Foods to kickstart my metabolism



  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    There is no such thing as "kickstarting" your metabolism, however the less you eat over a long period of times slows your metabolism . Eating more at regular intervals of 2 - 3 hours HELPS your metabolism run more efficiently but day to day activities like drinking cold water in the morning isn't going to make it run any faster that day. Your metabolism is very complex and runs off of hormones. Last time I checked drinking ice water has no effect on hormones.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member Dr.Oz has some good info on his site about gearing the type of diet with your body type. They were the hunter and farmer types. Check it out.

    Dr. Oz is full of crap most of the time and pushes products based on who pays the bills. I wouldn't listen to 90% of what he says.

  • dithoma
    dithoma Posts: 31
    this person obivously appreciate the info she gets from Doc. oz so it might be respectful to keep your opinions toy our self. you know what mother says " if you cant say anything nice dont say it at all"
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 201 Member
    A healthy protein/carb/fat ratio breakfast and good old plain green tea. Exercise with your heart rate in your zone will keep your metabolism pumping well after your finished working out. Good luck
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    All I can say, from my experience, is eat throughout the day with healthy foods and drink plenty of water. I drink at least 8 glasses of water each day, eat 5-6 times a day every 2 1/2-3 hours, take in a lot of protein and consume the recommended amount of calories each day. My metabolism sky rockets everytime I do.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    this person obivously appreciate the info she gets from Doc. oz so it might be respectful to keep your opinions toy our self. you know what mother says " if you cant say anything nice dont say it at all"

    i like your attitude. agreed.

    not that i watch dr oz. i don't have cable, just Netflix.
  • ahoag_83
    ahoag_83 Posts: 54 Member Dr.Oz has some good info on his site about gearing the type of diet with your body type. They were the hunter and farmer types. Check it out.

    Dr. Oz is full of crap most of the time and pushes products based on who pays the bills. I wouldn't listen to 90% of what he says.


    OMG! Don't tell me grandmother that! Dr. Oz is on TV so it must all be true! ;)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    this person obivously appreciate the info she gets from Doc. oz so it might be respectful to keep your opinions toy our self. you know what mother says " if you cant say anything nice dont say it at all"

    You do no one any favors by allowing them to fall for falsehoods about weight loss. I try to be respectful by being honest, not telling people what they want to hear.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    this person obivously appreciate the info she gets from Doc. oz so it might be respectful to keep your opinions toy our self. you know what mother says " if you cant say anything nice dont say it at all"

    If you told me that you enjoyed playing in traffic, am I being nice, or mean, by telling you to stop?

    I vote that I am being nice. I am doing you a favor, even though you may enjoy playing in traffic. You just might not see it that way.
  • Noel1114
    Noel1114 Posts: 23 Member
    Getting the balance of your diet greater in protein and lesser in carbs and fat. Also eat smaller amounts more regularly throughout the day. That should kickstart your metabolism.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    There is no such thing as "kickstarting" your metabolism, however the less you eat over a long period of times slows your metabolism . Eating more at regular intervals of 2 - 3 hours HELPS your metabolism run more efficiently but day to day activities like drinking cold water in the morning isn't going to make it run any faster that day. Your metabolism is very complex and runs off of hormones. Last time I checked drinking ice water has no effect on hormones.
    This is 100% false. The NIH has already debunked this myth. Meal frequency has ZERO effect on weight lost. And there are several studies that your metabolic rate will not slow down even if you have a week if under eating. Your body has the ability to run off of fat stores before it adjust.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    this person obivously appreciate the info she gets from Doc. oz so it might be respectful to keep your opinions toy our self. you know what mother says " if you cant say anything nice dont say it at all"

    Its not an opinion when you can prove the majority of his information wrong. As a person that spends a lot of time on this board helping people, i find its important to tell people to listen to studies and research not wack tv stars. And i tell my wife the same stuff.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Vitamine B12

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) properties
    Good for Growth, skin, nails, hair, sensitive lips and tongue, eyesight, the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
    Signs of deficiency Itchy irritated eyes, itchy mucous membranes (nose, mouth, throat) and cracked corners of lips.
    RDA 1.6mg
    Good sources Milk, liver, yeast, cheese, green leafy vegetables, fish.
    Poisoning No danger. It dissolves in water, so any excess is passed in urine.
    Destroyed by Alcohol and light (this is why milk-cartons are better than bottles).
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Of course there is foods to help your metabolism ....

    If u eat only crap food for some time, you will need a help to desintoxicate your body and restart it , in that case blueberrys, açai and teas
    are good helpers

    Vitamine B12 t breaksdown protein, fat and carbohydrates, which will make ur metabolism faster ,and alot of other foods for other reasons ....

    Is wroth having a deep look into that topic
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If u eat only crap food for some time, you will need a help to desintoxicate your body and restart it , in that case blueberrys, açai and teas
    are good helpers
    Desintoxicate is not a word. It's not even close to a word. What are you trying to say?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    this person obivously appreciate the info she gets from Doc. oz so it might be respectful to keep your opinions toy our self. you know what mother says " if you cant say anything nice dont say it at all"
    My mother didn't say that. I believe that was Thumper.

    That person is free to quote advice from Doctor Oz, and others are free to say that that advice is wrong and Dr Oz is an idiot. We don't have to keep our opinions to ourselves any more than you do.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Im portuguese , maybe the person that started the post will understand .
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Eat more..move more...will boost your metabolism....< TRUE STORY!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Of course there is foods to help your metabolism ....

    If u eat only crap food for some time, you will need a help to desintoxicate your body and restart it , in that case blueberrys, açai and teas
    are good helpers

    Vitamine B12 t breaksdown protein, fat and carbohydrates, which will make ur metabolism faster ,and alot of other foods for other reasons ....

    Is wroth having a deep look into that topic

    If you can show many any legitimate studies that show that these increase the metabolism, I will think otherwise. But I have yet to see a none bias study (such that of the NIH) that would agree with this.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP, there are foods that have been shown to help in this area but in such small amounts that you would probably drive yourself crazy trying to get an appreciable difference. Green tea and spicy foods are two that are promoted most often. If you like these foods, enjoy. If you don't, don't worry about it. Building muscle will help with your at rest calorie burn. You may want to ask in the fitness forum--it may be HIIT that I am thinking of, but I have read about doing some form of cardio that keeps your at rest calorie burn boosted for a period of time after exercising.