IPhone Vs. Droid



  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I prefer the Android based phones.

  • tzin99
    tzin99 Posts: 28
    Droid is really good!
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    I use to run with the iPhone 4 and loved it, but now using a Galaxy SII, and love that as well. The two reasons why I wanted to try the Droid was the bigger screen and the AMOLED display. You can definitely do more with a Droid, and with an iPhone as well, but you would have to jailbreak it (which I did to mine)...that's a whole another topic.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Droid. so much more versatile with apps and you aren't a slave to the "apple" machine.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Droid, better options, and it has Flash.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    My husband recently switched from an iPhone 4 to a Droid Razor and so far he loves it. The Razor is a pretty large phone and that is the only thing that bugs him about it, but the camera is great, it has tons of memory, and the large size=large screen. I have a Droid phone as well, but I never had an iPhone so I could not compare them personally, I just know my husband is happy he made the switch. He switched because his screen was always breaking and he was constantly replacing it.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I had a Droid, and it had multiple problems. Half the time my apps either wouldn't open or would always 'force close' and then my email completely quit working. I have known other people to have similar issues with their droid.

    I upgraded to an iPhone a couple months ago- and I will never go back! It's fast and works perfectly all the time!

    any phone you get will have issues like this, especially when you have a lot of apps on it. i know quite a few people who have had app issues and even calling issues with iphones. i really don't think one is "better" than the other. they are just different and it's personal preference, imo.

    I was the one who wrote that. And I agree, you can get lemons with anything...but I literally had no more than 7-10 apps downloaded...if that :-/ It even called the wrong people sometimes! It definitely had a mind of its own! lol

    It does come down to personal preference, but I've been so much more pleased with my iPhone. It actually does exactly what I tell it to do, when I tell it! :)
    I have the Droid X. Only because I have installed numerous ROMS do i run into problems. Also Motorola adds theu on bit of flavor to Android in the way of Blur. Read phone forums and people HATE blur.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Droid, straight up. The best phones I've ever owned have been droids. I had a 1st gen. rooted droid for foreeever until it died a watery death. Now I have the Droid 3. Almost 2 years and still going strong, baby. <3
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    You really do not need an SD card with an iPhone. I have the 4S 16 GB and I have tons of music and apps!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Oh boy! Here we go!

    Oh no...I am serious. I really do not want to start a fight or battle. I have a crap Samsung phone. So, I am really looking for advice. I am thinking of the 32G IPhone only so it can hold tons of pictures. But with a Droid, I could buy a lower memory Droid and just put in my SD card that I already have.

    So....people, be nice. This is a legit question. I was even thinking about HTC, but those reviews are not as good.

    No need for an SD card when you have iCloud with the Apple. There are aps for Google's cloud as well. Just sayin'
    My girlfriend has the new iPhone and iCloud JACKED up her phone. She has it turned off.

    Benefit of iCloud. Excellent way to save data and not have it clog your phone.

    Drawback...it is connection dependent and unless you are using wifi, you eat your data.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Oh boy! Here we go!

    Oh no...I am serious. I really do not want to start a fight or battle. I have a crap Samsung phone. So, I am really looking for advice. I am thinking of the 32G IPhone only so it can hold tons of pictures. But with a Droid, I could buy a lower memory Droid and just put in my SD card that I already have.

    So....people, be nice. This is a legit question. I was even thinking about HTC, but those reviews are not as good.
    I think you may seriously overestimate the file size of pictures. I have well over 1000 pictures on my 16GB iPhone and have never gotten close to filling it up, even with my music (600 songs,) several podcasts, 55 apps, a few books, and I still have 4.1 GB free space.

    As for Droid vs iphone, it's a personal preference. Depends on which operating system you prefer. Then there's also the Windows phones.
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    I've had both an IPhone & a Droid. I absolutely LOVE my droid when it functions correctly. Unfortunately my provider doesn't carry a lot of the newer phones, and they're all second generations. Though my favorite app besides MFP on my droid is "Where's my droid" which helps locate your lost phone and turns of the silent function when activated. So needless to say that is important especially when you misplace it and silent is on.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    iPhone, hands down. I'm currently on my second one - only because I accidently dropped my first one down a level at the baseball stadium and it was in a bajillion pieces. LoL. But aside from my carelessness with the first one, I've had NO problems with either of mine. Pretty much everyone I know who owns a Droid complains about it freezing up constantly. The only thing I will say is that occassionally, I will drop a call, but that has gotten MUCH better with the new iPhones that are out now. I only drop maybe one call a month, and I'm on my phone ALL THE TIME.

    Go with the iPhone, you won't regret it. And as far as storage goes, I have the 16G, and have loads of apps and pics and even videos, and still have room for more.
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    The Samsumg Galaxy S2 (and soon tobe S3) is 10 times the phone that the iPhone is. Honestly, Im an apple fan, but its not even close. Ive been in the telcom industry for 18 years....wait for the Galaxy S3 and get that.
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    If you have iTunes and are fully entrenched in Apple's sphere of products, get an iPhone. If you do have Apple services but you are sick of them or you are ready to start a brand new way of managing your content (music, movies, apps) then you are ready for an Android device.

    Another consideration should be that since your husband has an iPhone, he could help answer any questions you have concerning your phone. If you decide to get an Android device, do you have a reliable fried who can answer questions or help you find the answers to your questions. Also, if you are leaning towards Android but you do not have a friend or family member to act as ad-hoc customer support, are you good at using Google Search? If not, you will be soon.

    One great thing about the iPhone and the Apple ecosystem is that you can set it to sync everything automatically. For someone who enjoys podcasts or watching purchased content on the phone, Apple allows you to set it to sync the 3 most recent unwatched/played episodes to your phone so you can consume them on the go. Unless you use DoubleTwist, you will be dragging and dropping your content daily to keep it updated.

    With the iPhone, you buy all memory capacity and specifications up front. With Android, you can upgrade your capacity by purchasing a microSD card. However, you have to make sure you get an Android phone with at least a 1gHz processor, at least 256 MB of RAM, and at least 1 GB internal memory to have a phone that will keep up with you for the entirety of your 2 year contract. That means you will have to know significantly more about the phone before you buy it so do your research.

    The iPhone has a built-in NON-removable battery that if it goes bad, you must take it to an Apple store where they will either charge you to replace the battery, or they will simply hand you a new phone and tell you to sync it to your computer (or iCloud account) to restore all of your settings and content. With an Android phone, you can purchase a phone with a removable battery (the newest phones like the Droid Razr have built-in Non-removable batteries as well) and you have your data on the removable microSD card so you can take almost everything between phones.

    Basically with the iPhone, you have a fully fleshed out ecosystem that does pretty much everything for you once you know how to use it. Android allows you to get more into the nitty gritty of your phone and obtain more control of your data and content but you have a greater learning curve as you are doing a lot of the background work for yourself.

    So which user are you? Would you rather your device take care of most of the busy work for you? Would you rather be in control of making sure that your content is where you want it but pretty easy to transfer? Its all up to you.
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    I had a Driod 2 and had some issues and they switched me to a Driod 3 and I LOVE it. It has the slide out key board (if you like that) to make texting and e-mailing easier. You can get a lot of apps for free (if you are wanting to use apps) as well.

    Truly I think it is total user preference but having siad that I LOVE my Driod.

    Audrey Louise
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    iPhone users who say 16gb is good. For a long trip can you save a movie to your phone? I have a couple of movies saved to my droid (a blessing for bored kids) and those take up a lot of room. 32gb sd card and 6gb internal storage is roomy.

    ...and quad-core processors are soon to be released for Android.
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    Honestly, I would says to the iPhone or even Verizon Droid (I assume you mean the actual droid and not just Android) there is NOTHING better than the Galaxy.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    iPhone users who say 16gb is good. For a long trip can you save a movie to your phone? I have a couple of movies saved to my droid (a blessing for bored kids) and those take up a lot of room. 32gb sd card and 6gb internal storage is roomy.

    ...and quad-core processors are soon to be released for Android.

    This is my point. I was all for getting the IPhone. I have had an IPod for years and love it. So, really, I taught DH how to use his IPhone 4S. Then, we looked and his memory is almost full. Yes, he has tons of pictures (I can not say off of the top of my head, but his memory is almost full of pictures.) So, I was thinking about getting the 32G...but seems like a lot just to hold a lot of pictures when I can use a memory card.
    The Samsumg Galaxy S2 (and soon tobe S3) is 10 times the phone that the iPhone is. Honestly, Im an apple fan, but its not even close. Ive been in the telcom industry for 18 years....wait for the Galaxy S3 and get that.

    I am going to look at that right now.