Hints to fall in love with exercise?



  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    You can find Zumba classes in your area at Zumba.com!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    As the common voice in the tread indicates,
    1} Find something you enjoy doing and it wil not seem like exercise {Dance; Swim: Tennis}
    2} Do something that takes your mind away from "I am exercising {Listen to music: read; watch TV}
    3} Find a work-out companion {Human or Beast}. I am sorry you lost your dog and I have no idea what your situation is but please
    adopt if you are looking for a new one.
    4} Set yourself a target {Pants you no longer like the fit of; a vacation you want to look good for; a mile you want to do under a set
  • melmaus27
    MIX IT UP!!! I have a core workout I do for strength training, but I change it with my cardio between running, the arc trainer, the elliptical, fun walks through cool L.A. neighborhood with great houses to look at - sometimes I "walk and talk" and that's my chance to catch up with my sis back in Iowa (one of my fitness pal buddies and accountability partner) AND I do fitness DVDs at home. The biggest lesson I've learned is to get your heart up for 30 minutes a day. I still have yet to find my "soulmate" workout as Chalene Johnson calls it, but I live by variety is the spice of life - OH and my sticker chart. I give myself a fun sticker
  • Igoligirl
    Igoligirl Posts: 62 Member
    Hey, thanks for the advice!!!!

    I would love to get a dog with whom to exercise but am waiting until I have a yard.

    I am going to try jillian michaels shred, many people have recommended it!! :smile:
  • SLally
    SLally Posts: 33
    Feel free to add me! I hate that too, try switching up machines, going for a hike somewhere in nature, organize ultimate frisbee or football with friends! we do soccer every monday and rock climbing thursdays! if you force urself to do different routines at the gym you might start to love it, or atleast it becomes no question as to whether you go to the gym or not. try a class at your gym too those are fun and the instructors are normally so motivational!
  • dhoody
    dhoody Posts: 49
    I like to compete against myself and others this keeps me motivated. Wii dance revolution an boxing have great level by level workouts. Never eva thought I'd be a dance revolution fan lol..Everyone gave great advice.
  • initforlife_clc
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hello! I am Cassandra, I am 22 and live in Maine and I hate exercise. It is so boring! I run/walk on a treadmill at the gym and take walks outside, weather permitting, but get uninterested and bored so quickly and dread it. I used to love taking walks, bike rides, and runs because my dog went with me, but I don't have her anymore.
    Does anybody have any tips?? Please help.
    I listen to interesting, and often suspenseful books while working out.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    1. Find something you love to do.
    2. Find something active that is useful - like walk to work or school or to the bus or to do your shopping. Then you are "exercising" without it being a chore.
    3. Download audio books or podcasts to listen to. When i started running, I bought an audiobook that I really wanted to hear and only listened to it when I ran. That made me eager to run because I wanted my story!
    4. I'm sorry to hear you don't have your dog any more.... can you borrow a dog? Or set up a dog-walking business and make some money while you exercise?