you heard wrong. Correlation isn't causation.
    It's like people were saying in the early 80's that AIDS was a gay disease since it was more prevalent amongst gays. Then science actually found out it was an immunity disease that could be spread by unprotected sex. Next thing we know, heterosexuals were getting it.
    So don't spout off information that actually doesn't have actual proof to back it. It's irresponsible.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow seriously? no need to attack me! i said I heard because thats what I have heard. I never said that i had the research to prove it and that everyone should listen to me. I am entitled to my opinion just like everyone else don't call me irresponsible just cuz I'm saying things that you don't agree with. Its people like you that make people afraid to state their opinions on forms like this!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I have heard that the fake sugar in diet soda changes the way your body processes fat and that is also a stimulate to make you body think its hungry. People who drink diet soda are more likely to be overweight because of this things
    You "heard" it. And you heard wrong. Correlation isn't causation.
    It's like people were saying in the early 80's that AIDS was a gay disease since it was more prevalent amongst gays. Then science actually found out it was an immunity disease that could be spread by unprotected sex. Next thing we know, heterosexuals were getting it.
    So don't spout off information that actually doesn't have actual proof to back it. It's irresponsible.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    First, I wish I could drink my Diet Pepsi everday again. But, I feel 100% better after stopping. This was before I began losing weight. There are many studies that have been done regarding how the body reacts to the ingred. in diet colas. No, there are no conclusive studies, but I really don't want to spend the last years of my life wishing that I had thought through the consequences of putting something in my body that could potentially harm it. I did enough of that in the last few years with food. What if in five years they have conclusive proof that it is unhealthy? I hope you understand that I am not telling anyone what they should do with their body. I only share my experience with giving up the diet sodas, not using fear to scare them into quitting. The only posts I respond to are people who want to quit drinking diet sodas.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Yup, that's why its correlative. Just like the science on smoking was. It took over a 100 years to even figure out how aspirin works.
    However, medical science and science overall has advanced much more aggressively and more precisely than before.
    Like the some of the studies suggest, it's associated with as well as correlated with. Some people drink diet soda with the thought that since they are saving calories in the drink, they can eat more which was mentioned in the study. One study showed that aspartame apparently caused cravings when you drank it, but when taken in pill form no cravings were apparent. What they need to do is take a bunch of skinny people, have them drink diet soda (and a placebo) for a substantial time and see if there is significant weight gain and track their eating habits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I have heard that the fake sugar in diet soda changes the way your body processes fat and that is also a stimulate to make you body think its hungry. People who drink diet soda are more likely to be overweight because of this things
    You "heard" it. And you heard wrong. Correlation isn't causation.
    It's like people were saying in the early 80's that AIDS was a gay disease since it was more prevalent amongst gays. Then science actually found out it was an immunity disease that could be spread by unprotected sex. Next thing we know, heterosexuals were getting it.
    So don't spout off information that actually doesn't have actual proof to back it. It's irresponsible.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow seriously? no need to attack me! i said I heard because thats what I have heard. I never said that i had the research to prove it and that everyone should listen to me. I am entitled to my opinion just like everyone else don't call me irresponsible just cuz I'm saying things that you don't agree with. Its people like you that make people afraid to state their opinions on forms like this!

    Would it be irresponsible of me if I claimed to hear that drinking water causes cancer? It's just an opinion. I'm allowed to have it, and even share it. That means I should do so, yes?
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi, my name is Julie and I am an aspertine addict. I was heartbroken when I gave up my diet soda's about 4 months ago after much defensiveness and attitude toward those that advised me to do so. I was desperate to try anything-something different to loose the weight-so why not give it a shot. I do still enjoy one on occasion (about 1or 3 per month) and now I do not feel like I am starving all day- it may be because the water fills me up I don't know. I was drinking about a 6 pack of soda's a day or a 2 liter before and I had the appetite of a grown man. So even if the aspertine rumors are not true (cancers, memory loss, etc. ) giving them up has worked out well for me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    I have heard that the fake sugar in diet soda changes the way your body processes fat and that is also a stimulate to make you body think its hungry. People who drink diet soda are more likely to be overweight because of this things
    You "heard" it. And you heard wrong. Correlation isn't causation.
    It's like people were saying in the early 80's that AIDS was a gay disease since it was more prevalent amongst gays. Then science actually found out it was an immunity disease that could be spread by unprotected sex. Next thing we know, heterosexuals were getting it.
    So don't spout off information that actually doesn't have actual proof to back it. It's irresponsible.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow seriously? no need to attack me! i said I heard because thats what I have heard. I never said that i had the research to prove it and that everyone should listen to me. I am entitled to my opinion just like everyone else don't call me irresponsible just cuz I'm saying things that you don't agree with. Its people like you that make people afraid to state their opinions on forms like this!
    Of course you're entitled to your opinion, but to post information that doesn't have actual proof is irresponsible. Of course I'll disagree when there's no actual proof to support it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sdevan45
    sdevan45 Posts: 74 Member
    Yup, that's why its correlative. Just like the science on smoking was. It took over a 100 years to even figure out how aspirin works.
    However, medical science and science overall has advanced much more aggressively and more precisely than before.
    Like the some of the studies suggest, it's associated with as well as correlated with. Some people drink diet soda with the thought that since they are saving calories in the drink, they can eat more which was mentioned in the study. One study showed that aspartame apparently caused cravings when you drank it, but when taken in pill form no cravings were apparent. What they need to do is take a bunch of skinny people, have them drink diet soda (and a placebo) for a substantial time and see if there is significant weight gain and track their eating habits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sdevan45
    sdevan45 Posts: 74 Member
    What they need to do is take a bunch of skinny people, have them drink diet soda (and a placebo) for a substantial time and see if there is significant weight gain and track their eating habits.

    Yes, I agree they need well-designed studies. My real thinking goes like this.

    N of 1 studies prove nothing. Not everyone gets cancer from smoking. When some says that they don't have side effects from diet cokes, I have no reason to disbelieve them, but it proves nothing.

    Any molecule we ingest is capable of having a side effect. Aspartame is no different and will clearly have different effects on different people. Since whether or not it is causative is an open question, and since I don't know its effects on my biochemistry, I usually avoid it.

    In our agra-business food society, we take these risks all the time. We simply, as far as we can, pick and choose the ones we can control. Since I don't like and never have liked sweet drinks, it's easy for me to ignore them. One small risk less.

    In the greater picture, the amount of risk I've reduced is probably so small as to not calculable. We all pick our poisons :happy: the best way we can. Believe it or not, I really don't get wrapped around the axle over stuff like this. I just find it interesting.
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    I have heard that the fake sugar in diet soda changes the way your body processes fat and that is also a stimulate to make you body think its hungry. People who drink diet soda are more likely to be overweight because of this things
    You "heard" it. And you heard wrong. Correlation isn't causation.
    It's like people were saying in the early 80's that AIDS was a gay disease since it was more prevalent amongst gays. Then science actually found out it was an immunity disease that could be spread by unprotected sex. Next thing we know, heterosexuals were getting it.
    So don't spout off information that actually doesn't have actual proof to back it. It's irresponsible.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor

    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow seriously? no need to attack me! i said I heard because thats what I have heard. I never said that i had the research to prove it and that everyone should listen to me. I am entitled to my opinion just like everyone else don't call me irresponsible just cuz I'm saying things that you don't agree with. Its people like you that make people afraid to state their opinions on forms like this!
    Wow! How dare you, :laugh:. Geez-you clarified that you heard it, did not claim it to be a fact. I think (insert disclaimer something about not being a fact but my own personal thought instead -no scientific proof, nothing wrong with my hearing -ok, so I can't hear worth a crap) that some take life/soda's a bit too seriously...:drinker:
  • brun73
    brun73 Posts: 40 Member
    the only soda I've been drinking for the last month and a half has been diet, and I've lost about 24lbs, but I have also been drinking a ton of water too along with ice tea.