
Help! for the past two weeks i have been practically starving myself to keep to my calorie and fat limit and yesterday i blew it all!
I was really hungover and ate loads probably about 3000 calories at least, including a chicken curry with naan bread! and pic n' mix!
Now i'm feeling really unmotivated and finding sticking to my calorie limits a real struggle!
How can i keep motivated? any suggestions anyone?


  • snaylor3333
    Help! for the past two weeks i have been practically starving myself to keep to my calorie and fat limit and yesterday i blew it all!
    I was really hungover and ate loads probably about 3000 calories at least, including a chicken curry with naan bread! and pic n' mix!
    Now i'm feeling really unmotivated and finding sticking to my calorie limits a real struggle!
    How can i keep motivated? any suggestions anyone?
  • rdecember6
    rdecember6 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Snaylor!

    Just out of curiousity, what is your daily "allotted" calorie total? Also, about how many calories a day do you think you were eating before starting your program?

  • velvetspark
    You've got to find that niche of foods that fill you up nicely without a lot of calories. No one wants to feel hungry. I eat snacks all day, here are some of my favorites:
    Fat free yogurt (plain or sugar free) with fresh fruit
    Carrots/cucumbers/celery/red peppers with ranch dip (make w/ dry mix and fat free sour cream)
    Low fat cottage cheese and fresh fruit
    hard boiled eggs (whites only)
    sugar free hot chocolate

    These are all very filling because of the protein - just eating plain fruit or veggies never did it for me.

    As for hangovers, well, try not to drink that much :) I know your body craves fat and carbs when you're hung over. Go for turkey bacon, egg whites, and low fat cream cheese on a whole wheat english muffin. They sell one at most starbucks (350 calories), so you dont even have to make it yourself.

    Changing the way you eat is very hard at first - I found out when I was 20 that I had high cholesterol (genetic) I wasn't overweight and I worked out often, so I was pissed. But to prevent having to take medication for the rest of my life I had to seriously change my diet. I grew up in the south and it was tough - I had to quit all fried foods, mayonnaise, biscuits, butter, icecream anything with saturated fat. It took a few months, but I eventually stopped even craving those things. Now I never eat mayo or icecream cuz it grosses me out.

    You'll get there - dont beat yourself up when you slip, just give yourself a fresh start the next day.
    Have a great weekend!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    1) One Boo Boo does not a whole diet blow!
    2) If you are starving yourself, you are setting yourself up for disaster on several levals.
    You SHOULD be trying to get 1200 some odd cals a day. JUST to LIVE.
    If you do not take in the amount of calories that your boby NEEDS it says to itself. "OH, I REMEMBER THIS, THIS IS LIKE IT WAS BACK IN THE DAY WHEN OUR ANCESTORS WOULD STOP EATING AS MUCH IN THE WINTER: SO to make up for that, I will just shut down the fat burner here so that we will keep the fat for the winter." THEN your metabolish shuts down and you stop loseing weight.
    THEN when your brain is given food, your body becomes like a bear out of hibernation. FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD! I'LL EAT EVERYTHING IN SITE! (To the tune for Oliver's Food Glorious Food.)
    We may have evolved, but sadley the human body is about the same as it was thousands of years ago.
    SO, Do not beat yourself up about the food adventure you went on. WE ARE ALL GUILTY!
    And just know that today is a better day.
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Hi snay! I blew it big time yesterday too, and today I almost went back to my old way of dealing with it - well, then I'll just have to drink water all day and not eat to make up for it. That would of been the worst thing to do because then my metabolism would have slowed.
    I remembered what Banks said in one of his posts, (at least I think it was Banks) and that was that eating a lot of food and even overdoing it on one day will actually rev your metabolism so a one day screw-up is not a big deal. Just get back on the wagon the next day and try again! That comment stuck with me, so I'm back on track and not worrying about it.
    That's your motivation! Not a biggie :wink:
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Hi Redalee... this is good for me to read today. I always get really nervous as I enter a weekend, because I love to drink wine on Friday and Saturday night and then I crave bad foods and since my "guard" is down I sometimes give in. Then the next day inevitably I beat myself up... drinking only water all day to make up for it. It is the worst thing in the world to do. I have to constantly remind myself to breathe and take each day as it comes. Food is fuel... isn't that what Niccole says? It sticks with me.

    Much love to everyone. Here's to having a great weekend. I'll be checking in all weekend long!

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Thanks for remembering me Redalee! I DID say that, but others have as well, so I can't really take any credit for it. Yes, it is not going to ruin your diet. Pshawww! 3000 calories one time is nothing, say your 15 hundred over your normal, bahhh, thats not even half a pound! thats 3 or 4 workouts, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. Remember, the idea is to change your whole eating profile, not one day. everyone had bad days, what you need to do is just get used to eating good, then the bad days are actually harder to have then the good ones. :wink:

    Diann is right, you should be very careful not to eat too few calories, it can do as much damage asbgh eating too many. :drinker:
  • rtamayo
    rtamayo Posts: 85 Member
    You should not starve yourself to stay within your calories! Try drinking more water, eating more veggies and fruits, and also there is always excercise. The more calories you burn, the more you can eat.
    Starving yourself will only work against you, it will slow down your metabolism instead of speeding it up. Shoot for eating 5 times a day, three meals, and 2 snacks.
  • nuttey
    nuttey Posts: 10
    Hi Snaylor, the same happened to me today . For 4 days i successfully stayed within my limit of 1200 cals but today i felt hungry at lunch and had a 3 entree meal @ Panda Express. Only when i logged it in my food diary i realised how many calories i ate :sad:
    But you know what - we always have a tomorrow to correct it. :happy:
    So dont worry - it happens to all around you.