The Double Belly...UGH



  • Fockertots
    Fockertots Posts: 221
    My understanding it that it is a structural thing kind of like body type (i.e. apple, pear, etc). It hassomething to do with how your muscles are alligned underneath. I just feel like having a totally flat stomach is impossible but it is the only way I think I will ever have a normal looking tummy. I have had the double tummy my entire life. BOO I am so glad I am not alone!

    I have an hourglass shape. I have a very large chest, my waist is dramatically smaller and then hips slightly larger then mychest/shoulder width. I'm not positive it's a structural thing any more than just the way that your body is choosing to carry it's weight. My stomach has been like this since I started gaining weight as a teen; it's not something that just happened one day.

    A tummy tuck would be awesome, but I'd rather see how far I can get on my own. As well, just because leaner foods, more veggies and tummy exercises is seemingly working for me, does not mean that I think it will work for everyone.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Now down to 2 bellies from one big one & all the skin is very wrinkly but I don't care!! It's not full of fat anymore - about a 1/3 full & working on it!!
  • Curvy_princess
    Curvy_princess Posts: 135 Member
    I have 2 bellies that are the same size, Im scared thta thet just wont go away..
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I totally get it. My top one used to be non-existant until I put back on 15 lbs and now it is there again. I am working on getting these 15 lbs back off - just taking time. Just don't give up!!! I know it is frustration, but you can do it.
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    Hehe, I posted about this not too long ago and was SO HAPPY that I wasn't the only one! I kept seeing all these before/after pictures of women with beautiful round bellies that flattened out all nice and smooth! Then I looked down at my two bellies and they frowned up at me :(

    People said they do go away though, or become less noticeable! I am counting the days. Maybe today I'll go take a before pic of my bellies so that when I reach my goal I can post it, just to help reassure other double-bellied folks out there :) (Although I think it will make non-sufferers barf, hehe).
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member

    Yes, I have this...

    I had this before I had childred and I have it now. It is just the way you (and me and a lot of other women too) are built. My Dr says that it is genetic but with low body fat and core muscle strength the appearance will be minimized dramatically!! That's good news to me!!

  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I have the double belly, yep it sucks and no it's not likely to go away without a tummy tuck, It has gone down a fair bit but it's never gonna be flat. :grumble:
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I chase my God-daughters with mine and chant, "BELLY MONSTER" at them. They squeal and run. I am having a harder time doing 'Belly Monster' lately though. It is still there, it's mouth just isn't as big as it was. I haven't been exercising, just losing weight and eating more fiber and whole grains. I read that is good to help with the bellies. If I sit on the edge of the bed in the nude and look in the mirror, it looks like a frog. Frog and Belly Monster will go bye bye. Not sure when but I won't stop til they're GONE.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Same here! Except my bottom belly is sliced in half top to bottom from a c-section so I have laugh when I say I have two bellies and two butts.

    What can you do? Not sure, but learn to accept it and try to improve it. Life ain't always beautiful, but its a beautiful ride.
  • ltlldy
    ltlldy Posts: 1
    hello All!:flowerforyou:

    IDK if this will totally help but here are some of the things I let my members at the gym know. The belly is the last place anyone will ecer see change (don't slump in dispair), someone mentioned strength training, YES! building muscle will creat a day long burn rather than your average 1 to 1 1/2 hour burn straight after cardio. Also you have to really hit thye ab excercises hard, giving yourself a 24-48 hour rest in between strength training so that muscle heals (thus builds) rather than just going into shock and not build at all.
    my favorite ab exercises....
    core ball sit ups for central mass of abs as well as the upper
    core ball elbow cross for obliques
    hanging leg raises (hang by hands and lift legs by bending at knee) for the ever persistant lower abs (ladies we all know that one)
    and side bends with the roman chair ( love the way this tones and tightens the side muscles)

    Hope that helps and don't forget to calculate this into the daily diary under exercise!
  • misfit34
    misfit34 Posts: 104 Member
    I had one belly at the bottom...then I had my daughter. NOW I have two. I hope that it shrinks in time. I feel the same way as an earlier poster, I have three sets of boobs! LOL!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Here too. When measuring your waist, you measure the "smallest part". Well, for me, that's right at the belly button, which some random stranger and a sales person told me was bizarre :-( They kept telling me to pull this skirt up to the smallest part of me and I kept telling them that's where it was! They thought I was wearing it too low.

    After losing 53 lbs., mine is better, but still very noticeable. Kind of looks like this: |3
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    Here too. When measuring your waist, you measure the "smallest part". Well, for me, that's right at the belly button, which some random stranger and a sales person told me was bizarre :-( They kept telling me to pull this skirt up to the smallest part of me and I kept telling them that's where it was! They thought I was wearing it too low.
    Haha! The other day I was filling out some body fat calculator online, not reading ahead, just measuring as I went down the list...

    Neck... ok
    Waist (below ribcage)... Huh? Ok, if you... say so?
    Abdomen (at belly button)... WTF? Isn't that my waist? What kind of crazy IS this?

    Seriously, our waist is just below our ribcage? I have been so wrong all my life...
  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    OMG, this is one of the reasons I decided to get off my butt and do something about my weight. I have always been heavier, but it always distributed pretty evenly over my whole body so i never had a belly. Granted, after having my daughter there was a pooch, but the 20 pounds I put on this past year turned into a second belly I have never seen. That, along with the number 200 was enough for my to freak out and start my healthier lifestyle.

    I am hoping once the 20 I gained this year is gone, I will start to see my one belly again, and then working on shrinking that, along with the rest of my body. I'm with you!
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i, too, have the double-belly... i'm short-waisted and have an hourglass shape, for what it's worth. never had kids, just gained a lot of weight very fast as a pre-teen because of some medication i was on.
    i kind of like the segmented middle-body look... if you look at pictures of, say, Bettie Page, you'll see that if she were to have been chunkier, she'd have a double-belly, too, because she just goes IN so much at the navel, so i feel like i'm in good company.

    yeah, the losing-it part is what sucks, though. i'm cool with keeping the division at navel-level, because that is where i wear my skirts and stuff (like another poster mentioned, i use that as my "waist"... in fact, i'm not sure where the REAL waist is... when i got measured when i started Curves, the Curves-lady used what seemed to me to be a completely arbitrary spot, but she assured me that that was my waist). i think doing lower-ab stuff would work. but i don't know how to do any of that, everything seems to focus on the upper-part.
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member

    Haha! The other day I was filling out some body fat calculator online, not reading ahead, just measuring as I went down the list...

    Neck... ok
    Waist (below ribcage)... Huh? Ok, if you... say so?
    Abdomen (at belly button)... WTF? Isn't that my waist? What kind of crazy IS this?

    Seriously, our waist is just below our ribcage? I have been so wrong all my life...

    and for short-waisted people like me, the level of the navel IS JUST BELOW the ribcage!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I have two bellies - I've lost 13 lbs. so far and the bottom one has gotten noticeably smaller but the top one is still just as big!!! Now I have a huge muffin top!
  • jennetsullivan
    jennetsullivan Posts: 37 Member
    Oh my gosh, I am the same way!!!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I used to have that - it means there's a gorgeous, curvy shape under there that is waiting for you to bring it out. Don't be discouraged about what you see now, just look forward to what's waiting for you underneath it!
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    Here too. When measuring your waist, you measure the "smallest part". Well, for me, that's right at the belly button, which some random stranger and a sales person told me was bizarre :-( They kept telling me to pull this skirt up to the smallest part of me and I kept telling them that's where it was! They thought I was wearing it too low.
    Haha! The other day I was filling out some body fat calculator online, not reading ahead, just measuring as I went down the list...

    Neck... ok
    Waist (below ribcage)... Huh? Ok, if you... say so?
    Abdomen (at belly button)... WTF? Isn't that my waist? What kind of crazy IS this?

    Seriously, our waist is just below our ribcage? I have been so wrong all my life...

    That explains why my "waist" measurements are so much bigger than other people who wear my size. Reading online reviews of clothing where people post their measurements and the size they order always baffles me because I think there is no way we wear the same size. I just assumed if the pants hit me at the belly button I should be measuring there. I'm an hourglass, and I have a 5"difference between my smallest part below my ribs and where my belly button is. I would never consider that my waist. So weird...