Ways to make you "poop" regularly?



  • tonyrd3000
    tonyrd3000 Posts: 20
    Fiber from natural sources and you can also supplement that with metamucil capsules or powder. Flax is another good source of fiber that also provides your Omega 3 fatty acids. If you are taking a diet that is high in protein, it is actually recommended by lots of sports nutritionists that you supplement your fiber. This helps to ensure that your body gets everything out of your protein and less goes to "waste". Additionally, LOT OF WATER.

    Ahh, what a lovely topic to start the day off with. Potty talk. LOL
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    Plenty of hydration
    Getting a variety of healthy foods in... especially vegetables and fruits

    Regular exercise also helps

    Pretty much this. if push comes to shove try some apple juice. you want plenty of high fiber foods.

    Apple juice has almost no fibre in it. Cloudy apple juice has some, but really you're better off just eating the apples whole.
    Edited to add: everything else is good advice though :)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Lots of water is key, but for me, I also have to take stool softeners (3 tablets) every night and have been for probably 2 years. I have had issues with this most of my adult life and tried anything from metamucil, fiber gummies (they work pretty well too), fiber tabs, detoxes with colon cleanse, and I even used to take a shot of organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar every morning for about a year. Nothing like a shot of vinegar to wake you up first thing! Good luck; I feel for you.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Fiber is the key for me. I take Metamucil. But if you need immediate results try a gentle laxative tea
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    Try running for an exercise. That gets things moving for me!
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    Drink a lot of water.
    A friend of mine suggested drinking half your body weight in ounces. Try it for three days and I bet you will poop more!
  • lfm1968
    lfm1968 Posts: 44 Member
    Add a tablespoon of raw wheat bran to your oatmeal and cook it in.... adds a nutty flavor and keeps you moving!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Coffee for me!
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    Ballerina tea! *snicker, snicker*
    *Looking around to see if any of my MFPals are reading this, 'cause they'll totally get it.*


    Sorry. I occasionally have the maturity level and humor of a 14 year-old boy.
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member

    I'd really recommend you avoid laxatives unless you are extremely constipated and nothing else has worked. Regular use of laxatives can lead to a sluggish bowel, meaning you need to keep taking laxatives because your body can't do the work itself anymore.

    Go with HEAPS of fibre - supplements if you have to, but lots of whole fruits and vegetables - and buckets of water. The water will plump up the fibre and make it easier for your body to move it through.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    Ballerina tea! *snicker, snicker*
    *Looking around to see if any of my MFPals are reading this, 'cause they'll totally get it.*


    Sorry. I occasionally have the maturity level and humor of a 14 year-old boy.

    OMG this stuff is crazy!! eeeeep!!! wont be doing that again in a hurry!!! hahahahaha

    the person who recommended laxatives - thats a bit irresponsible!!!

    Try natural remedies - water, fibre, probiotics, chloyrophill, apples with skin, coffee and stay away from starch, also for me beans, and legumes and nuts cause 'blockage'! I suggest also as much greens or vege juices as possible.
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    apples (with skin on)
    lots of water

    or something more fatty than I would normally eat. Like a sausage link

    works every time !!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    if you need extra hydration try coconut water or a shot of wheatgrass - will get everything moving!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    make sure you are drinking enough water

    switch from apple juice to white grape or pear--my doctor told me that apple juice, apple sauce and bananas can be binding. When I stopped buying apple juice, the whole house got more regular.

    try adding wheat germ (1g of fiber 1.5g of protein per Tablespoon) or sunflower seeds (also 1g of fiber, 1.5g of protein per Tablespoon) to your diet.

    the occasional prune or handful of dates wouldn't hurt
  • beachbumant_man
    beachbumant_man Posts: 48 Member
    it is the fibre intake.. u need at least 30g per day.. with 2 litres of water...

    fibre is either soluble or insoluble...

    insoluble is from grains/fruits/vegetables = the cellulose (skin of the fruit and vegetable) beta glucan - oats, bran, Soluble fibre - includes pectins, gums and mucilage, which are found mainly in plant cells. One of its major roles is to lower blood cholesterol levels. Good sources of soluble fibre include fruits, vegetables, oat bran, barley, seed husks, flaxseed, psyllium, dried beans, lentils, peas, soymilk and soy products. Soluble fibre can also help with constipation

    Soluble fibre - includes pectins, gums and mucilage, which are found mainly in plant cells. One of its major roles is to lower blood cholesterol levels. Good sources of soluble fibre include fruits, vegetables, oat bran, barley, seed husks, flaxseed, psyllium, dried beans, lentils, peas, soymilk and soy products. Soluble fibre can also help with constipation- slows the digestion of foods down so it feel full for longer
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Run somewhere between 5k & 10k - always works for me!

    That's a Loooooong cry from the COFFEE & CIGARETTE that it used to be not-so-many years ago :wink:
  • WendySue75
    WendySue75 Posts: 98 Member
    HAHAHAHAHA "push & shove" LMBO
    Plenty of hydration
    Getting a variety of healthy foods in... especially vegetables and fruits

    Regular exercise also helps

    Pretty much this. if push comes to shove try some apple juice. you want plenty of high fiber foods.
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    This should do the trick as well


  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member