Diet drinks.



  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Do diet drinks really help to make you put on weight, they are very low in cals if not any at all so how can this be worse than drinking there full sugar counterparts.

    Do diet drinks contain calories?

    If the answer is NO, then that is your answer.
  • 19Simone67
    Once in a while I'll have a Fresca to satisfy a sweet craving. I see it as a better option than having a cookie, lol.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    I've heard claims that the high amount of sweetener in diet drinks causes the body to crave sugar, which can lead to people binging on sugary snacks, but I have no idea if that's true or not. As for the drink itself making you gain weight? I don't think it does. It's just really, really bad for your body in large quantities. I used to be a massive diet coke addict, like 4 litres a day of the stuff. It made me extremely, extremely unhealthy, although it didn't affect my weight.

    If you like them, drink them. Just stick to a can a day, not a whole 2 litre bottle a day.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Secondhand smoke MAY cause cancer do you avoid going anywhere where you MAY inhale it? Drinking out of plastic bottles now MAY cause cancer, have you stopped drinking out of them? If you like diet soda in moderation.... I dont see the problem?!!!!!
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    Just a note to Joe the personal trainer . . .

    "I've been drinking it over 20 years with no issues. Great dental check ups, no loss of bone, no cravings for sugar, or any of the other anecdotal symptoms that diet soda opponents state as being "fact".
    It may cause problems for some, but by in large, it's fine to drink if you want to use it as your "sweet" treat. "

    Really? My father-in-law is 87 and a heavy smoker. People much younger than him are dying of lung cancer. To say that because the cola has no ill effects on you, so it's good to go, is liking saying that everyone's body will react the same as yours.

    There is something wrong with this picture. Does anyone else see it?

    Perhaps a short course in how to win friends would help you to give a kinder response to my friend pandurbear77 the next time. :-)

  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Just a note to Joe the personal trainer . . .

    "I've been drinking it over 20 years with no issues. Great dental check ups, no loss of bone, no cravings for sugar, or any of the other anecdotal symptoms that diet soda opponents state as being "fact".
    It may cause problems for some, but by in large, it's fine to drink if you want to use it as your "sweet" treat. "

    Really? My father-in-law is 87 and a heavy smoker. People much younger than him are dying of lung cancer. To say that because the cola has no ill effects on you, so it's good to go, is liking saying that everyone's body will react the same as yours.

    There is something wrong with this picture. Does anyone else see it?

    Perhaps a short course in how to win friends would help you to give a kinder response to my friend pandurbear77 the next time. :-)


  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Some people drink diet sodas because they are always available in the same places that sell high fat, high cal foods. Every fast food restaurant sells diet drinks. If you "super size it," you automatically get a soft drink. So a lot of diet soda consumption will come just because it's easily available to the people who make otherwise bad food choices. That doesn't prove causation.

    Some people will drink a diet soda and will want to follow it with something else due to the sweetness in their mouths/aftertaste/lack of full feeling/stimulation of gastric juices. If you're one of those people, you don't need a scientific study to tell you you're following your diet sodas with caloric foods.

    Some people use diet sodas to distract themselves from that "I gotta put something in my mouth 'cause I'm bored" feeling. They may find diet sodas help them lose weight because they've changed their eating habits.

    But there is nothing intrinsic to artificial sweeteners that causes the laws of physics to change so people eating the same amount of calories gain instead of losing.

    Remember that their is BIG money in sweeteners, and much of the "research" is conducted by the groups selling a particular sweetener to make their competitors look bad.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Just a note to Joe the personal trainer . . .

    "I've been drinking it over 20 years with no issues. Great dental check ups, no loss of bone, no cravings for sugar, or any of the other anecdotal symptoms that diet soda opponents state as being "fact".
    It may cause problems for some, but by in large, it's fine to drink if you want to use it as your "sweet" treat. "

    Really? My father-in-law is 87 and a heavy smoker. People much younger than him are dying of lung cancer. To say that because the cola has no ill effects on you, so it's good to go, is liking saying that everyone's body will react the same as yours.

    There is something wrong with this picture. Does anyone else see it?

    Perhaps a short course in how to win friends would help you to give a kinder response to my friend pandurbear77 the next time. :-)



    Also, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    wow, wouldnt it be good if we actually knew what was true. A friend of my husbands told me last week that aspartme or phenayline hardens the fat on your liver or something like that. I had swapped to diet drinks to stop taking in cals from drinks like coke etc. I dont like diet coke but prefer diet pepsi, for me now the full sugar variety tastes so sweet and funny to me.I know one thing it doesnt make me crave food, its just a drink. I think so many people drink diet coke etc as they think it will gine them licence to eat more.For me that is not why I have been having them on and off, dont drink much at all mind, maybe 2 glasses a week. Rest of the time, i drink decaf tea and green tea or water.I wouldnt like to think that it might actually be harming my body though and now im thinking o god is water all i can drink. Im going on holiday tomorrow and the thought of drinks like pepsi is kinda filling me with dred, I dont want to drink the full sugar ones as i know they will add weight to me but then what if the non calourie kind is doing the same, omg is there any end to what might or might not be good for you. It seems everyone will only be healthy if they are totally pure and clean of any made made substence. but then look at the water too, Ive seen the pic of the drinks we have and if the so called highland water had sugar in it, why????????????? How do you know whats in that bottled water your drinking, for that matter how do you no what chemicals could be present in your water system, no one does- and it seems its impossible to find out either.Id hate to think diet drink put weight on people when so many personal trainers etc keep saying ITS ALL ABOUT CALOURIES IN AND OUT.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Please, have fun on your vacation. I'm sure there will be more things to see and do than worry about whether a diet soda is good or bad. Go - have fun!!! :smile:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I believe they make you crave more sweets. I have stopped them and I feel great!
  • stellapiano
    stellapiano Posts: 45 Member
    Some say dont drink it....some say its not a problem. I subscribe to the theory everything in moderation.....even diet soda. I drink maybe a few cans of diet ginger ale a week.....thats it.
    Moderation is my mantra. I lost 20 lbs last year while still drinking diet drinks. :) I drink them because I actually like the taste better than their full sugar counterparts though, not just for the diet aspect.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I believe they make you crave more sweets. I have stopped them and I feel great!

    Speaking very, very quietly - so as not to awaken the sleeping soda defenders: I agree. Whether it is scientific or not - I am not constantly reaching for something sweet as I have for the last 30 years. Every time I fixed a glass of DPepsi, I thought of something that would taste good with it. And I feel better too. Thanks for posting!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Drink it everyday and have manage to lose a few pounds..... If you buy into the so called studies that say its bad then don't drink it or if you are in the camp that doesn't believe there is a lot of harm in drinking a few a day than continue on.... My way may not be the right way but it works for me so I am going to head out and grab me another Pepsi Max while the rest of you argue a mute point... Drink it/Don't Drink it, Your Choice....... Best of Luck...
  • hollye31
    hollye31 Posts: 23 Member
    I've *heard* that in diet coke their is a chemical that slows down weight loss? However I have had maybe one a week during my whole journey and still lost 3lbs each week until recently... So I don't really think a few will effect it too much but obviously water is the better choice due to flushing toxins and metabolism and the amount of rubbish that is in coke... But a few won't hurt:)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Just a note to Joe the personal trainer . . .

    "I've been drinking it over 20 years with no issues. Great dental check ups, no loss of bone, no cravings for sugar, or any of the other anecdotal symptoms that diet soda opponents state as being "fact".
    It may cause problems for some, but by in large, it's fine to drink if you want to use it as your "sweet" treat. "

    Really? My father-in-law is 87 and a heavy smoker. People much younger than him are dying of lung cancer. To say that because the cola has no ill effects on you, so it's good to go, is liking saying that everyone's body will react the same as yours.

    There is something wrong with this picture. Does anyone else see it?

    Perhaps a short course in how to win friends would help you to give a kinder response to my friend pandurbear77 the next time. :-)

    Lol, I did say that the population in large is probably not affected by diet soda, but you must have missed that part. And win friends? My "friends" would rather I be up front and truthful rather than conform to how the fitness and "health" industry should think it should be. I don't feel a huge loss here if someone doesn't want to "friend" me because I dispute what they hear.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition