Guy Question... Any Input Welcome...



  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Please realize this...My wife is a super-hottie, I on the other hand am 80 lbs overweight. She has never made a malicious remark about my weight. She does want me to lose weight strictly for health reasons and now I am here. What I have noticed is that making friends on this sight helps out alot
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Please realize this...My wife is a super-hottie, I on the other hand am 80 lbs overweight. She has never made a malicious remark about my weight. She does want me to lose weight strictly for health reasons and now I am here. What I have noticed is that making friends on this sight helps out alot
    I so agree, making friends that know your goals helps out so much! They keep you accountable and make you push hard for what you want!
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    Having more weight on you than you would like does not make you a more or less attractive person..And it definatly does not make you a better or worse person. You are beautiful and deserve to believe so.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    So, it has recently come to my attention that a guy I go to school with is interested in me (whether it be for a one night stand or something more, I'm not sure yet - we talk a decent amount via text messages, but not so much the last couple of days). Anyway, this guy has a 6-pack and is EXTREMELY good looking. I became friends with him around November and have maintained that friendship.

    Basically, why would a guy that good looking go after someone that's minimum 50lbs overweight? He can do so much better and it's not even a matter of my confidence, it just doesn't make sense to me. I've just been going with it since he's nice to me and makes me feel great and makes me laugh when we do talk. I just don't get it... help!

    No he can`t do so much better,it is not a contest it is about liking you for who you are as you are so accept it and feel the same towards yourself.
  • Mubb
    Mubb Posts: 90
    Guy's are a lot simpler than you think. Women seem to over think us. You get 10 guys together looking at a variety of women. You're more than likely to get 10 different 1-10 scales. We all just have our own taste,and if he likes you. Its his taste, so go for it,.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    even a toad is beautiful. AND YOUR NOT A TOAD!!!! Guys don't just look at the person's physical aspects, some do sadly. Personality counts more than physical beauty, and emotional attachments can lead to years of marriage, if it comes to that.

    I guess what I am trying to say, You are more than a slab of meat to him. You are a beautiful rose, that has caught his eye, in this world of grey. If it becomes more, or if you guys just remain friends, remember that.

    Friendships are some of the best points to start a relationship, you both know each other and wish to learn more. :)

    So, I would say drop the "I am not worth" attitude, that is my line :P
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    First: You are beautiful. :)

    Now let me tell you about a 6 pack... It is nice to look at but he could be a self absorbed jerk. He could be a poor or selfish lover...
    Been there, wasted 5.5 years, done that. :P Just make sure he's going to treat YOU well..

    Third: I'm learning that not ALL guys are all about looks and weight. Maybe this dude isn't shallow? That's a keeper. ;)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Good looking guy interested in someone because of their personality.

    Must be the devil incarnate.
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    Yeap. Contrary to popular belief, there are millions of us that are not interested in what's going on between your legs, but what's going on between your eyes. Attraction is not as simply as the physical, despite what the youth of today and American modern culture would have you believe. Don't let your self-doubt ruin a potentially good thing. There is no harm in getting to know him deeper and developing something that clearly the both of you value. How sad that something so real has to be tainted by our own superficial past experiences? Good luck kiddo :)

    I was gonna add something, but this post was awesome. Just go with it! You're a cutie! Nothin' to worry about. :)
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I just looked at your profile Pics.. You are such a cutie! I like how this guy has been treating you so far!:flowerforyou: Im gonna be honest and say i would probably think the same way as you , if a guy showed me a lot of attention...BUT , i would take each day at a time and enjoy his company:smile: I think the more consistent he is, in his attention towards you, the more confident you will get that he is for real.
    Im excited and hopeful for you!!:love:
  • tmcgourt
    tmcgourt Posts: 7
    Girl, everyone is human, we share that bond, so we are attracted to other humans haha. No matter what a person physically looks like, or how they act. We are MORE attracted to people who are similar to us, make us laugh, and feel good about ourselves. Now hopefully this is the type of guy who can see your character and personality, and likes it, that's why he's talking to you. Since it's mostly via texting, I think either one or both of you is either shy, or insecure, which is fine! But if you want to get know his motives, try spending more time with him. Good luck girlie, and be happy!
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    I'm sure the fact that he's really attractive or in-shape is intimidating, but he likes you so get over it! You are a good-looking girl and you guys obviously have a connection. If he wants you, why question it? Most guys are not shallow Playboy bunny chasers. Most actually like "normal" girls with great personalities that they can talk to and trust. Don't assume that just because he's hot and buff that means he's also shallow and only into looks, come on now!