Hydroxycut anybody?

I just bought a bottle of Hydroxycut at Wal-mart and want to know if anyone has tried it and if there are side effects?!?! I am trying to drop thirty pounds by July 27th (beach vacation) and need some quick help.. I tried dropping my calorie count to 1000 a day and felt so weak I could not even exercise. So I am increasing it back to 1200 and going to curves three times a week and am going to try Hydroxycut.. Just wanting some feedback. Thanks


  • salterdsalter2
    I just bought a bottle of Hydroxycut at Wal-mart and want to know if anyone has tried it and if there are side effects?!?! I am trying to drop thirty pounds by July 27th (beach vacation) and need some quick help.. I tried dropping my calorie count to 1000 a day and felt so weak I could not even exercise. So I am increasing it back to 1200 and going to curves three times a week and am going to try Hydroxycut.. Just wanting some feedback. Thanks
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    My wife purchased the Women's extreme version of Hydroxycut from GNC and she is very sensitive to diet pills. She only took one capsule to start and slowly increased to the reccomended dosage and she has not seen any issues and she feels like it is working when she exercises.
  • kaiyacali
    kaiyacali Posts: 175
    Blah. :sick: Drop the pills and hit curves five times a week. Your body will thank you by looking awesome on your vacation in July
  • travelbug
    travelbug Posts: 153
    I personally wouldn't use any diet aid that cannot be assumed into a permanent lifesyle change. What happens when you stop taking them? (gain it all back and more?) I've tried some natural pill without caffeine in it to not add too many stimulants but it still made me very jittery , I couldn't concentrate and couldn't even workout because I was so jittery. I stopped later the same day and won't do it again.
    Proper nutrition, lots of water, doctor recommended vitamins, cardio and strength training are what I recommend.
  • pilot85
    pilot85 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I use hydruxycut.But I only take 2-3 tablets a day! I find them reducing my cravings.. I´m not constantly thinking about getting something to eat!
    Hope that help´s
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    Most of the products like Hydroxycut will boost your engery levels but do little by themselves as far as burning fat.

    I really like the old stuff, with ephedra, but thats me. it will work only if you do every thing else, food exercise and such.

    But i would also take some of the other advice here and increase your exercise as well.

    I just started the body for life weight training....wow what a work out and burnt over 1100 cals in just over an hour.

  • cheri822
    cheri822 Posts: 62 Member
    One of my friends took the Hydroxycut Hardcore for men, he lost a few pounds (approx 10) then gained it all back once he quit using them.

    Just eat better & go to Curves, Hydroxycut will not help you.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I think you should try it without the pills. You can do it!
  • jrmckee
    jrmckee Posts: 15
    I tried something similar to hydroxycut, and I had pretty bad stomach problems because of it. I decided it wasn't worth it and started working out a little more. Hope this helps.
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    Because I think many think that diet pills are some type of miracle drug. Most diet pills do not work because people do not understand what they are designed to do. Read the label of most and they say to take in the morning with food and/or 30 minutes prior to workout. The idea is to support the times at which you are burning the most caloires.

    My belief is that if you choose to use them use them for what they are designed for which in most cases is to enhance or support exercise. Bodybuilders utilize fat burners "diet pills" prior to workout in order to support the goal of reducing fat while increasing muscle.

    I can tell you that I take a product by GNC called Leucine XT which is an amino acid along with a . I can tell you that I can tell a difference when I take it and I don't. Again I only take it when I am working out as I realize it serves a specific function.


    You should consult a doctor prior to taking any and not have any medical conditions that would create problems. I also would create a 30 day buffer after 60-90 days of taking a fat burner so you do not build a tolerance or a dependency. In addition, only take them prior to workouts and when you do not work out do not take them.

    Bottom line is that exercise is the key and these supplements can help people burn more calories in the gym but they do not do anything more than that.