Anyone into anime?



  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Oh I am.
    I prefer manga to anime though. I have a bit of a short attention span. And it's much easier for me to get into reading then watching.

    Favorite anime are Fruits Basket, Darker than Black, 12 Kingdoms, and Code Geass. I'm slowly watching Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit currenty. (It's very good btw) Oh and Sailor Moon.:love:

    My fave manga list is too extensive to put here. :/

    Fruits Basket anime I couldn't stand the voices, both English and Japanese @.@. Probably because I read the manga first and I had my ideal voices for them ya know?

    Darker than Black 1st season was awesome!! Hei is so kickass @.@. Second season and Gaiden, I wanted to kill someone ;( . . . they should have left it at season one. I won't say anythign in case you haven't seen it yet.

    Twelve Kingdoms is like the best fantasy anime I've ever seen! One of my favorites in fact. I've watched it like five times already XDD. Yoko just becomes so kickass, and Rakushun is the cutest anthro rat evar <333.

    Code Geass I put on hold, despite it being so popular ;x.

    Seirei no Moribito like raped my senses, it was so gorgeous, and brilliantly colored and everything D;. Not surprising though, it's I.G. after all, biiggg budget. I liked it a lot, but in terms of fantasy anime, I think Twelve Kingdoms is better~

    Sailor Moon is part of my childhood right thar~ Sailor Saturn is also my favorite, my birthday is only a day before hers x3~!
  • Remilia_Scarlet
    Remilia_Scarlet Posts: 55 Member
    I'm an anime fan as well, though I generally prefer manga. My favorites are Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Baccano!, Kuragehime, and Madoka Magica.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Otaku here :) I'm assuming you love natsume yujin cho? Feel free to add me on crunchyroll too ( if you're interested)

    My most favorite anime probably ;3. I haven't logged into crunchyroll for years since they started the whole paying thing and advertising whatnot ;(
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I like anime! In fact I'm about to get off of here and watch some Shippuden :D
    I love Deathnote, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Darker Than Black and a few others which I haven't gotten far into yet. I suppose you could say my taste is pretty mainstream. Still, add me if you'd like!

    I'll add you ;3.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Oh, there are definitely anime fans on here...

    ...although I have to contest your implied statement that in-depth fans would not watch the "Big Three" shounen as well. A serious anime fan won't stop at those, but One Piece is a favorite of mine... on top of Cowboy Bebop, NHK, Mushi-shi, Boogiepop Phantom, FMA, and loads of others. :p

    Hm, I didn't particularly say that whoever liked them wasn't in-depth~ I know majority who are exposed to anime are only exposed to those certain mainstream shounen, but have watched nothing else. I was looking for people who watched a little more than that ;3.

    Cowboy Bebop is definitely a classic, and the movie was great. NHK described my life almost, just so lol. I have many traits of a hikikomori like Sato xP. Mushishi is one of my favorites, incredibly gorgeous anime ;3.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    MEEEEE! If you like shoujo titles like Chobits, Fushigi Yuugi and Fruits Basket, then you're my kind of hito! :D

    I like a lot of shoujo titles ^^. I remember reading Fushigi Yuugi a long time ago, Nuriko will always be my favorite. Nuriko, why ;-; . . . .
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I'm an anime fan as well, though I generally prefer manga. My favorites are Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Baccano!, Kuragehime, and Madoka Magica.

    Mr. Despair XD. Love him, but also because he's voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya. And I love Hiroshi Kamiya . . .Natsume*cough* and Araragi XD.

    Baccano! is freakin' awwwweesssommeee. God, it was the best non-linear storytelling anime ever XDD. "THANK YOU. **** YOU." That man. And Rail Tracer too XD.

    Kuragehime was great! But the sales were terrible, I'm sad ;(. No chance ever of being a second season, would just have to read the manga. Josei gets no appreciation these days. Well, Apollon might do well this season.

    Madoka Magica, Kyubey~ So cute, yet so . . . .well, I wouldn't call him evil if you look at it from his perspective. I wouldn't make a contract with him anytime soon though XD.
  • Remilia_Scarlet
    Remilia_Scarlet Posts: 55 Member
    Mr. Despair XD. Love him, but also because he's voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya. And I love Hiroshi Kamiya . . .Natsume*cough* and Araragi XD.

    Baccano! is freakin' awwwweesssommeee. God, it was the best non-linear storytelling anime ever XDD. "THANK YOU. **** YOU." That man. And Rail Tracer too XD.

    Kuragehime was great! But the sales were terrible, I'm sad ;(. No chance ever of being a second season, would just have to read the manga. Josei gets no appreciation these days. Well, Apollon might do well this season.

    Madoka Magica, Kyubey~ So cute, yet so . . . .well, I wouldn't call him evil if you look at it from his perspective. I wouldn't make a contract with him anytime soon though XD.
    Aaaah, Hiroshi Kamiya is so talented! I love him!

    Claire is amazing. Well, everyone in Baccano! is amazing. The characters are its strength.

    I was sad, too, but the manga is more than enough to get my fix of fabulous man/nerd girls hijinks. I'm just glad that I got to see some of my favorite scenes animated (such as Tsukimi, Kuranosuke, and Shu going to the aquarium). The OP/ED were adorable, too.

    Apollon will probably sell well. Watanabe tends to draw a lot of attention.

    Kyuubey was an interesting villain. I love how his motivation was so logical and practical. I loved Nanoha and Gen Urobuchi already, and Madoka is pretty much a cross between the two.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Aaaah, Hiroshi Kamiya is so talented! I love him!

    Claire is amazing. Well, everyone in Baccano! is amazing. The characters are its strength.

    I was sad, too, but the manga is more than enough to get my fix of fabulous man/nerd girls hijinks. I'm just glad that I got to see some of my favorite scenes animated (such as Tsukimi, Kuranosuke, and Shu going to the aquarium). The OP/ED were adorable, too.

    Apollon will probably sell well. Watanabe tends to draw a lot of attention.

    Kyuubey was an interesting villain. I love how his motivation was so logical and practical. I loved Nanoha and Gen Urobuchi already, and Madoka is pretty much a cross between the two.

    I found him adorable, especially when he was chasing after Chane in the specials and she said yes x3~!!

    Yeah, it makes me so sad, that ecchi harems come out every season, but quality stuff like Kuragehime doesn't see the light of day again ;(.

    Indeed, that man gave us Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo after all, genius works in my opinion ;x.

    I like Gen Urobuchi too. Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom was beautiful, but I just can't agree with the ending ;-;. And Fate/Zero, dear God @.@. I haven't even touched it yet, but people are claiming it's the best thing since sliced bread. I need to watch Fate/Stay Night first and wait for Fate/Zero season two to end so I can just marathon that sucker XD.

    I haven't watched Nanoha yet, but Madoka seems to take a lot of Princess Tutu too, another one of those dark, mahou shoujo anime. Also one of my favorites and incredibly underrated. REAL MEN WATCH PRINCESS TUTU AND LIKE IT. ;D
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    Probably not as much as others any more, but I have watched a bit over the years. My husband's a big fan still though, keeps me watching stuff with him. :)
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Huge anime fan here! I tend to stick to the more *kitten* kicking ones, lol!

    No particular order, but a few of the many I really enjoy:

    1.Rouroni Kenshin
    2. One Piece
    3. Bleach
    4. Mushishi
    5. Reborn
    6. Fairytale
    7. Queens Blade
    8. Full Metal Alchemist
    9. Gurren Lagaan
    10. Sword of the Stranger

    Too many to list though, and I love them. Feel free to add me, just drop a note saying "Anime pal" or some other such nonsense, lol! Woot! BAWSS!
  • ScarredVampiress
    Love anime, watch it everyday! I like some mainstream animes, although not as much since they seem so slow and not NEARLY as good as the shorter anime with 12-24 episodes. My favourite favourite favourite is Bokura Ga Ita. Yeah, love story but the artwork is amazing and I loooove the characters! I've watched a lot, as well, about 100 or so(it's hard to keep count ya know) most of the around 24eps but some longer, like Card Captor Sakura or Avatar, and so on.

    I also own (more than)a few cosplays, though I'd like to lose more weight before I buy anymore. I also cosplay from video games(since I am in love with those toooo!).

    Any anime fans can feel free to add me!
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Probably not as much as others any more, but I have watched a bit over the years. My husband's a big fan still though, keeps me watching stuff with him. :)

    Added you ;3.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Huge anime fan here! I tend to stick to the more *kitten* kicking ones, lol!

    No particular order, but a few of the many I really enjoy:

    1.Rouroni Kenshin
    2. One Piece
    3. Bleach
    4. Mushishi
    5. Reborn
    6. Fairytale
    7. Queens Blade
    8. Full Metal Alchemist
    9. Gurren Lagaan
    10. Sword of the Stranger

    Too many to list though, and I love them. Feel free to add me, just drop a note saying "Anime pal" or some other such nonsense, lol! Woot! BAWSS!

    Sure did ^^! TTGL FTW.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Love anime, watch it everyday! I like some mainstream animes, although not as much since they seem so slow and not NEARLY as good as the shorter anime with 12-24 episodes. My favourite favourite favourite is Bokura Ga Ita. Yeah, love story but the artwork is amazing and I loooove the characters! I've watched a lot, as well, about 100 or so(it's hard to keep count ya know) most of the around 24eps but some longer, like Card Captor Sakura or Avatar, and so on.

    I also own (more than)a few cosplays, though I'd like to lose more weight before I buy anymore. I also cosplay from video games(since I am in love with those toooo!).

    Any anime fans can feel free to add me!

    I have yet to watch Bokura Ga Ita, but either people hate it or love it XD. I'll just have to see when I get to it @.@.
    Cardcaptor Sakura, ahhh...sweet childhood ;-;. I remembered marathoning it a couple of years back in the summer just to feel like a kid again XD.

    I'm hoping to cosplay once I get to my goal weight, probably my anime twin Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke first. Everyone agrees I'm the splitting image of her. Hair, height, sharp eyes, only thing that doesn't match is my weight XDD...she's 95 lbs and I'm a little over that ;-;.
  • AFluffyNyamma
    AFluffyNyamma Posts: 99 Member
    My favorite is anything type-moon. :) well, less fate-related things and more of Nasu's older works.

    I also enjoyed the Kure-Nai TV show, Last Exile, and Futakoi Alternative. Long time anime fan, just less into it by far now a days. Feel free to add me anyone
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Loves me some anime. Everyone add me! :)
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    My favorite is anything type-moon. :) well, less fate-related things and more of Nasu's older works.

    I also enjoyed the Kure-Nai TV show, Last Exile, and Futakoi Alternative. Long time anime fan, just less into it by far now a days. Feel free to add me anyone

    Like Kara no Kyoukai? Kara no Kyoukai was gorgeous D; . . . . with Yuki Kajiura's music, so beautiful ;-;. The first movie was actually my favorite out of all of them, the atmosphere and everything~

    Last Exile I put on-hold, but I plan to finish it one of these days. Too much stuffs to keep up with XD.
  • microMXL
    microMXL Posts: 51
    anime fan here, loved hajime no ippo, death note and saint seiya

    I still read hajime no ippo manga and liked battle royale
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Loves me some anime. Everyone add me! :)

    Added ;3.