Breast Reduction



  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I know several people who had it done and didn't wait to achieve a goal weight first. They are all very happy with the results. I must say one looks pregnant now that her tummy is bigger than her breasts.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I had my consult when I weighed about 100 lbs less than now (I'm at 435ish right now) and my surgeon did not turn me away because of my weight, but advised that he wouldn't reduce them as far as I wanted because with the conditions I had at the time, I would likely lose a lot of weight after surgery and he didn't want to have to do implants afterwards.

    It's best to do it after you achieve your goal weight, but if you absolutely have to do it, there have to be good reasons. I'm a 50 H/I and I decided against having surgery despite the curving of my spine etc etc. I was originally turned down by insurance. I could get it approved now but I had a good long think about it.

    20% of women have to have all milk ducts and nerves removed from the breasts. I know this because if I did it now, I would be one of them. This means no feeling for up to 7 years, with it never fully restoring, and no breast feeding. If you are large and long, they will remove everything. It was something I almost did because mine were over 50lbs then, even more now, and my spine was curving under the weight.

    I know lots of people that said it was the best thing ever, but really, the larger you are, the bigger the adjustment, as well as longer the recovery (generally). You'll need someone who can help you wash your incisions.

    OH! Also, if you are seeing a surgeon that does it outpatient, but you are overweight, you may have to front the cost of a 2 day hospital stay. Mine does outpatient but because of my size and the drastic change in the surgery, I had to get an OR booked.

    No maam. I went from an H to a C. I had 8 lbs removed and he said that was the most he had removed from one person. Some people have to have the nipple completely removed and relocated, I did not. What is now my whole breast, was just the top half before. The milk ducts were not a concern in my case, as the mammary glands were too tightly compressed for me to breast feed anyway. I did not have ANYONE help me at all. I was out of work for one week. I couldnt lift over my head or lift heavy stuff for 3-5 weeks.

    OP - do not listen to this post, it is FULL of innacuracy.

    What the flyin crap is up with people trying to tell me that something I went through PERSONALLY, and I'm sharing my PERSONAL experience, is wrong? I don't remember ANYONE being in that room with me talking to the doctor about the radical nature of my surgery. Ever think that mayhaps if you had been there, you would have heard my surgeon speaking to the fact that I would be the largest, heaviest, and one of the most radical mastoplexy cases he'd ever handled?

    Jeebus Crust, shoot me in the face for trying to save the OP the shock and horror I went through because I thought it was going to be a simple situation, and it turned out to be a decision that I had to make that would completely alter my life.

    I bet if I said that the doctor expected me to not have to use painkillers afterwards solely because of the pain reduction due to my disability would be so profound, the incision and surgery post-op pain would be chump change, I'd just get reamed more.

    I mean, you all DO realize that cup sizes are not all the same, right? Like, the bigger you are overall as a person, the more mass an H cup has? Let me reiterate about density too.

    Did I say he was removing 50 pounds? NO. I said my breasts weighed 50 pounds total. He estimated a 17-25lbs loss via surgery.

    UGH Why am I even bothering... OP, my whole point was that it's not a cake walk for everyone but usually pans out for the best. Don't let anyone ever tell you that your PERSONAL experience wasn't right or true. You experience it for yourself, and just because everyone else says it was the greatest thing ever, it doesn't mean you have to say that as well.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I soooo want to get one!!! I'm currently a 38F, at the beginning of my journey I was a 40DDD so my band has gone down and my boobs have not!!! When I was exclusively nursing/pumping I was a J!!!

    I do want to get to my goal weight before I have any surgery done (I'm thinking of a tummy tuck too) so then I'll be even lower afterwards!!! But I still have 20 lbs to go and it doesn't want to go anywhere!!!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I haven't had a reduction, and was considering one when I was overweight, however I've already lost enough weight to fit into normal bras again! I just wanted to post to advise you not to until you know whether or not the weight you are planning to maintain needs it.

    ETA I've always had large breasts, not just when I got heavier and they didn't shrink all that much I went from a clearly can't keep the whole boob in a 36DD to a fits well 34DD in 30 something pounds. I hope to lose a few more inches because the girls are keeping me from fitting into size smalls. Oh also, the back pain I've had all my life has gone away with heavy lifting. I'm finally strong enough to hold em up!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I had thoughts about it, when I gained weight and went from a small 34B at 135 pounds to a large 40D at 195 pounds. As I started to lose weight, my breast was not going down at all and it made me very self-conscious. As of now, I am down to a 38C. I probably won't ever be a small 34B again but just getting down to a small 36B or C will be fine by me. I feel if it does not fit my body once I lose all of this weight again then maybe I will consider it again.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    On behalf of men everywhere, may I say, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :sad:

    I know you're just kidding, but the feminist in me is screaming at you right now :P

    That's ok, the male chauvinist in me is still thinking of boobies so I can't hear you. :glasses:

    Maybe when she's done screaming she'll make us sammiches?

    ^ LOL
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    On behalf of men everywhere, may I say, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :sad:

  • jankleberry
    jankleberry Posts: 508
    Thank you for the advice everyone. (and the jokes guys). Its not something I have only been thinking of since I gained weight, I was thinking of it long before then as my breasts have always been waaaaay out of proportion to my frame.

    Just thought I'd give an update, I had my consultation and I think I am going ahead with the surgery on wednesday. Its so soon as they had just added a new breast specialist consultant to their practice and he had some space. The surgeon is not worried at all about my weight as he can see the amount Im carrying on my breasts.

    Heres hoping all goes well and I can buy normal bras/swimwear, exercise comfortably and have confidence soon enough!!
  • carisadepew
    carisadepew Posts: 17 Member
    I have contemplated this several times. Obviously, I'm admitting to being part of the BBW (Big Breasted Women) club. I like mine, yes they're have been days where my back and neck were strained or in pain. However, through the years my body has adjusted and I'm now used to it. Now, my plan is that whatever weight i lose, I will sculpt and prevent saggy boobies as much as possible.
  • snix1024
    snix1024 Posts: 81
    It was the best thing I ever did, I healed very nice. I was a size EE, and had to have my bras custom made. I lost over a pound and a half on each breast. No more backaches. Find a good surgeon with experience in breast reduction. I still have full sensation in both nipples and was able to breast feed my daughter.
  • jankleberry
    jankleberry Posts: 508
    Well, thats me 6 days post op.

    The surgeon told me he removed just under 7lbs in total, I have went from a UK J up to a C/D. It was one of the biggest redustions he had ever done.

    Very happy so far, just hoping for an easy recovery and healing proccess!

    The op went well although I had a heamatoma and required a blood transfusion and a second trip to theatre to sort it. All well now :)

    Before - January 2012

    After - June 2012 (along with my wee bit of weight loss prior to surgery lol)
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I have no regrets except that I wish I had fought my surgeon harder to make them smaller (she insisted I wouldn't want to go from one extreme to another, I was 18 when I got the surgery. She was wrong).

    where you overweight at the time? No
    what happened when you lost weight after? They shrink. But they get bigger when I gain weight.
    would you recommend I continue to lose a bit more weight first? This is something your doctor should advise you about.

    how was the recovery? It was a breeze for me, but again, I was 18 and in excellent physical shape.

    Is your life easier now? Much easier.

    Overall, I was really scared going into it but post-op I felt great. I had an excellent surgeon and everything went smoothly.