What should I weigh???



  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    I am the same boat as you. My ideal range is between 160 and 175, but I think I would look deathly ill since I have such broad shoulders. I do not plan to go any lower than 190 and then maybe bulk up to 215. When I graduated high school I was at 210 and looked fine, I was a bit chubby, but no where close to what I am now at 299.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I won't really be able to weigh what I "should" according to BMI standards. In general BMI is crap, it's not really accurate for a single person, it is more for looking at a population.

    Have you had your body fat % tested? I did, I then took my weight, height and current body fat number over to the fat2fit calculators and used the goal weight calculator to find my goal weight.

    Good luck, by the way great job, you look great already.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    HUH? 145 to 160 is what i would say for a female at 5'10"!

    I think they responded with this number before realizing the OP was male
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Rule of thumb for women is: at 5' weigh 100lbs give or take 5lbs, for every inch over 5' add 5 lbs...so at 5'10" you should be around 145-150lbs...

    Now you need to consider your frame size...large frmae add in up to another 10lbs, meddium frame 5lbs and small frame 0 lbs...to determin your frame size, measure your wrist...more than 6" is large, 6" medium and under 6" small...

    So if you are a large frame at 5"10 you should weigh about 150-160lbs...

    I think you need to be a weight that is "doable" for you, but in my opinion, 221lbs for a 5"10" woman is still heavy...

    But what's the rule of thumb for a man? See picture

    ETA - I don't know the answer, but i'd be curious, my bf is in the same situation...same height and everything.

    The rule of thumb for a man is 106 at 5' and add 6lbs/inch, so at 5'10 that would be 172. If you have a larger frame 10% higher, so 172 to 189.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I am just taller than you 5'11 and my lean mass is 190....I would get your BF tested and we could help more with ideal weight.
  • According to his company Health screening, my husband is supposed to weigh 170 ibs. at 6 foot height. I can tell you right now, he looks like a skinny scrawny weakling at that weight. He got down to that weight after basic training, and all the running around that he was doing. At 185 lbs. he looks good, fit and trim, at 195 he has a slight belly.

    He right now weighs 190, and is watching his weight. He asked me if he should get down to the 170. I told him no. 185 is his look good, feel good weight. I don't like scrawny skinny look on men. It is not attractive.

    You need to take a good look at your body, and think about that.
  • crazylikefox
    crazylikefox Posts: 100
    You should always weigh more than your woman does.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    BMI is if you are only worried about your "weight". Most guys want muscle, women ususally want a certain number on the scale. So now that you are close, stop making the scale your main resource. Look at body fat%. Do you now want to work on muscle tone and shape? My husband is considered obese on the BMI scale, but his body fat % is very low, he's all muscle. My trainer competes and has 18% body fat and is considered obese on the BMI chart.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Well, first, as someone titled thier thread recently, BMI=BS. It's ridiculously low for men. I am an inch shorter than you and weigh 200. Take a look at my pictures, I'm not doing bad. I could stand to lose 10 to 15 lbs of fat and gain 5lbs of muscle. I wouldn't use BMI as an indicator ever.

    You've done an awesome job with your weight loss. At this point my focus would be on body recomposition and my goals would be body fat and lean mass related and not weight related. fwiw
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    bmi doesn't take into account your body fat %... You should go by what you think is healthy for you.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Currently my body fat % is still high at 30%. my trainer said in the next month or two to try to get it to 25%.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I think each person has to find their comfortable weight. In the pics below I was 172 lbs and 167 lbs, respectively, which is a bit small. I just ran a half-marathon so I think I'm 167 lbs right now. I tend to run a lot when training for a race.

    I would say my "comfortable" weight is 172 lbs - 175 lbs. I'm 5' 11".

    This was after 30 day shred.

  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    General rule for men... don't take weight advice from women.

    Not being an *kitten*, but a girl would never aim to be in the 170s if she was 5'8" (like I am), which is my healthy weight.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Currently my body fat % is still high at 30%. my trainer said in the next month or two to try to get it to 25%.

    so at 235 with 30% bf% gives you lean mass of 164.5, while you lose weight you tend to lose some lean mass but mostly fat. lifting heavy helps you retain most of your lean mass. So if you were to get down to 190 that is a loss of 45 lbs, assuming 10% loss of lean mass that will give you a lean mass of 160 lbs at 190 for a bf% of 16%.

    If you were to get down to 172 that would be a total loss of 63, say 6.5 from lean mass, would give you lean mass of 158 at 172 for a bf% of 8%.

    depending on your diet, how new you are to lifting, and genetics you may lose more or less lean mass then I predicted above.
  • Lindsay_1984
    Lindsay_1984 Posts: 85 Member
    I have had doctors tell me that I don't need to worry about BMI because it is not for people that are physically active. Doesn't take into account muscle mass or bone density that is higher for people who exercise. When I was a college track athlete I was 5'8" female at 165lbs (overweight according to BMI) but very physically fit and body fat at only 20% which is quite low for a woman.

    Judging by your picture you do not look obese. I would recommend not getting hung up on the BMI, but to focus on body fat percentage and try to get that in the normal range, 18% body fat is a good level for an average man.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    You and I are the same height and near the same weight (im about 216-217 right now), and my ultimate goal is about 190lbs. I definitely agree that the BMI range for our height is ridiculous and far too thin. My advice would be to just shoot for 200lbs and see how you like it. You could always lose weight if needed, or if you're content, just start building muscle at that point. Just my $.02
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    BMI can suck it.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    According to his company Health screening, my husband is supposed to weigh 170 ibs. at 6 foot height.

    Company health screenings are the stupidest thing ever. Unfortunately, it's where my BF gets his weight advice. So his dinner will be one chicken breast.

  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    General rule for men... don't take weight advice from women.

    Not being an *kitten*, but a girl would never aim to be in the 170s if she was 5'8" (like I am), which is my healthy weight.

    pretty sure i can tell if a man looks good or not.
    plus, numbers are just numbers when it comes down to it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    BMI can suck it.


    I don't know all the math but knowing your BF% is 30 means your lean body mass (LBM) is 165. Whether or not you lose some of your LBM (or even gain some) depends on what you're doing for workouts and how you're eating but assuming it stays the same, your goal weight for 25% BF would be about 220.

    Keep having that BF% measured - it's definitely a better judgement of success than the scale or BMI for guys since you all have so much muscle mass.