BOO?...More like Boo Hoo.

We have this "Secret Boo" thing at work. Basically, we "Boo" eachother by leaving little treats in each other's mailbox. Today I received a cute little notepad and a Resse's Cup. I was dead set on eating the Resse's cup. After all, it was a gift and somthing special just to brighten my day! I would cut back on calories at dinner just so I could enjoy my special surprise. Well, wouldn't you know that there are 5 million entries for resse's cups in the food diary but NONE of them were .75 oz. (21g). I searched the net diligently for the calorie content of this little piece of chocolatey goodness. The Hershey website did not even list the nutition information for this size :( So......I ended up giving it to my office buddy. I watched him eat it. It was horrible. :sad:


  • Shelley130
    Couldn't you have just logged the larger size but then changed serving to .25 or .50 or whatever?
    I do that all the time for vegetables, in my log is 1 cup of everything then I just change the serving size depending on what I made.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    pat your back! But OMG Reese's are the best! I wanna try the dark chocolate ones, but.. well we all know I'm on a diet.. So I'm just waiting....
  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    Mmm... I just took a Reese's from the communal jar. yum. I agree with Shelley, or if nothing else, just overestimate the calories.
  • cmurphy04722
    I'm with Shelley on this one, I just change the serving to a percentage if I don't eat a whole serving (or if I know I had more than a cup of couscous, I put 1.5 or whatever).

    My work is full of free food and it's awesome because I hardly need to bring lunch with me, but while I'm thankful to save the money, it's hard to not gain weight when they throw food at you all the time. So every time that I bring lunch and say, "No thanks" to the food at work, I know I'm saving like 300 calories at least. On days when I give in, I feel like poo later. But on those days that I have the power to say no and eat something healthy, I feel like I could conquer the world hehe.