How often do you weight yourself??



  • feedingonrose
    i weigh myself daily and it's driving me crazy! I think weekly would be ideal for me.
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    Every morning... but i only record it and have it "count" on Friday mornings. But i do it every day to see if i'm doing well or if i'm eating too much and need to stop.

    One thing that frustrates me is that days after i run, even though i'm WAYYY below my calroie intake i NEVER lose. It pisses me off.

    You probably need to eat more. Being "WAYYY" below your calorie intake, especially on a day when you're doing such a high cardio activity, can have the opposite effect on your loss. Your body needs fuel!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    I only weigh once per week.... and I weigh at work with clothes on after breakfast.....
  • workoutchick
    workoutchick Posts: 94 Member
    I do every morning and every night. I didn't this morning. i'm trying to break my habit of doing it every morning and every night. i've been getting really discouraged lately.
  • sudngcg
    sudngcg Posts: 8
    Every morning before my shower and breakfast. It helps keep me accountable to what I'm eating and how I'm exercising.
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    Every morning and I record it on a spread sheet. Weight loss is by FAR not linear so every couple of months or so I like to make a graph to see how all those ups and downs REALLY look!

    You know MFP records and tracks (with a graph) the loss too, right? weight, and all measurements are already there for the taking. But, if you do just becasue you love spreadsheets, I hear ya! I love excel, and use it for way more than I should, haha. But if you do it on excel because you didn't know about mfp reports, I just wanted to make sure you knew! :)
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    I weigh and measure in on the 15th and the last day of every month, as soon as I get up, after using the bathroom, before my workout. I try not to get on the scale too much. And I learned that going two weeks shows me a bigger number of ups and downs, not the little .5, .8 that vary with every sip, pee, and hiccup, therefore I don't get discouraged as easily.
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    Once a week. Saturday morning.
  • cestoby
    cestoby Posts: 9
    i do every morning, need to see how last nights/day before affected my weight teh next day! But I only make it count every Monday!
  • adalychee
    adalychee Posts: 28 Member
    Daily right after waking up. By weighing that often, I've seen some interesting trends on how water consumption, type of food, stress, etc. affect minor weight fluctuations, which is really interesting.
  • Jennfur2610
    Jennfur2610 Posts: 67 Member
    Every day, but I record every week on Monday.
  • Ianultrarunner
    Ianultrarunner Posts: 184 Member
    Once a week typically on Sunday morning right before breakfast.
    Weighing yourself more often will drive you nuts after a while.
    It's all about the law of averages. Daily fluctuations will occur so take large gains/losses with a grain of salt if you've eaten reasonably.
  • PlumeriaTattoo
    PlumeriaTattoo Posts: 21 Member
    Once a week, first thing in the morning, before any eating or drinking. Preferably after using the bathroom. I step on the scale 3 times and take the average since my scale seems to vary a bit.
  • Amaiotas
    Amaiotas Posts: 7
    I weigh myself several times a week, but I only record it once a week. Of course, I only log if I lose weight. Cheating? Perhaps, but it keeps me on track to at least maintain or lose a little each week. I'm set to lose only a 1/2 lb a week, so the scale doesn't move much anyway.


    I do just the same. LOL.
  • forestfairie
    forestfairie Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh myself every morning though I know I shouldnt. I normally dont get too freaked out if its up a bit. I recently started exercising more though and its up 3lbs. Thats depressing!
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    Sunday mornings.

    I don't have a scale at home, but there's one at my gran's house, and I see her on Sundays.
  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    It is very tempting to be obsessive about it. I want to lose weight but I dont want it to consume my every waking moment. I have been told that you should not weigh yourself any more than once every 2 weeks. I try to avoid weighing myself when its my time of the month as I tend to have put on about 3 lbs.