What should I weigh???



  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I usually think being 6' and under 200 ends up being pretty small. So anything under 190, 185 would end up looking skinny on a 5'10" guy.

    I saw, check out your lean body mass, and work till you look they way you want.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm gonna say no less than 180-190. I know that BMI says 174, but that seems really low for a 5'10 guy. I'm not fond of skinny guys, so maybe I'm not a good judge of what's good!

    I'm 5'11 and now 153 (female, 33). I feel I'm pretty light and in shape for me, while another woman at 5'11 and 135 would think I'm heavy...I feel it's all about how you feel about you.

    IMO, you look good now! I'd never in a million years think you weighed almost 240!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Currently my body fat % is still high at 30%. my trainer said in the next month or two to try to get it to 25%.

    Makes sense. You might want to set a one year goal as something like under 20% BF.
  • NJTeacher411
    NJTeacher411 Posts: 50 Member
    First of all, congrats on the loss! You can't go by BMI cause by BMI standards even Michael Jordan was considered overweight.

    At 5'9" I would shoot for 180-200 lbs.
  • RichOC
    RichOC Posts: 243 Member
    BMI can suck it.

    Yeah! I'm pretty sure the BMI was created so insurance companies could charge higher premiums!

    Congrats on your weight loss, way to work hard!
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    Rule of thumb for women is: at 5' weigh 100lbs give or take 5lbs, for every inch over 5' add 5 lbs...so at 5'10" you should be around 145-150lbs...

    Now you need to consider your frame size...large frmae add in up to another 10lbs, meddium frame 5lbs and small frame 0 lbs...to determin your frame size, measure your wrist...more than 6" is large, 6" medium and under 6" small...

    So if you are a large frame at 5"10 you should weigh about 150-160lbs...

    I think you need to be a weight that is "doable" for you, but in my opinion, 221lbs for a 5"10" woman is still heavy...

    But what's the rule of thumb for a man? See picture

    ETA - I don't know the answer, but i'd be curious, my bf is in the same situation...same height and everything.

    The rule of thumb for a man is 106 at 5' and add 6lbs/inch, so at 5'10 that would be 172. If you have a larger frame 10% higher, so 172 to 189.

    Erick is dead right!!
    Couple of things remember...BMI is a joke, disregard that number.
    1. What is your frame size, using elbow measurement.
    2. What is your body fat %

    I'm 5'10", and in my profile pic i'm at 178lbs with 13.5% body fat.

    When I was running and looking to be ultra slim, I would drop down to 150-155lbs. I've quit running other than just for fitness, and hit the weights more. I'll bet you that if you're 221lbs at 5'10", you've got a good 40lbs to drop, and are probably running about 28% body fat%, which puts you well into the danger zone. You should be looking at a waist size of 32" for pants with no "lapping over", and at 31, a BF% of no more than 18%. The older you get, the more the body wants to hold fat, and the harder it becomes to lose it.

    Posts about you weighing 150 are just not realistic, and not healthy..unless you're running sub 5min miles....

    Note: Not saying you want to be, or need to be ripped/cut/jacked.....totally up to you, but at 5'10...221, 40lbs to lose..

  • Lay821
    Lay821 Posts: 73 Member
    teehee funny reading the comments ^

    Maybe you could get your body fat % checked at a gym or clinic and aim for a healthy BF %? Honestly, by your picture on the right, you like you are at a healthy weight. BMI is definitely a flawed measurement.

    THIS ^^
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    My boyfriend is almost 6 foot tall and even eating loads, only weighs around 158Ibs and that takes work. He was less than 154 when I met him, but he has small bones. When he goes up to what he is now, it seems to go onto his belly so I am assuming he is just naturally small.