Why can't I get back on track? Need a butt kicking

I don't know what's been up with me!! I keep using "last day of school" and "graduation day" and "open houses" and "lack of grocery shopping" as excuses for a cheat day. And I've had about 7 cheat days in the past 2 weeks. More like binge days. I haven't lost any weight in about 3 months cause I lost my will power and dedication. I know I want this but I guess if I don't see immediate results I just say screw it.

I've been dieting (yes, dieting, not "new lifestyle choice") since January 1 and I've lost 17 pounds. I know that's not bad but I guess I'm just bored of it all. I was on this journey with some family and friends who have all dropped out so even though I have my MFP friends I feel alone. So many temptations.

So if anyone has any words of encouragement or "straight to the point butt kickings" I'm listening!!!


  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    First of all, 17lbs is not easy feat! So that's awesome :)

    Here's a couple of options that may help...
    1) make a pro/con list....what are the pros and cons changing vs not changing - it helps me put things into perspective.

    2) you can't expect motivation to last, cause it never does...you have to be committed to make the change

    3) find the source of the binge...is it just boredom or is it more...hormones, stress, sadness anger? Find the source, ackwowledge the feeling and FEEL the discomfort - all a binge is is your minds way of masking discomfort. So feel the temporary discomfort, cause that's all it is....temporary discomfort. I know it's not pleasent but it will pass....Don't give into the desire to cover it, cause you know how you'll feel in the end - guilty and bloated.

    4) accept the fact that doing this properly is going to take time - if it was easy we'd all be prancing around in our bikinis lol. It takes dedication and work, but the results are sooooo worth it, and you know it :)
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    First of all, 17lbs is not easy feat! So that's awesome :)

    Here's a couple of options that may help...
    1) make a pro/con list....what are the pros and cons changing vs not changing - it helps me put things into perspective.

    2) you can't expect motivation to last, cause it never does...you have to be committed to make the change

    3) find the source of the binge...is it just boredom or is it more...hormones, stress, sadness anger? Find the source, ackwowledge the feeling and FEEL the discomfort - all a binge is is your minds way of masking discomfort. So feel the temporary discomfort, cause that's all it is....temporary discomfort. I know it's not pleasent but it will pass....Don't give into the desire to cover it, cause you know how you'll feel in the end - guilty and bloated.

    4) accept the fact that doing this properly is going to take time - if it was easy we'd all be prancing around in our bikinis lol. It takes dedication and work, but the results are sooooo worth it, and you know it :)

    I like it :smile: thanks!
  • sjackson7707
    sjackson7707 Posts: 24 Member
    I don't really have any words of advice because I am in the same boat... I went strong for 5 months and lost 66lbs but since Mothers Day Weekend I can't get back on track...my husband planned me a weekend get away for my mothers day/ bday present and having 5 days of eating whatever I wanted to really messed with my mind...I think part of my problem is I lost a lot of my support too... I had serveral friends using MFP and they all quit except a few... maybe we can add each other to help motivate us to get back on track ?
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    butt kicking would reference violence and that is against the rules. I'm offended by this.....
  • I don't really have any words of advice because I am in the same boat... I went strong for 5 months and lost 66lbs but since Mothers Day Weekend I can't get back on track...my husband planned me a weekend get away for my mothers day/ bday present and having 5 days of eating whatever I wanted to really messed with my mind...I think part of my problem is I lost a lot of my support too... I had serveral friends using MFP and they all quit except a few... maybe we can add each other to help motivate us to get back on track ?

    Count me in here too. We remodeled our kitchen and ate out a lot for a few weeks. Since then, I've lost all ambition. I was doing so well!!!
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    You dont need a butt kicking, but to remember why you want to loose. How bad do you want to loose? Think about your goals and what it will take to get there :)
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member

    I've been dieting (yes, dieting, not "new lifestyle choice")

    maybe you should make it a life style change instead of a diet. would be more of a challenge to be able to dial your eating in properly (nutrition classes would probably help)

    and setting an exercise routine. Something you do daily, mix it up with the exercises if you want but make it same time every day. party of your daily things that you do like shower, brush teeth and stuff
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I believe that when you cross over and begin your old ways of eating, a PHYSICAL addiction to the carbs, fat, sugars, fats, etc that make us overweight sucks us back to the dark side. Kind of like a drug or alcohol addiction, if you fall off the wagon, it is exceedingly difficult to go back to doing the right thing.

    Get a plan together now and remember what made you want to get healthy to begin with. Greatest of luck to you.
  • Hey I've been there! where your like it doesn't matter anymore and you give up on your self but don't! do you want to look in the mirror and feel proud and like you've really taken control of your life or do you want to think "ugh i need to loose weight still but there's always tomorrow..." Get your self together and get on track! Add me and I will help! :) K have a good day :))
  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    My advice is to stop the dieting. Figure out what it will take to maintain your current weight, and make it a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Once you are comfortable maintaining, and believe you are ready to make it a long term change, then go back to trying to lose when you are ready.

    If it is just a diet, its not something you will do forever.
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    If you want some tough love, when youve made the decision to lose weight you don't need a "butt kicking" from us. A graduation party or a bridal shower is not an excuse, in fact there is never a good excuse. If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to get it period. I would examine your motivation, if YOU want this even if everyone arounds you quit you will push on. I struggled for years with making excuses and only until I found the motivation to want to lose weight did I actually start doing it. I don't make excuses anymore because I dont want to have anything derail my efforts. When you find the right reasons to make you want to do this, your willpower will come easy. I would first take a hard look at why you want to lose weight and if you really want to put it in the effort for those reasons.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    One idea may be to start out with a week of just exercising in small increments, no calorie cut. The exercise will help get you in a better mood/mindset. Forget the eating correctly the first week so you can focus on changing your view of yourself. Exercise will definitely help with this if you do it every day. Remember, small changes to start with. Hope this helps. Add me if you want to.
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
    Same boat here...I feel like I need a drill sergeant to follow me around anymore, been in a slump since mid April.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I think everyone loses their mojo at some point. i know mine's been gone for about a month. i've been thinking about doing stuff, make an effort, then something happens and it turns to custard.

    but the thing that makes us all successful is not giving up. it's getting back on the wagon when we fall off. today i ran again, and now i feel so much better for doing it.

    someone else said this, but you do need to remember why you want this. you need to remember why the goal you had is important to you. you need to light your own fire and keep it lit, because nobody else can do it for you.

    and as far as being on a diet goes- why are you doing that? that goes against everything mfp is about. i've lost 30kgs. i've lost it slowly and safely. i've carried on eating chocolate and chips, but learned so much about how to keep things in proportion and control. now i can enjoy food, rather than just stuff it into my face and barely taste it. i know how hard it is to ban stuff from your diet, and to live like that would be awful.

    good luck with it- i hope you find your motivation.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Make one change a week. Every week or 2.

    Eat 2 servings of veggies at dinner
    Have a healthy breakfast
    Exercise every other day
    Drink 2 extra glasses of water per day

    Whatever woks for you. Master each one, every week and you'll be on way to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    This is part of why I don't like what some people call "cheat" days. It's not a temporary game or "diet". It's your life. You may choose to incorporate a certain amount of flexibility. You may make mistakes. But you can't really cheat your body; it knows how much you ate, exercised, etc. If the partying and eating you did was within the flexibility you allow yourself, then you're fine. If it wasn't, who are you cheating? Yourself? In that case it was a mistake, try not to make it again.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    giiirrrrlll how bad do you want it?!?! GET IT!!! GET IT!!!!! lol
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon badly twice in the last few years. Never got to my original weight, but I got close. and I always wonder what if.

    Get back at it, you are worth it. Anyone can be overweight, it requires no effort, no dedication. But only you can be the person who you want to be, no one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. We can encourage you but in the end it is you.


    You can do it!!!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    That is all it is....excuses. Why make excuses? Do you not really want to be fit and healthy? And why are you dieting? Why are you not trying to find healthy foods you like and incorporate them in your daily routine instead of foods that cause you to feel bad about yourself, make you overweight and make you say, I can never eat that again.....it isn't true. You can fit a small piece of cake in your diet. Just eat protein and veggies the rest of the day. Do you hear the negativiity in your voice when you talk to yourself? Why beat yourself up and bring guilt and shame into your thoughts of food? Just stop it! Take it one day at a time....plan your days in advance. Carry healthy snacks with you. Makes NO EXCUSES on why or how you can go off of eating healthy!! Track your food and find healthy food you enjoy.....take it day by day and it will be habitual....no more excuses!!