What can I put in my coffee??

I am a self-confessed coffee fiend and my biggest downfall in gaining weight has been Starbucks. I am in love with macchiatos and doubleshots. I've stopped drinking Starbucks drinks and make coffee every morning at home but I hate black coffee so I have to have something in it. Up until recently, I've always used half and half, powdered cream or a flavored cream - all of which I've learned are high in calories and carbs and really not a good way to start my day. What would be an alternative to these creamers? What about vanilla soy milk?

Any ideas?


  • bsolivo
    Try some Sugar Free Monin syrup and skim milk. I make lattes at home with the Sugar Free White Chocolate and skim milk and they taste just like Starbucks. The syrups have 0 calories and 0 grams of fat, so you're really only getting them from the milk.

    http://www.moninstore.com/prod_Lines.html?indexcat=3&indexname=Sugar Free Syrups
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    have you tried their espresso macchiato's with a dollop of 2% foam? I have one of those every morning! - Only 10 calories & 2 grams of carbs. It's my favorite way to drink coffee!
  • annatildy
    annatildy Posts: 6 Member
    Try Splenda Flavors for Coffee (found near the coffee in my stores). No calories. French Vanilla and Mocha flavors both very good. I haven't tried the Hazelnut.
  • emmapasse
    Those syrups look ideal! I think I may order the vanilla and see how that works out!

    I've never tried the espresso macchiato. I've been trying to avoid Starbucks like the plague, which is difficult since there's one on every corner within a five mile radius of my house. I think I'll try the espresso macchiato! Maybe that will be my weekly treat.

    Thank you!
    JUICRC Posts: 9 Member
    Being a friend of starbucks I recommend there sugar free syurps. They even have carmel, for some added protien try the whey. My favorite breakfast is a grande sugar free carmel plus protien latte. Good Luck!!
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Milk and stevia (or other non-cal sweetener) is usually what I use. For flavor, I like some common sugar free syrups (Torini) on occasion or a couple drops of vanilla extract.
  • PureAndHealthy
    Well I'm an all-natural, clean whole foods kind of girl who also happens to love coffee. I'm a fan of vanilla soymilk but there's a few concerns about excessive soy, so I break up my vanilla soymilk mornings with almond milk every few weeks. Add in a little Stevia (you can find it at Wal-mart now) or if you wanna splurge for a few extra calories, raw sugar (a whole tablespoon for a big ol cup o joe will only set you back 60 calories), and Y-U-M will be the result. I also like flavored coffees and will add things to the finished product like cinnamon, vanilla extract, or cocoa powder when the mood strikes me which are all super low in calories. So to sum up:

    Flavored Coffee
    Almond Milk
    Cocoa Powder
    Vanilla extract

    Mmm.... :love:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    does stevia taste better than splenda? I simply cannot tolerate splenda in ANYTHING. It makes everything taste rancid.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    I can't afford Starbucks everyday so I've developed my At Home Starbucks:laugh:

    :heart: Hazelnut Creme Ground Coffee
    :heart: 1 Tbsp Coffee Mate's SUGAR FREE Vanilla Caramel

    Hmmmm Yummy & only 15/20 calories Total:drinker:
  • emmapasse
    I had no idea Splenda did coffee flavors. I wonder if they have that Splenda taste like the sweeteners do?

    You guys are great! Thanks so much for the suggestions!
  • emmapasse
    I can't afford Starbucks everyday so I've developed my At Home Starbucks:laugh:

    :heart: Hazelnut Creme Ground Coffee
    :heart: 1 Tbsp Coffee Mate's SUGAR FREE Vanilla Caramel

    Hmmmm Yummy & only 15/20 calories Total:drinker:

    Ahhh the Coffee Mate's Vanilla Caramel. About a month ago, that was the creamer I used to dump in my coffee - although not sugar free. I've been trying to stay away from that aisle altogether. Maybe I'll read the label on the sugar free one when I head to the store later... ;)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I use regular powdered creamer - 10 calories per tsp and sugar. Between my normal 2 cups a day, I'm only out about 110 calories for breakfast.
  • twilight1542
    does stevia taste better than splenda? I simply cannot tolerate splenda in ANYTHING. It makes everything taste rancid.

    Stevia (which is sold under numerous names) is a different type of sweetness than sugar or artificial sweeteners. Personally I hate all artificial sweeteners, but find Splenda tolerable in certain things. I like Stevia though :) You should give it a try, but use it sparingly as I've found that less of it is needed as opposed to sugar.
  • PureAndHealthy
    does stevia taste better than splenda? I simply cannot tolerate splenda in ANYTHING. It makes everything taste rancid.

    Stevia (which is sold under numerous names) is a different type of sweetness than sugar or artificial sweeteners. Personally I hate all artificial sweeteners, but find Splenda tolerable in certain things. I like Stevia though :) You should give it a try, but use it sparingly as I've found that less of it is needed as opposed to sugar.

    I agree. Too much stevia = not so tasty. Stevia is a NATURAL HERB which is completely different from molecularly-altered sugar bleach (aka Splenda). Some brands process it better than others. Truvia is pretty good, as is SweetLeaf.
  • bates
    bates Posts: 122
    easy fix.... Folgers, and Coffee Mate sugar free creamer, coffee costs cents not $5.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    To add froth to a blended coffee, IKEA makes a small battery powered frother that you can get for around $5 last time I was at IKEA.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Also...if you like to grind your own beans...do so. When I want flavored coffee I add a sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon, all spice...or what ever to the grounds before I brew it and it always comes out tasty and no extra calories. :bigsmile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I am a self-confessed coffee fiend and my biggest downfall in gaining weight has been Starbucks. I am in love with macchiatos and doubleshots. I've stopped drinking Starbucks drinks and make coffee every morning at home but I hate black coffee so I have to have something in it. Up until recently, I've always used half and half, powdered cream or a flavored cream - all of which I've learned are high in calories and carbs and really not a good way to start my day. What would be an alternative to these creamers? What about vanilla soy milk?

    Any ideas?

    Why not just a little bit of heavy cream.. No carbs in it and yes there is calories and fat in heavy cream. If you have protein such as eggs for breakfast along with the fat in the heavy cream, you will stay full for hours..........

    And use Stevia to sweeten.
  • emmapasse
    Also...if you like to grind your own beans...do so. When I want flavored coffee I add a sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon, all spice...or what ever to the grounds before I brew it and it always comes out tasty and no extra calories. :bigsmile:

    Great idea! I do usually grind my own beans. Although I don't purchase the macchiatos or doubleshots anymore, I still buy Starbucks coffee by the pound and grind it for my coffee pot at home! Definitely going to try this!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Also...if you like to grind your own beans...do so. When I want flavored coffee I add a sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon, all spice...or what ever to the grounds before I brew it and it always comes out tasty and no extra calories. :bigsmile:

    Great idea! I do usually grind my own beans. Although I don't purchase the macchiatos or doubleshots anymore, I still buy Starbucks coffee by the pound and grind it for my coffee pot at home! Definitely going to try this!

    Me too. I love my coffee maker...it grinds the beans for me...best $200 I ever spent (My hubby and I go though about 1-2 pots a day, lol).