Plz!!!!Help!!!! Does anyone have the magic to make it happen

I am getting to the verge of desperation, I'm a young man just turned 25. I have battled with all sorts of stuff during all my life but most especifically my weight. Just battled... never won, it seems like the weight is going to win the war. A couple years ago I started working out real hard and was actually able to lose 30+ pounds, but after 6 months I was exausted and my schedulle with school and work swamped me back to irregularity again.
Today I am back to where i started guys, 25 yrs old, 6.1ft 235lbs of pure disapointment. I have never dated anyone because I have always thought people don't deserve to get involved with someone who can't win over his own body. I am still active exercising anywhere from 5 to 10hrs a week at the gym.
Please can anyone give me some advice or someone who could help in anyway?!?! but my body just will not respond, sometimes I really feel like I have been cursed, if you believe in that.


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    soooooo sorry to hear about your story .... hang in there and DONT GIVE UP ..... stay within your calories drink your water and shake that bootay:tongue: i replied to your other thread too
  • wengoulet
    Hey thats why they call it the battle of the sucks, and probably the most trying thing you can go through, just stay tough, have you ever considerd weightloss surgery?? I am in the process of doing it, but I have to lose weight before they will do the surgery and quit smoking, I am young (43) and I watched my dad and other relatives battle their entire lives with it! Its very common and I know alot of people who have had great sucess, my sister in law was close to 400 pounds and she had the surgery last year almost a year ago and she looks unrecoginizable, she looks awesome....she inspires me every day, you still have to follow a food regiment and excersice except the results come alot quicker, and are more exciting, look into it, go to , I don't know where you live but I live in Canada and I was approved by the ON government to go over to the US and have the surgery and they are paying for it, $25,000 later, so yea, I know my sister in law paid for it herself and it was around $20,000....if you have any questions feel free I will try to help you. Its like that old saying "NO PAIN NO GAIN"
    Wendy =)
  • wengoulet
    How did you quit?? GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hey thats why they call it the battle of the sucks, and probably the most trying thing you can go through, just stay tough, have you ever considerd weightloss surgery?? I am in the process of doing it, but I have to lose weight before they will do the surgery and quit smoking, I am young (43) and I watched my dad and other relatives battle their entire lives with it! Its very common and I know alot of people who have had great sucess, my sister in law was close to 400 pounds and she had the surgery last year almost a year ago and she looks unrecoginizable, she looks awesome....she inspires me every day, you still have to follow a food regiment and excersice except the results come alot quicker, and are more exciting, look into it, go to , I don't know where you live but I live in Canada and I was approved by the ON government to go over to the US and have the surgery and they are paying for it, $25,000 later, so yea, I know my sister in law paid for it herself and it was around $20,000....if you have any questions feel free I will try to help you. Its like that old saying "NO PAIN NO GAIN"
    Wendy =)
    Please dont resort to weight loss surgery ...... stay within your calories.... drink lots of water and keep your body moving is the key to a slow weight loss ........we didnt gain weight overnight and we certainly wont lose weight over night ....i know a few that did the lapband surgery and have gained almost everything if not everything and then some back
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    How did you quit?? GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I wanted to get healthy all the way around i had my last cig sept 3, 2009 and havent looked back since ........i smoked for 20 years and i quit cold turkey have to really want it for it to work ... i tried numerous times to quit in the past and didnt suceed ... best of luck to you
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Hey thats why they call it the battle of the sucks, and probably the most trying thing you can go through, just stay tough, have you ever considerd weightloss surgery?? I am in the process of doing it, but I have to lose weight before they will do the surgery and quit smoking, I am young (43) and I watched my dad and other relatives battle their entire lives with it! Its very common and I know alot of people who have had great sucess, my sister in law was close to 400 pounds and she had the surgery last year almost a year ago and she looks unrecoginizable, she looks awesome....she inspires me every day, you still have to follow a food regiment and excersice except the results come alot quicker, and are more exciting, look into it, go to , I don't know where you live but I live in Canada and I was approved by the ON government to go over to the US and have the surgery and they are paying for it, $25,000 later, so yea, I know my sister in law paid for it herself and it was around $20,000....if you have any questions feel free I will try to help you. Its like that old saying "NO PAIN NO GAIN"
    Wendy =)
    Please dont resort to weight loss surgery ...... stay within your calories.... drink lots of water and keep your body moving is the key to a slow weight loss ........we didnt gain weight overnight and we certainly wont lose weight over night ....i know a few that did the lapband surgery and have gained almost everything if not everything and then some back

    And his being 6'1" and 235 lbs is certainly not a qualification for weight loss surgery!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    235 doesn't seem to be that much overweight for your height - but I know everyone's built differently... My husband is only a couple inches taller than you, and I think at the moment he's heavier by about 10-20 pounds. Although he might be considered a little overweight - it's not all that noticeable, and he still passes all his military PT tests... (but he has a somewhat stockier bone structure, so maybe that's the factor going on)..

    Like others have chimed in with - just keep an eye on the calories - under-eating can be just as detrimental as over-eating - and on the gym thing - impressive with the hours, but make sure you're not running your body into exhaustion - if it doesn't have time to recover, the workouts start becoming ineffective... also, if you're not changing up your workout routine regularly - is it possible your body just hit a plateau and is waiting for you to shake things up a bit?

    (For a visual image, the guy next to me in my profile picture with the dark green shirt is my husband - though the photo was take a few years ago, that's about accurate for his weight... so, like I said.. 235 doesn't seem bad at all, to me).
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Today I am back to where i started guys, 25 yrs old, 6.1ft 235lbs of pure disapointment. I have never dated anyone because I have always thought people don't deserve to get involved with someone who can't win over his own body.

    Though it's tough, you have to get out of that negative thinking. It's a really hard habit to break...I know because I'm trying to break it myself! I've had my eye on this really cute guy at the gym for a while, and he seems pretty strong and healthy, and just today I thought to myself, "He'd never go for someone like me, look how perfect he is." It's that type of thinking that's holding people like us back.
  • victoriaprobst
    My husband is about the same size as you, and he is sexy as ever! Attitude is everything! I have lost 56 lbs in the last year since starting MFP, watching my calories, drinking lots of water, cardio every day and....I discovered a book called "Fit for life" by Marilyn and Harvey Diamond. It is based on the principal of food combining. You might check out a copy at your local library and give it a try. It is an easy read, and makes lots of sense. Best of all, you don't have to deprive yourself of anything. Just decide what you want to eat, and combine it properly. Most importantly, get checked out by your doctor, to be sure you don't have any underlying health concerns to address. Best of luck, hang in there, and as I tell myself every day "KEEP GOING"!
  • Lindzalina

    Rule #1 if you obsess about something it usually doesnt last long term. I'm thinking with your crazy schedule its hard for you to go to the gym everyday and it seems more like a hassle, but you make yourself go because you think you HAVE to.
    Try this. Buy a bike. Go for bike rides. Head to the park and go for a run. Did you play any sports growing up? and even if you didnt see if there are any local co-ed teams, usually every town or county has soccer, flag football, baseball/softball teams. Try getting out there. A - you'll be getting exercise, B you'll be meeting new ppl. Do you have a dog? take him/her for walks/runs. Go hiking and if you have a dog, take your dog with you. There are so any things you can do that dont involve the gym to stay in shape. What about Kick boxing/karate/boxing classes? Try buying a heart rate monitor. You can keep track of your calorie burn during those activites.
    If you have fun while u are doing something you wont think of it as "working out"
    Eat healthy and try changing things up a bit. The same lame routine gets old, and it gets old quick.
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I second the getting checked out to make sure there's not a health reason. I found out that I shouldn't eat wheat, and since going totally gluten free in May, I have lost 27 pounds without much of a difference in calories and exercise, just not eating what my body can't digest anymore. (Not advocating gluten free as a diet option, it's just what my health required.) Food allergies are pretty common, we just don't always know about them unless they make us stop breathing, may be worth looking into ;)
  • saranmicah09
    You have to keep positive hun. and as for dating it shouldnt be about looks and i completely know the feeling of being unworthy i felt that way for years until i found Micah who loves me for me. and like everyone has said drink lots of water :drinker: do some exercise n stay within your calories and the weight will eventually come off it may take time but its worth sticking to! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • regisud
    regisud Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, I will not give up, frustration kills but I don't give up!!!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Thanks, I will not give up, frustration kills but I don't give up!!!!
    glad to know you arent giving up ..... :wink: