UGH!!!! guys vs. girls



  • alyblue
    alyblue Posts: 20
    Me and my boyfriend are both working out now (not workout partners, because we are doing different things). I started way b4 him and his progress is so much better than me. I am glad that I was able to encourage him to finally work out. Overeall, he looks so much better. I compliment him all the time now, just to keep him motivated and to keep up the good work. He look better now than when we first met. I have to play catch up and that motivates me.

    yeah i guess in a way it is kinda motivating. especially if you have that competitive personality like i do. when were side by side on treadmills i'll burn almost twice the calories just because i push myself so much harder to try to keep up with him.
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Both my fiancee and I dieted to look good for our wedding. She's lost ~20 lbs, and in that time I've lost over 50 and counting. The strict number difference can be depressing along with the fact that I lost a higher percentage, but I started at a much higher weight than she did and I am able to workout more and harder than she can. Frankly, however, even at her heaviest and my lightest, she's the one that looks better naked. I'm winning the little bet we made with each other, she's winning the war.

    Well played, sir... well played. :)