When do you usually binge?

concavity Posts: 143 Member
I'm trying to cut back on my binge foods and move them to once a week then once a month.
But I've noticed that I've been binging on certain occassions and I thought that if I write them down then I will become more aware of them.

-When I smell baked goods right out of the oven
-At a friends house with no good food to eat
I treat it like a break from my diet but I can't continue doing so since if I go over more than once a week and I haven't been perfect well there goes any progress.


  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    When my boyfriend orders Reallly yummy pizza.. I stuck to just 2 slices =) I think I did good! I try to not binge at all though.
  • eyclypz
    eyclypz Posts: 14
    When I'm sad, it's uncontrollable binging. Also on the Sunday with my mom it's trouble.
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    I forgot I also emotionally eat or when I'm bored but not usually a whole binge just overeat a little more than I should like an extra dollop of sour cream or ice cream.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I usually eat a lot of food when I am borred.
  • tobykang
    tobykang Posts: 24
    Right between the hours of 6-9PM when I'm either 1) not fast enough in preparing my dinner or 2) have dinner but are hungry so just decide to go nuts and raid the pantry. Bad bad :c
  • Its usually when I'm super stressed out. Been doing good controlling it lately.. I just try to drink LOTS of water that way I will be too full to binge on anything else.
  • When my husband springs it on me he wants to order out...I know there are healthy eating out options but I say "screw it" or sometimes closer to night I feel bingy because I feel relaxed. I find when I'm most relaxed (not to be confused with bored) I want to eat and be even more relaxed with a happy full belly. I'm realizing its a BS thing and to drink water or have super low cal snacks near bed time so I dont binge...popcorn, a little bit of ice cream or some fruits.
  • When I deprive myself of the things I really want or the amount of food I really need on a daily basis.
  • When I'm really, REALLY upset. Usually when I face the emotion of rejection. Always a bad spot for me, but I'm getting better at identifying and figuring out a more productive way to deal with it.
  • Night time - always night time.

    I get the most intense cravings for chocolate, pizza, Mcdonalds, kebabs - you get the idea.

    It sucks.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    I find that friends and family who aren't dieting make it the hardest and are usually the times that I binge.

    If we go to a resturant they order a app, and a meal. Most of the time that goes over my daily calories in one seating.

    I find it hard to stay on track around people who aren't
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The ONLY thing that keeps me from binging is making sure I am well satiated throughout the day. That means eating a good solid lunch, snack, then a good dinner. I will binge late at night if I put off dinner too long.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I tend to want to eat everything I can reach for a couple of days when I'm mid-cycle, and also if I'm drinking. Can't do anything about the TOM part, but I've cut out the "Oh, I think I'll have a beer while I prep dinner" thing. Just leads to a couple more beers (or glasses of wine) and then there goes the willpower!
  • StrawberrySt
    StrawberrySt Posts: 235
    Eating out is always hard as I see it as a 'treat' and want high calorie foods!

    Night time as well, when I'm relaxing and watching TV but a cup of tea will normally do the trick!
  • dtobot
    dtobot Posts: 12
    I think I binge when I am starving...when I have been working all day and had no time to eat. Then I get home starving and eat everything I want. I know you should eat small meals throughout the day, but it can be very time consuming. I am trying to pack more healthy snacks like fruit and nuts that I can shove into my mouth while still at the computer.

    Late night eating is very dangerous. Lately, I have been brushing my teeth and washing my face right after I submit my food diary for the day so I don't late night snack. Any other tips?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think I binge when I am starving...when I have been working all day and had no time to eat. Then I get home starving and eat everything I want. I know you should eat small meals throughout the day, but it can be very time consuming. I am trying to pack more healthy snacks like fruit and nuts that I can shove into my mouth while still at the computer.

    Late night eating is very dangerous. Lately, I have been brushing my teeth and washing my face right after I submit my food diary for the day so I don't late night snack. Any other tips?

    Drop the excuses and eat throughout the day to keep yourself fuller.

    I pulled a 90 hour work week at my desk last week. I went home every night and make sandwiches for lunch and snacks that I could eat at my desk and packed everything in a little cooler with an ice pack. It can be done, but it takes a little time and effort.

    Just try it for a week. See how you do.
  • yamyamyam
    yamyamyam Posts: 1
    When I'm bored, or when I'm upset, that is when I know I will reach for food.
    Or when I have cereal. I cannot have a normal sized portion of cereal, and be "satisfied"... I just don't buy the stuff any more now..!
  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    Final exams... right now... :P
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    When Im home alone and unwell -.-. Today was a prime example...
  • I had a binge last night, went to shops and bought some really crappy food :-( but rather than scoff the whole pack or eat a whole tub of ice-cream I sampled everything and that was enough for me. I actually felt horrid after because I have been very good with how I have been eating of late. Then I drank heaps of water :-) At the end of the day as long as you are not doing it each day you should be ok :-)

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