Bad knees...What exercises are safe?

Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
I have been having trouble with my knees recently, i had an accident last year and they have never really been as strong, but my right knee popped back out of place again yesterday (hurts like hell!!) and i need some ideas of exercises that i can do that won't put pressure on my knees.

I was thinking boxing would be a good idea for cardio, and i can do weights... just wondering if anyone has been in the same position and what did you do to substitute a full workout? I can't rest for too long i will go crazy!!

Thanks :)


  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Sam - go swimming. Puts more muscles to use, it's cardio, and no pressure on the knees.

    Sorry to hear about the knee trouble - I've been there - it's no fun.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
  • mpankratz79
    mpankratz79 Posts: 21 Member
    what about swimming or water aerobics til it is stronger?
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    Yep, swimming would be ideal. No weight bearing and the water will help support your knee joints too.
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Swimming is great to strengthen knees. Cycling is also less impact than running and other sports, especially along a flat(ish) surface.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I would suggest that your best option would be to talk to a physio-therapist and if you have not had a specialist look at your knees, to have one do so. I would hesitate suggesting something not knowing exactly what the problem is. If it is a muscle imbalance you would need exercises to re-balance the muscles, if it is torn cartilage you can do exercises that will help stabilize the joint so the cartilage doesn't dislocate as often, if it is simply weakness then things that will strengthen the overall muscles of the leg could help, if it is a torn ligament physio can help, but only surgery will fix the problem. That is pretty much the case with torn cartilage as well. In short, this needs specialize professional help.
  • I dislocated my knee last summer and my doctor told me my knee would continue to pop out and in forever now. It does daily, but I have become used to it. He gave me exercises specifically for my knee, to gain strength and have it pretty good working again. They do work. Just google exercises for knee rehabilitation and do some of those, in the mean time, go swimming. :3
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    I'm totally in the same boat (popping knees and all). I agree with the others: swimming is the easiest with the least strain. If you need something not using water, I do different aerobics with some modifications. For example, if I'm supposed to do jumping jacks, I do standing alternating leg lifts with jumping jacks arms to make the exercise low impact. Anything where I'd be standing on one leg for too long I replace with walking, marching, etc. so that I lessen the strain. Also, anything requiring a deep knee bend I modify so that I'm just raising my knee and not bending it past 90 degrees.

    Good luck!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    i definatley second the swimming ive also heard that rebound trampoline is meant to be good for people with knee problems as it gives when you come back down.
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    I dislocated my knee last summer and my doctor told me my knee would continue to pop out and in forever now. It does daily, but I have become used to it. He gave me exercises specifically for my knee, to gain strength and have it pretty good working again. They do work. Just google exercises for knee rehabilitation and do some of those, in the mean time, go swimming. :3

    This is what i have! Thanks for the advice xx
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    what about swimming or water aerobics til it is stronger?
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Be careful with boxing! There is a lot of quick, lateral movement and bouncing that can hurt your knees.
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm totally in the same boat (popping knees and all). I agree with the others: swimming is the easiest with the least strain. If you need something not using water, I do different aerobics with some modifications. For example, if I'm supposed to do jumping jacks, I do standing alternating leg lifts with jumping jacks arms to make the exercise low impact. Anything where I'd be standing on one leg for too long I replace with walking, marching, etc. so that I lessen the strain. Also, anything requiring a deep knee bend I modify so that I'm just raising my knee and not bending it past 90 degrees.

    Good luck!

    Thank you!
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    I collect exercises on Pinterest, and here are some I've come across for knees:

    And here are some tips for lessening knee pain with a few tips for ways to strengthen your knees:
  • My favorite "bad knee" exercise is water walking. Get in the pool and just start walking. Try to walk in a steady rhythm, but not too fast or too slow. The water both takes the pressure off your joints and offers resistance to help strengthen muscles. I work up a sweat when I do this, but I never feel...battered? like I do when I'm on the treadmill.
  • I have bad knees too. Have dislocated both of them. I swim a lot in the summer, do water aerobics, etc., but I also do the elliptical too because it is easier on my knees than a treadmill.
  • Napjeeper
    Napjeeper Posts: 36
    I've got two bad knees, one's had surgery and the other hasn't yet. Both are a problem....

    Swimming is great, but I don't have access to a pool, so I started working out at home. I found out that if I wanted to follow a routine like a Kettlebell workout or using my Xbox and Your Shape 2012 that rather than hunt around for easy on the knees exercises, I will just adjust my workout based on my ability.

    In the Kettleworx workout, he does a few things that put some serious pressure on knees including squats. I will do as many as I can in a lower impact way or switch the exercise out for another one that works on the legs but in a lighter manner.

    It's a bit annoying that you can't customize some of these things to help with the best exercises.
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    I would suggest that your best option would be to talk to a physio-therapist and if you have not had a specialist look at your knees, to have one do so. I would hesitate suggesting something not knowing exactly what the problem is. If it is a muscle imbalance you would need exercises to re-balance the muscles, if it is torn cartilage you can do exercises that will help stabilize the joint so the cartilage doesn't dislocate as often, if it is simply weakness then things that will strengthen the overall muscles of the leg could help, if it is a torn ligament physio can help, but only surgery will fix the problem. That is pretty much the case with torn cartilage as well. In short, this needs specialize professional help.

    I would see a good Sports Orthopedic Dr., instead of a Physio-Therapist. Example: Over this past Winter, my left knee was "achy" to the point where I could walk downstairs without it collapsing. Turns out I have a small 6mm separation of cartilage, the only problem is that to fix it, the screw is 4mm. Dr. told me to not worry about it, drained the fluid, Cortisone shot, over the counter two weeks, then can resume light running, and now weights.

    My point is, you have to know what it is that you have, before you can know what exercises you can comfortably do. For me, running on flat surface is good....rotating and twisting motions are bad.

    Swimming is a good low impact exercise, not always practical though. Elliptical is also good low impact, Cycling can be low impact, but if you have a road bike and have clip shoes, you want to have some "float" to allow the knee joint to flex more naturally.

    Anyway....go see an Ortho Dr. gimpy knees are not something to take a chance on.
  • kittyfrost
    kittyfrost Posts: 54
    Cycling? The stationary bike is pretty easy on the knees.