Ladies with a LOT of weight to lose and PCOS?

Newby here. I have 146 lbs to lose to be a "normal" weight according to my BMI (gulp). BUT, I am aiming for a 5% goal of 16 pounds. So far, I've lost 5lbs so it's a good start.

Just looking to form a network of support of fellow ladies who have a LOT to lose and a LOT to gain (better health, self image, etc)

I am 28/F on 500mg/ ER Metformin for insulin sensitivity and Spiro for all the lovely side effects of PCOS.

:smile: :bigsmile: :heart:


  • violethaze
    violethaze Posts: 13
    Welcome! Isn't PCOS fun? Feel free to add me!

    I'm trying to get my hands on metformin, but in the UK doctors are still hesitant to prescribe it for anything other than diabetes. Grr.
  • sarahgallienne1981
    sarahgallienne1981 Posts: 3 Member
    I have PCOS too, feel free to add me, My Gyno wont give me Metformin, she says its not used for PCOS anymore :( Which i think is a load of rubbish. Ive started taking Fenugreek, so will see after a month if its given any help x
  • me083167
    me083167 Posts: 4
    I have PCOS too. I'm on Metformin 3 times a day. and a Thyroid that keeps dieing on me.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free to add me. Ive got about 80-100lbs to lose, and was diagnosed with PCOS, but am in the process of getting a second opinion. :-) the Dr's around me are full of **** it seems.
  • Frannie1982
    Frannie1982 Posts: 23
    Hi there!

    I also suffer from PCOS (Hormonal inbalance - on 1000mgx2 a day of metforim to help w/ insulin resistance) I started out with 100+ lbs to lose. Lost 47 so far since I started in March. Anyone is welcome to add me!
  • oxanel
    oxanel Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ladies ...

    I'm a PCOS suffering woman also ... on 1500mg/metformin a day ...
    I need to lose 100lbs ... recently had a miscarriage (1st pregnancy) and this was a big motivation for me, I need to LOSE WEIGHT, I love kids and I want one with my partner.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend ..

    Let's be beautiful ladies ...
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    at 52 yrs old here..have had PCOS all my life .. never took one pill for it either.. weight was always and still is troublesome for me ..however i have lost 80lbs the last two years and 40 more to go ..ive never been happier,healthier and more in control of myself ..feel free to add me if you like. we can always all learn from each other .
  • Evilma
    Evilma Posts: 14
    I had PCOS until a year and a half ago when it finally got so bad that I had to have a full hysterectomy. Now, I have to battle the weight gain from being instantly placed in menopause. Feel free to add me. :)
  • PCOS chick here too with 100+ to lose. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Dana_283
    Dana_283 Posts: 58
    I have 140 lbs to loose, 15 done so far, also have pcos, on 1000 ER metformin daily also
  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
    I have PCOS and am trying to lose 80lbs. at least(more if possible) i have lost 28lbs(it was at 40lbs.). so far and i currently don't take any medication for my PCOS, i am trying to do it all on my own, mostly because my doctor doesn't want to put me on metformin unless i am trying to get pregnant(which at the moment i am not) and keeps trying to give me B/C to help with it but every time i try a new one it either makes me gain more weight or makes me really crabby and emotional(not fun lol) the last B/C i tried made me gain 12lbs. in 2mo. and i can't seem to get that 12lbs. back off!! So for anyone else out there in the same situation feel free to add me, maybe we can help each other out :)
  • me083167
    me083167 Posts: 4
    If I didn't say it in my first post, you can add me. I take 500mg, I started using them like they are suppose to be used, with meals and it's helping me with losing weight. I lost 6 lbs. I have 50 lbs to go.
  • I have pcos as well and I should lose 80-90 lbs. I find it really hard because the doctors don't want to put me on anything to help with my monthly issue and this time it won't stop. Going to be going into surgery for that soon. I'm hoping I can find some people on here to keep me motivated.
  • newking
    newking Posts: 70 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 30 and I started out with 150 or so to lose and I still have a ways to go. I am not on metformin for my PCOS because I can't take it with my kidney failure. But I am on spironolactone to help with the hair growth.
  • Hi,
    I`m a Newbie on here too. I`m 51 and suffer from unstable bloodsugar levels and also had a hysterectomy.
    I have 3+ stone to loose :( and really struggling!
    Have tried every diet under the sun... the only one which ever worked was "Atkins", but
    I just can`t stick to it "for life". In fact, regularly falling off the wagon caused me more problems.

    I am now making a Last Attempt loosing this weight (BMI 33) with the help of the Glycemic Index as well
    as MFP to keep to sensible portions (calories).
  • Hi! It is my first day here and I am trying to get back on track. I have 100+ lbs to lose. I have been diagnosed with PCOS about 3 years ago after going one whole year without a period. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for two years. I have been on 1500 mg of metformin for about a year and a half (I haven't been very good at taking it). I have been had 6 failed clomid fertility treatments and 2 failed IUIs (with follistim injections). Last summer I dropped 50 lbs but got really depressed when our IUI failed. I felt like all my hard work was pointless. I gained 30 back. Trying to get back on track now. We have come to a crossroads where we are trying to decide if we are going to do lapband or IVF which both cost a ton of money. Meanwhile I am trying to make this a healthy summer break and would love some support during this time.
  • monaanand
    monaanand Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Feel free to add me.. I was diagnosed with pcos 3 years back and took YAz as birth control pills. I also lost around 10 lbs at that time and luckily i got pregnant the first month we tried. But again i gained a lot of weight after the baby was born.Its been 3 months i stopped taking any birth control pill And no periods yet .now i have 40 lbs to lose.fingers crossed.
  • EJED724
    EJED724 Posts: 13
    PCOS here too, started out with 116 pounds to lose and lost 110, but have been yo-yoing ever since. Currently would like to lose 50 lbs, but anything would be good because we are ttc our first child. I am on metformin 500mg twice a day, as well as cinnamon/chromium and inositol. Feel free to add me!
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    Weirdly I have all the symptoms of PCOS but after tests they told me I don't have it. Not sure if they did all the tests they could as I'm pretty sure I have it. Feel free to add me :)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Hi! It is my first day here and I am trying to get back on track. I have 100+ lbs to lose. I have been diagnosed with PCOS about 3 years ago after going one whole year without a period. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for two years. I have been on 1500 mg of metformin for about a year and a half (I haven't been very good at taking it). I have been had 6 failed clomid fertility treatments and 2 failed IUIs (with follistim injections). Last summer I dropped 50 lbs but got really depressed when our IUI failed. I felt like all my hard work was pointless. I gained 30 back. Trying to get back on track now. We have come to a crossroads where we are trying to decide if we are going to do lapband or IVF which both cost a ton of money. Meanwhile I am trying to make this a healthy summer break and would love some support during this time.

    double check with your doctor to make sure I am not giving you bad advise...however, I would try a low-er carb diet instead of lapband. I don't have PCOS as far as I know, but I DO have a tendency towards insulin resistance. 7 years ago I was diagnosed, and within just a few months I lost 20 pounds and got pregnant-- I am convinced that my insulin issues were preventing me from getting pregnant since I hadn't been using birth control for 16 months.

    Just this year, I worked my booty off in the gym for 3 months and only lost 7 pounds. I cut my carbs down to about 75g net per day, and did the same workout, and lost 9 pounds in one month! I could be wrong, but seems to me that my body responds better with lower carbs...