I will admit... I am SCARED to lose weight!! *possible TMI?



  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    buy your husband a very expensive road bike, spandex and encourage him to start touring on weekends... almost as effective as PNP.. but not as effective as the snip ;)

  • What's PNP?

    If you don't want any more kids, use condoms, get your tubes tied or ask your partner to get a vasectomy. Getting pregnant has no correlation to losing weight, it just seems that way because it happened that way.

    I can't use bc either; not being able to use bc shouldn't mean you have to pop out children (I'm child-free!) Just be more careful!

    Actually when it comes to PCOS there is a CLEAR correlation between the two!

    Thank you I was just thinking that. When you lose weight and you have PCOS your hormones and ovulation balances out slowly. Less cyst remain on the ovaries because your body isn't as insulin resistant as it was. Thus making it easier to conceive a child. No, I"m not talking out my *kitten*, that is what I was told by a few gynos when I was complaining about being 27 and still never been preggo.
  • I'm sorry but I think this is ridiculous. Pregnancy is something you can control. Condoms, vasectomy, etc.

    Not everyone is ok with "birth control" methods. for some its against their religion. So for these people it isn't ridiculous.
  • BAtobe
    BAtobe Posts: 93 Member
    I was so worried about the copper IUD as well. I absolutely despise hormonal birth control but surgery scares me and we are done having kiddos. I decided it was worth it to try, execting the worst.... I LOVE it!!!! No pain, no extra bleeding, no hormones, I dont even know its there really. I actually have LESS painful periods, in fact I do not cramp at all because it thins the uterine lining so much! Highly recommended from me. :)
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    I'm sorry but I think this is ridiculous. Pregnancy is something you can control. Condoms, vasectomy, etc.

    Not everyone is ok with "birth control" methods. for some its against their religion. So for these people it isn't ridiculous.

    Then they shouldn't have sex. If your religion is getting in the way of your wishes of not expanding your family, then sex should cease to be a priority. Because if pulling out and him coming on your stomach is okay, but wearing a condom isn't, then they clearly aren't following the whole Bible. Remember, every sperm is sacred and all that.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Why don't you try an iud? Some of the copper ones don't have hormones.
    This. Copper IUD is so reliable it is available as a 'morning after' treatment, even for someone with hormonal issues that make the hormone based pill/IUDs ineffectual. Either that or see if your husband is willing to get snipped if you are done having kids.
  • I'm sorry but I think this is ridiculous. Pregnancy is something you can control. Condoms, vasectomy, etc.

    Not everyone is ok with "birth control" methods. for some its against their religion. So for these people it isn't ridiculous.

    Then they shouldn't have sex. If your religion is getting in the way of your wishes of not expanding your family, then sex should cease to be a priority. Because if pulling out and him coming on your stomach is okay, but wearing a condom isn't, then they clearly aren't following the whole Bible. Remember, every sperm is sacred and all that.

    Right, so someone shouldn't have sex (which is a natural primal instinct of life and no not just for procreation) because they don't believe in birth control? and I never said it was a Biblical religion. There are more religions than those that read the Bible.
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    I'm sorry but I think this is ridiculous. Pregnancy is something you can control. Condoms, vasectomy, etc.

    Not everyone is ok with "birth control" methods. for some its against their religion. So for these people it isn't ridiculous.

    Then they shouldn't have sex. If your religion is getting in the way of your wishes of not expanding your family, then sex should cease to be a priority. Because if pulling out and him coming on your stomach is okay, but wearing a condom isn't, then they clearly aren't following the whole Bible. Remember, every sperm is sacred and all that.

    Right, so someone shouldn't have sex (which is a natural primal instinct of life and no not just for procreation) because they don't believe in birth control? and I never said it was a Biblical religion. There are more religions than those that read the Bible.

    *shrug* Call me silly, but "urges" be damned, I'd rather go without sex than raise a child I didn't actually want, religion or no.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm sorry but I think this is ridiculous. Pregnancy is something you can control. Condoms, vasectomy, etc.

    Not everyone is ok with "birth control" methods. for some its against their religion. So for these people it isn't ridiculous.

    Then they shouldn't have sex. If your religion is getting in the way of your wishes of not expanding your family, then sex should cease to be a priority. Because if pulling out and him coming on your stomach is okay, but wearing a condom isn't, then they clearly aren't following the whole Bible. Remember, every sperm is sacred and all that.

    :laugh: Marry me, Mary. It's okay in 8 states now.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Mirena is a hormonal IUD.

    I have paraguard - copper. Non-hormonal.

    In fact, this is my 2nd paraguard. I had the first one removed when I wanted to get pregnant with my 4 year old, and a new one after she was born.

    There are plenty of non-hormonal birth control options available. If you are doing Natural Family Planning (NFP) or pull-n-pray and have failed twice, then perhaps you should consider something else. Otherwise it's just a bunch of excuses that keep producing children you don't want.

    FTR, for women with PCOS, low-carb seems to be the way to go when it comes to weight-loss. Something about insulin resistance or something.
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176

    :laugh: Marry me, Mary. It's okay in 8 states now.

    Hahaha! :tongue:
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I use natural family planning and the pull out method as well. But starting a new exercise routine can really screw with your menstral cycle. Mine comes and goes at random since I started exercising. I would suggest using condoms on top of the method you use! I don't do the artificial hormones either and like you I am scared of an IUD!!!
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    What do you call a couple who use PNP?
  • Mirena is a hormonal IUD.

    I have paraguard - copper. Non-hormonal.

    In fact, this is my 2nd paraguard. I had the first one removed when I wanted to get pregnant with my 4 year old, and a new one after she was born.

    There are plenty of non-hormonal birth control options available. If you are doing Natural Family Planning (NFP) or pull-n-pray and have failed twice, then perhaps you should consider something else. Otherwise it's just a bunch of excuses that keep producing children you don't want.

    FTR, for women with PCOS, low-carb seems to be the way to go when it comes to weight-loss. Something about insulin resistance or something.

    I did not do NFP before having my last two kids so this is (fairly) new to me but it has worked for the past 18 months. We did not use protection at all before either of my kids and the funkiness of the PCOS kept me from becoming pregnant until I started losing weight and it brought my hormones back to normal. Like I said somewhere in this post, our kids were very much wanted but surprises nonetheless! It was only after I got pregnant with my second that I picked up on the correlation between me losing weight both times and getting pregnant.

    Just saw your edit: Yes, low carb seems to be what works best for PCOS women. I haven't started yet but I am going to be lowering my carb intake to help lose weight.
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    weird thread is getting graphic. get the number of a gynecologist, i hear they're good with these issues.
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    What do you call a couple who use PNP?

    :laugh: !!
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    every time i lose weight i get pregnant too.. and gain what i lost and some LOL. but this time i don't care. im going to try again. LOL
  • The pull out method is always safe :drinker:

    Not always. Pre-cum can sometimes contain sperm and there's no way for a man to control the release.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    The pull out method is always safe :drinker:

    Not always. Pre-cum can sometimes contain sperm and there's no way for a man to control the release.

    Actually, it can only contain sperm from a previous ejaculation. If the guy urinated since the last time then it's fine. The problem with it is some guys will wait too long to pull out. It has a 4% failure rate when used correctly though. Condoms have a 2% failure rate with perfect use.

    It's not necessarily a terrible method if you're in a long term committed relationship and have regular cycles. You can combine it with fertility awareness giving yourself a pretty low chance of getting pregnant.
  • The pull out method is always safe :drinker:

    not always! That's how my daughter was conceived!!