Fitness and Menstrual Cycle Changes



  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I got off the pill recently - about 3 or 4 months ago. We are trying for a baby!! :)
    I found out that my period is totally irregular...ranging from being completely missed to 32 days.
    I'm at a healthy BMI....not sure what is going on there.
    I've been on the pill for about 14 years, so I don't remember what my cycle was like before the pill.
  • alicepoppyh
    Ok sounds like it's quite likely it's the lifestyle change then.. *phew*

    Made the mistake of going to Dr. Google and reading lots of dramatic things! Glad I thought to ask here.
    I hope it goes up again to 28-30 though.

    Rule #1-Never google your symptoms- it always tells you you have some never heard of disease or are going to die! :D

    I know it's true, and yet... :P
  • alicepoppyh
    My cycle is totally different now. It is somewhere around 21-24 days. Symptoms are way down too, not so much cramping/bloating which is nice.

    This. Symptoms are down for me too.

    God I hope that if it does stay at such a short cycle, I will at least get a lessening in symptoms... Still laid up on the sofa in mega pain today :(
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    yes! I was a day or 2 late last month & i'm usually quite regular (28-29 days) and this month i'm 19 days!!. At least that explains a couple of things...ughh