Summer Quinoa Salad

brityn Posts: 443 Member
My sister and I opened a Latin Bistro Restaurant in central california last August. It's been the most rewarding thing. We serve healthy Latin food with a bistro twist.... Anyway! We've been experimenting with a ton of quinoa salads. (It amazing how many people have never had this super food) We FINALLY found one and it's the best quinoa salad we've ever had!

2 cups of cooked quinoa (cooked in water with a little salt)
1 mango diced
2 medium size tomatoes diced
4 scallions diced (green and white parts)
1/2 cup freshed chopped cilantro
1 avocado diced
1 tbls. good quality olive oil
1/4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
salt and pepper to taste

combine olive oil, lime juice and all the veggies/herbs except the avocado and stir to combine, fold in fluffed quinoa, then gently fold in avocado.... that's all. It's so refreshing and healthy! We offer it with grilled chicken, salmon or prawns on top!
