Why can't I get back on track? Need a butt kicking



  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    We all have our ups and downs - I'm mostly down lately, but I haven't given up. Accept the bad days, just try to make sure the good days start coming more often! Let's start with tomorrow. Get up and have a health breakfast, eat a simple lunch and dinner and have a couple of pieces of fruit for snacks. Drink at least eight glasses of water - no soda. I'll do the same, now that it's in writing! Best wishes. You - we - can do this!!!
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    Im in the same boat.....ill hit a down point in my journey. But I think that fact that you recognized that you "fell off the wagon" and need to get back on in a good starting point and asking for help here is another good sign. I like the idea of just getting back into exercising and forgetting the calorie cut for a week and then working in a new goal each week.

    I just signed myself up for bootcamp twice a week.....hoping this helps to get me back on track. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • jlong7774
    jlong7774 Posts: 64 Member
    I have hit bumps along the way and it is easy to slack off and lose your focus. If you stay with it you will see the benefit and reward. What you are doing is not easy but it is worth it. Sometimes the gratification happens in small ways. Since I have lost weight my three nieces have started to change their lives and lose weight. What I didn't realize until my niece tole me I was a source of motivation for my nieces to make a change and lose weight. Small victories go a long way towards your motivation.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Listen up ... Do you remember how good it felt when you were losing the weight ??? Do you remember how good that feeling was after a hard workout ??? Do you remember how good it feels when somebody notices your progress ???

    Or ...

    Do you like feeling defeated, tired, exhausted ... feeling like you can eat or do anything you want cause it doesn't matter ????

    When you choose to be healthy ... your choosing a life style ... one that will not only help you get into shape ... but one that can eventually save your life. All the excuses in the book won't be the savoir in the end.

    You have to decide if what you want is to be healthy ... forget all those people who gave up ! It is better to walk alone ... than to ever sit in a pile of self pity with a group of people whom all decided it wasn't worth it.

    The time is now .... get up and get moving ! You have no idea how good life can be until you start living it ! Don't think of this as a challenge ... think of it as a reward !

    You got this ! Just do it !

    Sending you every ounce of hope I have ... I hope you get back on track ! :flowerforyou:
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    Try to find someone to exercise with you. I have a friend who is also doing MFP (Tilinka, and she's awesome) and we keep each other motivated. We just set up a standing date to meet at a local bike/walk path every morning for a walk together. I would NEVER do it on my own; having a friend with me makes all the difference.

    We will cheer you on from the Internets but I do believe there's nothing better than finding someone in real life to help keep you going. Maybe check the local forums for your state and/or town; I know there seem to be MFPers everywhere!

    And to add to the chorus--make this a lifestyle change. Even when (not if) you reach your goal, you need to stay there, right? Look at this as a change in how you view food and fitness. It's not a 'program', it's your life! Go go go for it!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    butt kicking would reference violence and that is against the rules. I'm offended by this.....

    And you ticker has a picture of a knife =P
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    You have all really helped! I've said this before, but I get motivated really late at night (like now, midnight) and it usually wears out. Hoping motivation is still there in the morning. Already have a day planned of eating healthy, biking, and mowing (depending on the weather)

    Thank you all!
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon badly twice in the last few years. Never got to my original weight, but I got close. and I always wonder what if.

    Get back at it, you are worth it. Anyone can be overweight, it requires no effort, no dedication. But only you can be the person who you want to be, no one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. We can encourage you but in the end it is you.


    You can do it!!!

    Thank you! I have been in dire need of motivation myself and this post really clicked for me. Thanks for posting!
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    ~ Listen up ... Do you remember how good it felt when you were losing the weight ??? Do you remember how good that feeling was after a hard workout ??? Do you remember how good it feels when somebody notices your progress ???

    Or ...

    Do you like feeling defeated, tired, exhausted ... feeling like you can eat or do anything you want cause it doesn't matter ????

    When you choose to be healthy ... your choosing a life style ... one that will not only help you get into shape ... but one that can eventually save your life. All the excuses in the book won't be the savoir in the end.

    You have to decide if what you want is to be healthy ... forget all those people who gave up ! It is better to walk alone ... than to ever sit in a pile of self pity with a group of people whom all decided it wasn't worth it.

    The time is now .... get up and get moving ! You have no idea how good life can be until you start living it ! Don't think of this as a challenge ... think of it as a reward !

    You got this ! Just do it !

    Sending you every ounce of hope I have ... I hope you get back on track ! :flowerforyou:

    Well said, And very encouraging to help me also stay on track. Thanks for posting this!
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    One of the things you have to remember is your reason for wanting to lose weight. Is it just to be skinny or is it to be healthy? Is it because someone else said that you should or is it because it's for you? I've been on this roller coster for many years. I've struggled with my weight since I was 10 years old. I've lost and gained, lost and gained, lost and gained. It was never for me though. It was always because other people said I should. My mom said I was fat...so I lost weight then gained it back plus extra, the Air Force and Army said you're getting too fat....so I lost weight then gained it back plus extra , my husband said fat isn't attractive....so I lost weight then gained it back plus extra . Then I said I'm not healthy, I'm tired, I'm sluggish, and I don't feel good in my own skin. That is when it all changed. It has to be be about you first. When you change your mind and the reason why you are doing it the rest will follow. You just have to be in it for the right reason. You can do it, you a very capable. I have confidence that you can do WHATEVER you put your mind to!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ashivnc
    ashivnc Posts: 22 Member
    I keep falling off track on weekends. And so I'm just losing and gaining the same 5 lbs - not making actual progress, and I've been doing this for a month. I need to lose 15 lbs. I'm frustrated. I think I fell off the wagon this weekend bc I was so hungry all last week. 1200 calories is just not a lot IMHO.

    Definitely feeling frustrated.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    I've fallen off the wagon badly twice in the last few years. Never got to my original weight, but I got close. and I always wonder what if.

    Get back at it, you are worth it. Anyone can be overweight, it requires no effort, no dedication. But only you can be the person who you want to be, no one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. We can encourage you but in the end it is you.


    You can do it!!!

    I wanted to let you know that I just quoted you on my home page. This is sooooo good and true!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You aren't going to see any actual substantial changes in your life unless you actually starting doing things that are substantially different than what your standard is.

    Its gonna keep getting boring if youre only putting in 10%.

    Cmon... humans are meant to be the dominant species... not the observers.

    You really want that after picture, you're just gonna have to stop making excuses for laziness and start doing some honest work.

  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    I feel your pain! I too have been off the wagon so to speak for the last month or so. Using my "life" as excuses. Not logging, eating way too much and not exercising. My weight has crept up a little too.
    I think I was borded and tired of the monotony of having to log every bit of food that passed my lips. Log all my exercise. I was obsessing over ways to change things up to get results and finally I just gave up.
    I too "wanted to get back on track", but kept making excuses. So finally Saturday I planned my food for the day and then Sunday finally exercised for the first time in 2 weeks. Guess what? It felt good! I wasn't hungry either and stayed within my calorie range.
    This time I am going to try to be easier on myself. Not obsess over every little ounce I gain/lose. Exercise by doing fun things that I enjoy.
    We can do this! You are not alone! Feel free to add me as your pal if you wish. We can encourage each other :flowerforyou:
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    So if this is a "diet" not a "lifestyle change" you're saying that as soon as you hit your goal weight, you will revert to your old habits? Why even "diet" in the first place if you know you're going to revert back? Maybe this is the issue.