Old but new

Hi all, I have been a member of this site for years but have not logged or posted in forever. Brief history, I have been overweight for most of my adult life. In 2007 I had the lapband placed and had nothing but trouble, only lost 30 lbs an gained most of it back, prior to having it removed in Jan. 2011 and revising to Rou-en-Y gastric by pass. I am very pleased that I did this but have only lost about 75 lbs. Now I had lost more but had a set back and ate a bunch of junk and gained some. I am back to try to get the last 40-50 lbs off. My friend that is studying to be a health coach thinks that I have not lost that much because I don't eat enough calories/food. I have been at under 1000 calories since 2007 and I have been stalled since around Dec.

I hope to get to know more of you and thanks for letting me tell my brief story.



  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Your friend is right on! You are in starvation mode.

    Let the calculator tell you your calories and eat them!

    You should start losing again within a few weeks, helped me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Log your food and aim for hitting all your nutrients. There is no way you are keeping up your nutrients on less than 1000.

    Eat at a minimum your BMR plus a couple hundred calories. Go to Tools here (above - in Blue Tabs) to figure your BMR.
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    I know nothin about nothin, so take this advice with a grain of salt-substitute.

    After so long a stint on a low cal diet, I'd recommend finding out what your TDEE is, and eating that for a few weeks or even months. You won't lose weight, but you shouldn't gain too much more than a couple pounds, either. You'll have a ton more energy and feel better, I think.

    After that break, go back to whatever a reliable calorie calculator / health professional says would be your 1-2lb/week loss calorie target and eat that and exercise. I bet the pounds will start to fall off again.
  • babyseal_24
    babyseal_24 Posts: 26 Member
    I know how you feel; I've had a love-hate relationship with counting calories- for a weekend, I'll slip and eat whatever I want and gain back everything I lost. But, it's time for that to change. You and me, we're going to get motivated. I did 50 minutes of exericise so far today, and I'm going to do the same tomorrow, no matter what. I think what we need is to be conscious of what we're doing, all the time. I have the will power to get thin, and so do you! Now get your butt in gear, throw away any food that isn't good for you (or hide it in a drawer in the refrigerator- that's what I do because I never look there when I'm browsing the cupboards) and let's get sexy together!
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    try eat more to weigh less this group has been helping me a lot
  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    That was the first group I joined. Harlan Jen that is a moderator of that group is a friend of mine, actually she just left here this morning. I have yet to post in it though.
  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    Oh, one thing I forgot to tell about myself is I am 57 years old, not looking for sexy just healthy. But you make it sound like fun. :) I only keep a few things in my house that are not healthy because I am a diabetic and if I need sugar then I need it right then. That hasn't happened in a while but I don't want it to either.
    I know how you feel; I've had a love-hate relationship with counting calories- for a weekend, I'll slip and eat whatever I want and gain back everything I lost. But, it's time for that to change. You and me, we're going to get motivated. I did 50 minutes of exericise so far today, and I'm going to do the same tomorrow, no matter what. I think what we need is to be conscious of what we're doing, all the time. I have the will power to get thin, and so do you! Now get your butt in gear, throw away any food that isn't good for you (or hide it in a drawer in the refrigerator- that's what I do because I never look there when I'm browsing the cupboards) and let's get sexy together!
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    This site is a great source of support on your quest for a healthier you. Welcome!
  • babyseal_24
    babyseal_24 Posts: 26 Member
    Just because you're not 25 doesn't mean you can't be sexy! My grandmother is older than you and she's still got it!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Greetings !! So glad u are settling in. I think MFP is going to be great for you : )
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome back! I myself have been a member of this site for a while, but like you, have not been on in ages. I plan on getting back on track as well. Feel free to add me for support. :) Good luck!
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Welcome!! I had RNY in 2008. I agree with the others. Your calories are too low!! What exercise do you do? I think you need to do some strength training to build up more muscles to help increase your metabolism. Hang in there!!
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    You still need to look after your diet even having had the bypass (Me too!)
    Look at how you got to eating bad in counseling & address the issues with daily life, eating & exercise & you will succeed. One day at a time........
  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you, I started doing weights yesterday, and am wishing I could do them today but was told not two days in a row. :(
    Welcome!! I had RNY in 2008. I agree with the others. Your calories are too low!! What exercise do you do? I think you need to do some strength training to build up more muscles to help increase your metabolism. Hang in there!!
  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    I don't do counseling, but I know how I got to eating bad and I also know that I need to look after my diet. I have been looking after it and think I was eating too few of calories. I am so pumped to be starting a new journey in this road to recovery. I think being overweight is just like being a druggie or alcoholic, that's why I call it a road to recovery.
    You still need to look after your diet even having had the bypass (Me too!)
    Look at how you got to eating bad in counseling & address the issues with daily life, eating & exercise & you will succeed. One day at a time........
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh, one thing I forgot to tell about myself is I am 57 years old, not looking for sexy just healthy. But you make it sound like fun. :) I only keep a few things in my house that are not healthy because I am a diabetic and if I need sugar then I need it right then. That hasn't happened in a while but I don't want it to either.

    I will be 58 in a couple weeks. I dont eat much more than 1000 calories but it works for me. Most of what I used to eat was carbs....not good because I am T2. I cut out all the starchy carbs and am back on track...my sugar hasnt been this low in ages. No recommendation from me. You need to try different things and see what your body responds to. :)
  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    I was T2 prior to surgery and of course I am still considered T2, but my last A1C was 4.8 and I was proud of that. I am losing again, since I added more food to my eating plan but I have to watch because I don't want to stretch my pouch.