Lower back pain increasing

snowbab Posts: 192 Member
Hi everyone. So I realised a few months ago when I started doing pilates that I had a weak lower back. It really annoyed me as I couldn't do many of the ab exercises without being in pain. I thought it was just unlucky though and I was one of many who said they experienced similar pain. This may be true still...

However I have notced it hurts more recently (and I've not done pilates recently due to exams so it's not that). At night when I'm on my back it will really ache and I have to curl on my side to make the pain fade, and even recently just sitting on the sofa.

Basically I think it may be getting worse. I think a possible reason could be that I haven't had my TOM since my eating disorder. I didn't have it for about 2 years, and it returned a few months after being let out of hospital (about July/August last year).

Even then I only had it normally twice in August time and before and after it was barely noticeable. Then it stopped completely around Christmas time and I haven't had one since.

I'm just worried that this may have led to low estrogen levels over the time. Also when I was in the ED hospital I had a scan to see how my bone denity had been affected, and it showed that my lower spine had lost some bone deniity, although it got a bit better by the time I had another scan and had gained some weight.

I'm just wondering what I should do about it, or if you had any ideas of what else it could be? Thanks x


  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Ugh, unfortunately, this sounds like a potentially serious problem. You need to see a doctor, or a chiropractor. It is likely related to your spine / vertebrae. You could have a slipped disc.
    Sorry to be such a downer, but I would take this very seriously. The good news, you are young and if you catch it early hopefully it is reverseable. Praying for you.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I agree you need to see a doctor for both your problems, the not having your monthly is a very serious issue unless your on a BC that stops it. The back problem is also not something to mess with..just don't let them talk you into surgery, it's not always the answer, just find out what the issue is and then do your research.
  • PhatAv8r
    PhatAv8r Posts: 153 Member
    how much stretching do you do for your hamstrings? hips? I know pilates tends to stretch people a lot, but if you aren't stretching after your workouts and especially your hammies, your lower back still continues to tighten up to protect your hip girdle... lower back pain 90% of the time starts with poor balance in the hamstrings, hips, and lower back... if all those are decent, then you need aDr.
  • miksmomma2011
    miksmomma2011 Posts: 21 Member
    You definitely need to see a Chiropractor. I am under care and i swear by it. Good luck!
  • minime2b
    minime2b Posts: 168
    I doubt that it is TOM, it is most likely bone or nerve related. Did you notice if it got somewhat better with pilates? Make sure u have a very good instructor and discuss this with them. Pilates is great for helping back/core problems if done right. Also, PLEASE see a Dr. You may need some mineral or vitamin supplementation as you are getting over an ED. I think you will get better with time and patience so long as you do not ignore the problem. I have sciatica in the lower back and pilates is about all that has helped me. Good luck.
  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    See your DOCTOR (MD) right away. Could just be a muscle spasm from working out but you need to be examined to make sure not a herniated disc or even worse, a spinal fracture due to h/o eating disorder w/ osteoporosis. You will probably need X-rays and maybe MRI to diagnose problem.
  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks everyone. It might be TOM related because I know not having it reduces estrogen which means eventual lower bone density. It has been proven that people that have suffered from anorexia are prone to it, but i wasn't at my lowest weight for too long so I don't know if it's that or not? I went to a dietician a couple of weeks ago and told her about them stopping and she said i should see someone in a month about it because they should have really come back by now, even though it takes longer for some people who have had an ED. She worried me by saying 'we want to make sure you don't become infertile'. Ah!

    I'm just worried that if it is that I'll be told i need to gain weight or something to increase my body fat or something, and I would hate to do that as I've worked so hard to lose weight again the healthy non-ED way.

    Is this what they's trell me to do or would there be another solution?

    I don't know if it's muscle related because I haven't been doing pilates so much recently like i said. However the other day i did zumba and it did hurt after that quite a bit when i sat down...
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    You definitely need to see a Chiropractor. I am under care and i swear by it. Good luck!

    This. Chiropractic care has been a life saver for me. I had tons of lower back problems in the beginning and now with just regular Chiropractic maintenance I haven't for a while.

    Stretching is so important. When your hams are tight it causes pressure on your back. Also, when your back is really sore sit in a 90/90 position. Basically lay on your back and put your legs up on the couch. That way your hips and knees are 90 degrees. It will take all pressure off of ur back. Use ice after workouts and heat other times when you are in pain. Try epsom salt baths as well.

    Just a few of my thoughts. But definitely see doctor of some kind.
  • furby1
    furby1 Posts: 114 Member
    Sorry you are in pain, and I do understand why you are worrying about if you may need to increase your body fat, but you need to see a health specialist and find out exactly what the problem is before you start looking into what alternate ways there may be to solve it.

    I started pilates 8 weeks ago because i knew my back was weak and I'm hoping that it will eventually help me with my various health problems (fibromyalgia, chronic sciatica, back which locks every few months and at the moment a trapped femoral nerve!...and thats for starters!). My instructor is aware of my problems though and alters the different exercises so that they do not impact on my issues. My doctor and physiotherapist also take an interest in whatever activity I try to do and have banned me from some I would like to....

    So what I'm saying is that while there may be many of us on this site with similar problems, none of us can tell you what to do. You need to see someone in person who can diagnose your problem, and hopefully suggest a way of solving it. Then when you have a difinitive diagnosis if you want advice on diet etc then by all means come and ask but your fist step must be to find out exactly what the problem is....good luck on that and I hope that it will be easily sorted out :)
  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
    You definitely need to see a Chiropractor. I am under care and i swear by it. Good luck!

    This. Chiropractic care has been a life saver for me. I had tons of lower back problems in the beginning and now with just regular Chiropractic maintenance I haven't for a while.

    Stretching is so important. When your hams are tight it causes pressure on your back. Also, when your back is really sore sit in a 90/90 position. Basically lay on your back and put your legs up on the couch. That way your hips and knees are 90 degrees. It will take all pressure off of ur back. Use ice after workouts and heat other times when you are in pain. Try epsom salt baths as well.

    Just a few of my thoughts. But definitely see doctor of some kind.

    Thanks for the suggestion. It does sound like a possibility, but the problem is I'm off to university very soon and this wouldn't be possible to keep up while there really. Also, how much would it cost as i can't afford to spend money on expensive treatments really :S
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I've had lower back pain, which mainly came from sitting all day long.
    Since I work out with a personal trainer, my back pain is gone. I told him about the pain, where and when and how.... and he made me do exercises to both relax lower back muscles and strengthen them, as well as strengthen my abs.
    For me it was tense muscles which made my back hurt.
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    I have similar pain in my lower back and have a twist in my spine... (If i could spell the actual term then I would share it with you). I see a Physio every week and he has to put me back into place again and straighten out my spine get rid of all the knots and generally sort my posture out. The reason for me is I snapped my leg and dislocated my hip years ago hospitals fixed me, gave me crutches and then never seen me again so the muscles recovered and adapted to the way I was walking with a limp, basically the muscles on my left are much stronger than on my right and their pulling my lower spine out of shape on a daily basis.

    The only answer is a lot of physio and exercises to help with it to start the muscles working again in the way their designed to. For me its 10 years of bad habits that i didnt even realise I had when walking/running/sitting. Even watching TV tucking my legs under the same side as I sit down, driving the car with a wallet in my back pocket or always turning my head to the left to watch the TV from where I'm sitting is causing it to slip out of place again.

    If you want any then feel free to send me a message and I will send some of the exercises that I do over but I think you really need to go and get assessed properly with it and they will be able to give you a programme specifically for you. Your back is one of the most important things so make sure you get it checked out.

    Hope you get on top of things and your feeling better soon
  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    how much stretching do you do for your hamstrings? hips? I know pilates tends to stretch people a lot, but if you aren't stretching after your workouts and especially your hammies, your lower back still continues to tighten up to protect your hip girdle... lower back pain 90% of the time starts with poor balance in the hamstrings, hips, and lower back... if all those are decent, then you need aDr.

    I do think you need to see a doctor just to get checked out. If the pain is muscular, it could be what this person said. When my lower back is tight and sore it is usually after I've worked out my outer thighs/butt muscles and haven't stretched them out well. Or I had a very bad habit of crossing one ankle over my knee and making like a chair out of my lap for my kids to sit on. This would make my lower back SO SORE. I try not to do that anymore. I try to make sure I'm sitting up straight when they sit on my lap and my legs aren't crossed.
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    I've had this problem for months now, especially after Badminton and Squash (VERY brutal on your lower back) until it hurt even just sitting on the couch.
    My trainer made me train my abs, but not the usual crunches, because they damage your back even more. Exercises like just lifting your feet off the floor and holding for half a minute or longer, then developing this simple lifting off the floor to exercises like 'rowing' in that position (extending your legs and arms alternatively), or lying flat on your back, legs off the floor with knees in a 90° angle to your body and then pulling them towards you etc. Also, what really does it, is planking. Lots of it! Strengthens your core, your abs, and your muscles in the back, helping to support the weak area.
    I can now play Badminton again and don't feel my back at all anymore.
    Whatever you do, if it hurts in your back, STOP IT!!!
    And if it really does not help, obviously go get some help (maybe even before, just to make sure it is not something else!)
    I hope it'll work out for you in the end, good luck! :)
  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for your suggestions. I will definitely be going to a doctor now tp get checked out. And maybe a chiropractor but that depends on costs :S

    Also thank you for your additional ideas. I think I'll give pilates a miss for now though as it does just give me pain at the moment...which is a shame because I love it :( If i get the ok from a doctor though I'll start up again and see if it could help. Fingers crossed! I'm hoping it's just muscular and not to do with my ED past and bone density etc...

    Thanks again. I'll update to say how it goes for anyone with a similar issue in the future :)
  • stebben
    stebben Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry to hear about the back pain. But you need to be seen asap. Most back pain subsides when a person is on their back or on their side with a pillow between the knees. It sounds like a possible kidney issue or something like that. Please go to your family doctor and get some lab work done and some xrays. As you know with eating disorders a person becomes susceptible to other health issues. Please get checked out very soon. If its back pain the pilates should be helping it. Because stretching is great for the spine. Please get checked out.