To all the wives/mommy's out there...HELP!!



  • lvhuse
    lvhuse Posts: 18 Member
    Oh yeah, and my super power is using sick leave or annual leave once in a while for ME. Sometimes you've just gotta take a mental health break. I use that time to go on a really long run on a gorgeous trail, followed by a latte at the coffee shop in the canyon, then I subject the people at the nail salon to my stinky feet for a good pedicure. Then I go home and pop a huge bowl of air popped popcorn and curl up with my doggies and a good sci-fi novel or chick flick. Don't tell though, everyone thinks I don't watch schmoopy stuff. and I don't. Except on my "leave" days! :tongue:
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I have 4 x children and work full time. I get up at 5.30 and do an hour at the gym every week day morning. Why don't you:
    Pre cook meals on the weekend and freeze for week days. especially pasta / meat based meals - all you need to do is make salad or veges.
    Shop in line and get delivered on a day/time that suits.
    Can you afford a house keeper? Even someone to come in for 2 hours a week to clean kitchen/bathrooms/vacuum - what is it worth in terms of your time?
    Can you share babysitting with family/friends? If you can get to the gym a couple of mornings a week and a couple of afternoons and a weekend day - there's your work out plan.
    Get kids to help you prepare meals / chores.
    Hire a treadmill or do a work out DVD after kids have gone to bed.
    You can do this - it might be hard and a bit of juggling involved but think how awesome you will feel once you have nailed another work out!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I saw a presentation by Rob de Castella (famous aussie athlete) who said he makes sure he exercises every day, even if all he can fit is 10 mins. He marks it in his diary as complete before he goes to bed. Even if all you fit in is 10 mins of squats and lunges and a few pushups, you have done some exercise for that day. Could be the easiest way to do it.

    Another thing to try, rather than schedualing exercise in a block, is to sneak it in. my trainer set a challenge that i had to do 30 squats before each meal, man i had sore legs the first few days!
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    You have to prioritise yourself and include your workout in your daily schedule. I refuse to wake up earlier to exercise since my son is an early riser. We have a pretty rigid bed time routine and I exercise after I've put my son to bed, my husband takes over any wakings while I exercise, should he not settle quickly. I'm not super mum, I regularly get things wrong but even then I always prioritise my time and I include exercise in that time. I don't work out every day - I work out 3 times a week and the other days my time is set aside for crafting or television, and other activities that make me happy :) It means I don't feel guilty if one night I don't work out as I know I still have so many other days to fit it in to my schedule.

    I follow Flylady ( for my house work and have a daily schedule, which includes time for me. Housework is up there but nobody will die if I don't hoover or do the dishes one night or whatever - a lot of women put pressure on themselves to have a show home house but it's important to remember that your home is a *working* home, not a show home from a magazine. As long as your basics are done other things will just have to be set on the back burner. A healthy, happy Mama makes for a healthy, happy home / family :)
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Why does it always have to be the super-moms? There are PLENTY of single 24/7/365 dads like myself that make the time. Because it's either you do it, or your don't
    Here here!! My Dad was a stay at home Dad and he is the most awesome guy in the World! Seriously, one of my favourite people ever and I still go to him first if I need someone to talk to. He stayed home with me until I was 5. He and I loved it and I never remember him not having enough time for me even though he was always responsible for everything in the house too.
  • Giovannismom
    Giovannismom Posts: 24 Member
    Wow.... so many GREAT responses!!! Thank you very much...these are some great tips.... I will take the time to re-ead each and every one of the responses and put to use all of the tips.

    There's a lot of Super Mom and Dad's out there (didnt mean to offend anyone by the name of this post).....

    Thank you...I am extremely thankful for all your responses.

  • Giovannismom
    Giovannismom Posts: 24 Member
    Why does it always have to be the super-moms? There are PLENTY of single 24/7/365 dads like myself that make the time. Because it's either you do it, or your don't
    Here here!! My Dad was a stay at home Dad and he is the most awesome guy in the World! Seriously, one of my favourite people ever and I still go to him first if I need someone to talk to. He stayed home with me until I was 5. He and I loved it and I never remember him not having enough time for me even though he was always responsible for everything in the house too.

    I didnt mean to leave out all the great dad's out there.... I know a lot of single dad's out there that are totally rocking it!!
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I do most of my cooking on the weekends, if at all possible. Or use my crockpot during the week. I make a whole chicken, and that feeds us for a few days.

    Instead of buying a gym membership, I bought some workout equipment for home. I got a treadmill, some resistance bands and things like that. This way, I can work out while my son is sleeping.

    Definitely, DON'T take your kids with you grocery shopping! Recipe for disaster!
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I have 4 school aged kids and a 2 year old. A healthy lifestyle is a priority to me. Every night I set out my workout clothes and my alarm goes off at 5:20 am. I get up, get dressed, put in a load of laundry and start lunches. By 5:40 I'm out the door.

    What works for me is to sign up for paid group fitness classes at 6 am. Since I pay extra for it I never miss a class. I make it back in the house around 8:15 to help my Hubby get the kids off to school. Diabetes runs in my family so being at a healthy weight and exercising is a matter of life or death for me.

    We always try and do one active event with the whole famiy every weekend. This could be hiking ( my fave), biking, or going for a walk. If the kids ask to go out for frozen yogurt they know that we will be biking the 5 miles to get there. I really want my kids to know that I'm strong and capable. Sitting on the couch all weekend just doesn't cut it in our household! I try to prepare meals while the kids are at school to cut down on the stressful homework/ dinner time routine.

    I absolutely refuse to workout with my kids around. They suck the energy out of me lol. I really need time in the morning for myself or I am one cranky mom.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I made it my morning routine. The kids know they can come into the basement and watch me 'jump around'. I do the 30DS tape -- which takes about 24 minutes. I can usually get it done before they wake up. If not, they know to come downstairs.

    Kids will adapt to a routine as long as you are consistent. Yes, the first time my toddler came downstairs and wanted me to stop my workout so I could help him put on the tv and watch cartoons, I made him wait until I was done. Did he cry? Yes. Was he in real pain/danger/suffering? No. And the next time that happened, he came down and colored w/crayons until I was done. No crying. And I can't help but think that making excercise a priority sets a good example for the kids.

    And just in general, whether you work out at home, or go to a gym, if you hesitate to take time for yourself because of kids -- ask yourself -- do they have a good idea of what a healthy [adult]lifestyle is? Because living healthy isn't something that is just for kids. Everyone should exercise, eat their vegetables and go to bed on time.

    And you'll find that kids can be your biggest cheerleaders.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I just want to give my love and respect to you ladies. You're all amazing and I'm in awe of what you do each day for your family while walking this journey. You're all superheroes to me!
  • kpetronio
    kpetronio Posts: 1 Member
    Check out the Flylady at

    Fly stands for finally loving yourself. There are tons of ideas for setting up routines for yourself and your family that incorporate meals, de-cluttering, cleaning, exercise, and dedicated "me time". Lots of support for those of us who are perfectionists that end up being self-destructive and self-loathing when we "fail".
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    Like some other posts, prioritize. Decide what is important to you and than do it. I am a single mom of two, ages 6 and almost 4. I am not a morning person, so usually I am up late at night doing what needs to be done. I usually grocery shop and run errands on Saturdays and Sundays. I run a load of clothes but unfortunately struggle at times with getting them put away, I'm not perfect. I have realized that there is no such thing as a super mom, it's just that she prioritizes! I get work out DVDs from my local library and work out between 9pm-10:30pm. Somewhere in that timeframe. I try to get the kids in the bed by 8pm and then I eat my dinner and then work out. Are the dishes clean every night, no! But I don't stress over it either, I realized that I would rather get my heart pumping than stand at a kitchen sink. Afterwards, I'll do the dishes.
  • shanniepk
    shanniepk Posts: 98 Member
    Make it a priority and find the time that works for you.

    Make sure it's something you like that you can stick too (may be a nightly walk that can turn into a jog or something quick right before you pick up your little one at daycare. A walk or a mini-work out on your lunch break).

    I had to give up cooking more elaborate meals to fit it in; worked out well becuase I shifted my focus from food to exercise.

    The key is making exercise a priority for yourself and your family. It is hard when they are little, but not impossible. I started out jogging because it was the best workout I could get in the minimal amount of time. I'm still doing it years later for about 1/2 hour 3-4 days a week, but have found ways to incorporate other strength training as well.

    Don't give up!:) SUPER MOMs "and: DADs unite!:)

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  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    Single mom here of a 9yr daughter and 13 yr autistic/adhd/SDI son and work full-time.
    -I did hire a housecleaner bi-weekly but still have to do the bits in the middle but at least I know at least twice a month my house is ALL clean.
    -I do all the cooking on Sundays for the week...get the groceries, cut, chop, wash, cook, etc and then leave a couple of days worth in the fridge and the rest into the freezer to pull out later in the week (stays fresher)
    -I am at the gym 2 hr Sun, 1 hr Mon, 1 hr Wed, 1 hr Thurs, 1 hr Sat with the kids with a neighbour or my parents...and on my "off" days I run 5k on my treadmill after the kids go to bed.
    -My kids help with what they are able to in order to keep order in the house
    -I have no life outside of the kids and gym at this point but those are my priorities.

    You just have to find what works for you and stick to it!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    i prioritize. kids are most important. food, cleaning.. i do what i can. make a schedule for yourself. use a timer if you need to . involve your kids in activiites so they can be part of it and help you too. like today when i stretched i had my daughter helping me. it gave us time and she learned a few things and i was so grateful for her help. you can do it. cook meals that you can stretch over the week. i love to make bean soup with tomatoes and rosemary and corn and carrots. i make enough for the week. make soups, rice for two days or three. boil eggs ahead of time. you can do so many things to cut time .

    THIS! Just make a schedule! I have a 7 year old and a 1 year old and I have to schedule everything out. Just take a sunday or whatever day you have off and make a whole family plan to get you thru!
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I usually 'plan' my meals and shop accordingly w/ my rugrats (I have 4). Then during the week, I get off work at 4, run home and work out before I have to pick up my kids which is around 6. And unless its cooked in the crockpot all day, I usually make something that only takes 30 minutes or so to prepare. Good luck!
  • whit1108
    whit1108 Posts: 94
    I am a wife and mother of two kids ages 2 and 5. Life is very busy with working monday thur friday (12 hours days) and i am going to school full- time on top of that and teach a zumba class twice a week and with all the other activites with the kids and family stuff, cleaning and cooking and all the other stuff things never slow down. The only advice i can give it make sure your being organized and it will help you a lot. Schedule everything, and you'll be able to make it work. On the days i don't teach zumba i take the kids on nice long walks, or if it nice out take them swimming. When it comes to cleaning and laundry i am blessed with a husband that is just like me and super clean freak so he is very helpful around the house. I find it better to workout in mornings before the kids get up and before i get ready for work or after supper is done and before the kids bath and bed time routine or even once the kids go to bed. You have to find the time to workout even if it may be hard.
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    I'm a working momma and I just wrote a blog post today about how to make it work. It's the post on Tips for Making Health a Priority.

    Hope this helps :)
  • kariebo
    kariebo Posts: 101
    Hi there! I definately know what you mean! I am a mom of a 5, 3, and 3 month old... plus the husband. My hubby is super supportive of me working out, and he loves to work out BUT I have a 2 hours commute each day (one hour each way), 8.5 hours of work, then I get the kids and hit the ground running when I get home at 5pm. Its very hard to prioritize, and sometimes, the schedule goes right out the window. My husband never understood what i meant when I said I didnt have time and I didnt want to shuttle the kids from daycare to the gym daycare and rush through everything else just to work out... until he had to do it while I was away on business. Either way, whatever the situation , ITS HARD! Here are some things I do to give me just a little more time to do something for myself:

    1. crockpot some meals
    2. cook meals on weekend and freeze them or refrigerate them for the next few days meals
    3. work out whenever I can.. every little bit counts. 10 squats in the bathroom, 2 laps around the building at lunch, pelvic tilts while im washing my hands, swivel in your office chair and keep your shoulders still and your feet on the floor--works your abs.

    4. Do workouts that the kids can do with me.. I have a wii and the Zumba and Just Dance game... the kids love to do those with me and it wears them out for bed :)

    5. ask hubby for just one hour on the weekend, mine looked at me weird but he enjoyed his Daddy time with the kids.

    6. Dont feel bad if you cant do it every day... it happens. When I notice my kids just need a little more of me, everything takes a back seat... it gives me a break and gives my kids time to have a little more attention

    As far as cleaning... I actually assign my 5 and 3 yr old chores... nothing huge, but the little things help. I might get a really good house cleaning once a month.. but in between just picking up along the way and letting some things go help. It took me a while to learn to let some messes go.. its not that important if all the toys arent always picked up .. just shove them over to a corner... its ok. Every saturday morning (we just picked saturdays, you could pick whatever day works for you) *everyone* cleans, no exceptions. Now I should say that laundry does get washed, but sometimes its never folded.. or it takes a week to get to.. that used to drive me nuts, but at some point i finally decided to quit beating myself up over it. Its not worth it.

    I go to the gym 3-4 times a week in the evening or on weekends. Meals are quick and easy - either premade and frozen or something that i can cook quickly. Sometimes bedtimes are missed and some meals arent perfect. My family is constantly moving but we seemed to have found something that works.

    Dont be too hard on yourself, no one is perfect. If you are more relaxed and happy by letting some dishes sit, then let them sit. You dont have to do everything right now.... for me, I put my kids first... but I also had to figure out when it was me overdoing the whole "they *need* me" and when they actually needed a little extra time. I found that they dont mind doing things on their own... and that when I explained to them the importance of exercise they actually encouraged it and helped me to get there (either by doing it with me, being patient for dinner -- i work out while stuff cooks too, or by reminding me to exercise while they play).