what do you bring for lunch??

vivmurray Posts: 22 Member
hi, im going back to work on monday after 6 months maternity leave (and dreading it). i was just wondering what you all bring for lunch? i used to always end up going to the shop and buying chocolate etc but i was pregnant so i told myself it didnt matter :) im afraid of falling back into that pattern.


  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Most days, I take a sandwich (grainy bread, although I have just discovered a lower carb and lower calorie option), with ham or cheese, and some salad. I also try to take 2 servings of fruit (sometimes I have carrot sticks in place of one serving) - one is for morning tea and the other with lunch. Lately, I've also been having some almonds for morning tea because I was getting hungry long before lunch time.

    I also take some crackers (peckish things - salt and vinegar are my current favourite) and a weight watchers bar or if I have done some baking that's lower in fat, I take a piece of that. These items won't go baad if I don't eat them, so one of them can be for afternoon tea if I want it and they prevent me being tempted to go to a cafe and buy cake!

    Lunches for me and the kids are made the night before - we have to leave home by 7.30am at the very latest, so I don't leave it for the morning or they would get packaged rubbish and I would end up buying my lunch.

    One thing I do treat myself to, is a takeaway coffee sometimes and I generally buy my lunch once a week (although not every week, but sometimes it is nice to have something someone else has made). Making your own lunch for work saves quite a bit of money, and you have more control over what is in it - eg. I never put spread in my sandwiches, but have a smear of low fat mayonaise. I am sure my lunches could be a bit healthier, but I am finding this is working for me at the moment, so sticking with it.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    Veggies. Sometimes hummus. Cheese. Eggs. Tuna or salmon s/w. Brown rice cracker with peanut or almond butter on it. Greek yogurt with berries. Home made soups. Salads. Containers are priceless when packing a lunch.
  • vivmurray
    vivmurray Posts: 22 Member
    yeah ill have to invest in a lot more containers. oh i will definitely be making lunches the night before. i am not an early bird and ill have to be out of house by 7.30 baby in tow... :s i am a big snacker so ill have to bring carrot stocks or something to tide me over. i only get one full hour lunch and i always end up filling my hour with food....i might start walking on my lunch too so that i wont be trying to fill the time!
  • Devona14
    Devona14 Posts: 171
    I usually have 1 - 1.5 oz of Jennie O Blue Ribbon Turkey (chipped), 2 slices of Merida Autumn Grain bread, 1 tsp of mayo/miracle whip, and a variation of fruit or veggies. Last week it was a Crunch Pak of carrots with ranch dressing. This week it will probably be raisins.
  • gijo76
    gijo76 Posts: 5 Member
    This is my favorate lunch to bring..... :happy: 4oz of lean ground turkey, 1 C baby spinach, 1 oz cottage cheese (to melt w my turkey meat, when I warm it up for lunch) 1 life balance tortilla, 1 T taco sauce, and a Cascade wild berry Ice water. I work 4-10's so I have to be up at 5am most days. I try to pick a day during the week to cook all of my meals and pre devide them in containers, store them in the freezer. (takes a couple hrs) But, then you can just take your meals out each night, throw in some fresh veggies, fruit, raw nuts, or what ever else you like to snack on (I do protein shakes for 2 of my snacks, w fresh fruit or veggies) and then you are off for the day, all meals ready to go. It is really the only way I can keep eating healthy is to always be prepared. Good Luck!
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    i bring a lot of food with me. i have a long commute, so if i don't have enough snacks, i tend to hit up the news stand and get something not so healthy. here is an example of what i bring:

    morning snack: almonds & fruit (usually berries)

    lunch: pb or cheese on kirkland sandwich thin; veggie straws; baby carrots; small gala apple (or leftovers and an apple)

    early afternoon snack: yogurt & fruit (usually berries)

    late afternoon snack: nature valley protein granola bar
  • lbaileyjohannsen
    lbaileyjohannsen Posts: 133 Member
    My downfall is being rushed in the morning and not making a lunch then I go buy a less healthy one, so I always try to make a little bit extra dinner the night before and reserve an extra portion for my lunch. That way it's already prepared.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Typically I do either homemade chicken salad (leftover chicken breast and/or canned white meat with as little lite miracle whip as I can manage) or ham/turkey and cheese sandwiches with mustard. I like use those Arnold sandwich thins for bread. Along with that, I try to have a fruit and/or veggie - today it's cherry tomatoes from GIL's garden and a small nectarine.

    In order to cover the whole day, I also pack a greek yogurt and banana for my afternoon snack and a protein bar for my morning snack. And I try to keep things like almonds, craisins, fiber plus chocolate chip bars and oatmeal in my drawer in case I am having a particularly hungry day. The more you have on hand, the better you'll be able to handle hunger and cravings.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    My go to lunch is a spinach salad (Spinach - sliced mushrooms - sliced red onions - small qty of crumbled feta cheese + a low sodium dressing and sometimes a hard boiled egg). Dessert is a piece of fruit or a little granola & yogurt.

    Aside from this, tuna or salmon sandwiches with whole grain bread and a hint of mayo.
  • Anelj
    Anelj Posts: 12
    I usually bring leftovers, but when not available I keep bags of salad handy and lots of veggies. I have a fridge at work so I try to stock it with cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, pickles, cucumbers, sugar free jello or pudding. I also have almonds and teas to have as an afternoon snack sometimes. The key is to be prepared for the cravings. The idea of walking at lunch is a great one!

    Good luck! :smile:
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    Usually I take a salad/leftovers from the night before/or a pre packaged frozen meal. Today? Leftovers: 4 oz grilled chicken breast with 2 cups california blend veggies. And a little baggie of pretzels for some crunch :-)
  • jens_journey
    jens_journey Posts: 25 Member
    When I work a full day I usually take string cheese, chopped walnuts, and orange slices for my "snacks". My lunch is usally apple slices and a can of progresso soup or a salad with whatever left over meat we had for dinner the night before and a fruit. I have a body by vi shake about 6:00 a.m. so this allows me a snack at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., lunch at 12:00, and then a snack at 2:30.
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    Rosemary thin pork chops, blueberries, greek yogurt, baby bell cheese, nectrine, and a protien bar is what I have in my lunch box today - that's my lunch & snacks. Usually I have some fruit, some veggies, yogurt, protien bar, and then some form of meat. Last week I did spinach and tomato stuffed chicken breast and next week I'm shooting for mussels & salmon. I cook in bulk on sunday & tuesday night so that I have food to pack easily. I try to avoid sandwhiches only because I'm trying to reduce my grains.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    sandwich, chips, and decaf coffee / decaf soda.

    i have about four kinds of healthy chips and crackers in big ziplock containers at all times. i vary the meat by week and the chips / crackers by day. so i'm not eating the same sandwich all week, i have morning star veggie burgers on the off days.

    has worked pretty well; i always enjoy lunch.
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    I try to bring plenty of snacks, in addition to my lunch, so I'm not tempted by the candy bowl outside of my office during the dreaded 3-4 p.m. timeframe!

    For lunch, I usually eat either peanut butter (sometimes with jelly) on a wheat sandwich thin (or regular wheat bread), and a mixture of raw veggies (baby carrots, broccoli, cucumber, cherry tomatoes). I love peanut butter and have to have some every single day.

    For afternoon snacks, I typically bring one piece of fresh fruit (i.e. a peach, apple, or strawberries) and one protein/granola bar (i.e. Kashi) or other. Sometimes I finish up my lunch veggies later on in the afternoon -- just depends on how hungry I am.
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Today's lunch starts with an appetizer of baby carrots and cut celery pieces followed by the entree - black forest ham with a 2% cheese slice and lettuce on whole wheat, accented nicely with mustard and mayo. We have a two course dessert... first blueberry yogurt and then a red delicious apple to finish. All washed down with a chilled Diet Coke.

    This is a typical lunch varying the sandwich meat and the yogurt flavour. I don't really get bored with food... if it's tasty I could eat it day after day.
  • coug3tt3
    coug3tt3 Posts: 9 Member
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    3 ryvita multigrain crispbreads, 30g low fat cottage cheese, a couple of cherry tomatoes sliced on top and a bit of caramelised onion chutney, yum! Then a small bag with approx 50g nuts and seeds mixed. The seeds are the magic touch to my lunch, they take ages to eat and fulfil my "hand to mouth repetition" need during the lunch hour - and also help keep me full until the end of the day :)
  • bookfaery
    bookfaery Posts: 53 Member
    I drop off my kidlet at school early, so I eat b'fast at work as well. I also try to eat every few hours to keep blood sugars stable and keep from being hungry.

    Breakfast = Greek yogurt + frozen blueberries in winter, Greek yogurt + fresh berries + 1/4 cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch lately.

    Mid-morning snack = Apple or grapes + 50 calorie low fat cheddar cheese "brick" (as my kidlet calls them). Sometimes 100 cal pack of almonds. Occasionally tomatoes and hummus.

    Lunch = Can of Progresso soup + scoop of Beneprotein (winter) or a few slices of ham or cheese rolled up together, with some fruit or veg or both, sometimes hummus and tomatoes. Sometimes just a Balance Bar (200 cal). Basically whatever we have in the fridge that I can throw in my lunch bag quickly that has some protein.

    Mid-afternoon snack = Sometimes 100 cal. pack of almonds. Sometimes Balance Bar.

    Dinner = whatever the husband cooks - generally heavy on the protein. Chicken and veg. Chili. We had linguini w/ white clam sauce the other night - probably too much fat and carbs, but yummy! I like Panera Fuji Chicken salads.

    Does this help? I do try to go heavy on the proteins, and if I'm eating something carby, even fruit, I try to add a protein. Don't forget to slam that water! Good luck :)
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I eat breakfast at work too, and my lunchbox usually has a banana and yogurt for breakfast (this morning I mixed it up with 2 hard boiled eggs). Lunch is typically a sandwich, either ham or turkey with cheese and no spread with a raw veggie along side (typically baby carrots). For snacks I usually have an apple and a fruit and nut trail mix bar. Sometimes it's dinner leftovers.
  • vivmurray
    vivmurray Posts: 22 Member
    thanks guys. ill be eating breakfast at work too but i always have fruit/yoghurt etc so i know i can stick to that!! your lunch ideas are all great! thanks! ive a fridge in work too so egg, cheese etc are all good...hhmmmm...now im hungry again :)