How much do you eat for breakfast?



  • tamraj
    tamraj Posts: 50 Member
    i used to have about 230 calories with 17g of protein (smoothie and fruit) but just this weekend started to increase it to get a minimum of 30 g of protein for each meal, with an overall minimum of 90 g of lean protein per day. Calories on Saturday were 360 (Sunday I hit 22 g protein and 284 cal)- I can say that I was not hungry all morning, and cravings for crap were way down.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Anywhere between 70 and 350. Sometimes it's a pint of blackberries, sometimes it's a bowl of cereal, sometimes it's an english muffin with egg, cheese, and bacon. If I'm erring on the lower side of calories, I'll toss a handful of almonds into a baggie for a mid-morning snack.
  • HideNGeek
    HideNGeek Posts: 136 Member
    I am very much in favour of the old axiom "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. Breakfast for me has been known to go up to 800 calories, usually a protein shake, wholemeal toast, boiled eggs etc. Try and make sure that I get a good balance of carbs, fat, and protein in my breakfast.
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    Around 400-500 cals, out of 1800 calories.
  • catfyson
    catfyson Posts: 26 Member
    I think it's pretty important to have more cals at breakfast time than other meals (although, I rarely practise what I preach) as it needs to fuel you for the day. My average breakfast will come to no more than 400 cals out of 1200, if I sit around the 200-300 cal, I end up getting hungry and gorging within the hour!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    My favourite - 3 scrambled eggs, cheese, bacon in butter usually runs to around 650 calories.

    That's if I have "breakfast", as I am working from home I tend to have my first decent meal about 11am.

    I do make a point of having a hunk of cheese first thing though (don't have time to do the scrambling in the run up to the school run), more to give myself some protein and help my metabolism along than proper 'breakfast'.
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 192 Member
    I am very much in favour of the old axiom "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. Breakfast for me has been known to go up to 800 calories, usually a protein shake, wholemeal toast, boiled eggs etc. Try and make sure that I get a good balance of carbs, fat, and protein in my breakfast.

    Me too. Mine comes in at around 450 out of a total of between 1400-1600. I prefer to taper down and be low on energy while I sleep and wake up hungry and ready to fuel myself for the day!
  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    I eat 500+ when i eat a big breakfast i feel my day just goes better. Im less tired, and less hungry the rest of the day. A few times i've had a 1000 calories breakfast (these days i workout for 2 hours or so).