Whats the weirdest

CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
edited December 2024 in Chit-Chat
thing you've ever ate? Something that most other people would not even think about.

Ive had:
Chocolate covered ants.

None of them were appetizing. Even with chocolate on top.


  • kmarie0614
    kmarie0614 Posts: 102 Member
    Oh, in Paris I had frog legs. which isnt a strech. But the worst was old lambs meat enclosed in white rice with lots of cinnamon. And some kind of sauce that tasted like dish water.
  • KingRoaVa
    KingRoaVa Posts: 38 Member
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Oh, in Paris I had frog legs. which isnt a strech. But the worst was old lambs meat enclosed in white rice with lots of cinnamon. And some kind of sauce that tasted like dish water.

    I love slurping dish water...
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    Not weird to me but most people are grossed out to hear I eat:

    Chittlins (pig's intestines)

    Pig Feet

    Pig Ears

    Pig Tails

    They all are so yummy to me
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member

    Ditto. Love it but haven't had it in many years since I quit hunting.

    Also have had rattle snake.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member

    Is there anything to eat on a squirrel? Would skinning, gutting even be worht the time? I have some annoying *kitten* squirrls id love to hunt down. L
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Alligator, calf testicles, pickled pigs feet, the tequila worm, squid.......nothing too "out there", but I'd try just about anything.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member

    Chittlins (pig's intestines)

    Ive had seal intestines... Atleast I think thats what it was... And pigs uterus, neither of which I liked, but hey, im always willing to try it once.
  • I'm pretty boring, but my husband travels the wrold as a biologist and is always eating something gross. One of his nastiest was Pouched Rat. For anyone interested, they are located on the island of Bioko which is part of Equatorial Guinea, Africa. He has also eaten kangaroo.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Nothing too obscure.

    I've tried varius insects cooked into various applications at BugFest each year. Ants, crickets, etc.

    Also, I like game meat...I almost prefer Bison over beef, I've tried Mercury, rattlesnake and rabbit sausage, and of course venison, but none of that seems really weird to me anymore.
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    Rotten shark
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Rotten shark

    Was it supposed to be rotten?
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Chicken Feet, Racoon, and my ex-mother-in-laws Banana Puddin.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    It's not weird around here, but I've had moose. Not a fan D:
  • shamansa
    shamansa Posts: 96 Member
    Camel. Was tasty as hell!!
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    Zebra steak, Impala pate, rattlesnake.
  • pig guts, despite chewing it for twenty minutes, it didn't ever really change consistency. Oh and Naoto - Japanese fermented soya beans. That is very special :( made pig guts look like a cheeseburger
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Chicken Feet, Racoon, and my ex-mother-in-laws Banana Puddin.

    LOL at the banana pudding.

    I dated a guy and i SWEAR his mother was trying to kill me with her food.... :grumble: :grumble:
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    It's not weird around here, but I've had moose. Not a fan D:
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    It's not weird around here, but I've had moose. Not a fan D:

    I live in Alaska. I wish I could shoot some of the moose that hang out near my house and eat them. This time of the year, its hard to walk anywhere they are calving and chase you down...
  • GrnEydGrl86
    GrnEydGrl86 Posts: 154
    Snails :angry: I was tricked into eating them
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    chicken hearts

    frog legs

    guinea pig (south america)

    Rocky mountain oysters (not good)

    A bunch of stuff in Taiwan that I couldn't tell you what it was for the life of mean but was amazing!
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    Cat brains. It was a brain on a pastry in a little deli shop in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Raised with a French-heritage palate, I eat any organ, and have enjoyed calf brain several times. I don't read Arabic and figured it was calf. After I polished it off, I tried to gesture/mime what it was that I had consumed. Finally I went "mooo" and the Arab behind the counter smiled and licked his hands as he said "meow!"
  • Rattlesnake

    calf fries (testicles) -My favorite

    lamb fries (testicles)

    cow tongue -My second favorite





    dog ribs -at a local BBQ joint, they were shut down when it came to light how they were keeping the local stray dog population low.

    ...we ate anything and everything growing up, usually what we hunted or raised for slaughter.
  • Not really weird but I've had Kangaroo and enjoyed it haha and would eat it regularly if I could figure out how to get it a bit cheaper! Ummm other than that I don't think I've had anything weird =D

    *edit* Oooh and I've had lambs brains and kidneys and lambs fry etc... I don't know if that's considered weird???
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    Rattlesnake EXTREMELY fresh, sans head, cooked in a fire, apparently not well enough and still moving... Yes, I was drunk.. No it wasn't bad at all LOL!

    Also, vanilla ice cream with salsa on a dare. (Don't ask)

    Yes, I'm awesome. No, that's really all I take away from this, is how awesome I am :wink:

    Edit: I accidentally a word.
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    Other than venison, the only other weird mix i've made is pizza with sour cream and ketchup. it's not healthy and it's nothing from another country, but i find it tasty!!
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 722 Member
    The weirdest for me has been cow tripe (intestines) & cow tongue ( Mom use to love to prepare this & torture us by making us try it as young children.) I hated it & to this day can not stand organ meats of any kind. Eventually eating liver grew on me but, avoid it all cost trying to keep my cholesterol levels in check.
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    Cat brains. It was a brain on a pastry in a little deli shop in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Raised with a French-heritage palate, I eat any organ, and have enjoyed calf brain several times. I don't read Arabic and figured it was calf. After I polished it off, I tried to gesture/mime what it was that I had consumed. Finally I went "mooo" and the Arab behind the counter smiled and licked his hands as he said "meow!"

    oh wow, thats funny
  • BexleyGirl
    BexleyGirl Posts: 102
    Chitlin. ....love them and crabs...love them too!
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