how do I battle caffeine withdrawals?



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    it is a drug

    Um no, it's not a drug. It is a stimulant that may act like one, though.

    it is a drug. So is chocolate. *shrugs* It's a harmless drug, but it is a drug.
  • sara00110
    sara00110 Posts: 5
    I used to drink 3 cups of coffee every morning! I ordered shakeology and within two weeks I didnt want to drink coffee at all. I just replaced my morning cup with the shakes and not only did I get the energy that coffee gave me but it doubled my weightloss. Each shake has 14 servings of fruits and vegetables in it. Anyways, I dont know if it would work for everyone but it did for me! If you have questions about it you should send me an email! : )
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I've been having insomnia issues. Trying to cut back on the caffeine (along with other things) to help.

    I have a love affair with Coke Zero. I find that as long as I have my last one at least about 3 hours before I want to sleep, it doesn't interfere at all.

    You don't have to go completely cold turkey.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Caffeine withdrawal sucks. Frankly, unless your doctor has told you that you need to give it up, there's really no medical reason to do so. Removing it will hinder, not help, weight loss - caffeine is a mild stimulant.

    My only caution would be that caffeine, like any stimulant, can raise your blood sugar, which might be a concern for some diabetics. My Dr. didn't think it was a significant factor though.
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    I had to go off caffeine because it affected my BP. I've quit cold turkey TWICE and it's no fun.

    When the headaches get bad, drink lots of water. I found that really helped calm them. If you have to, lie down with a cool compress on your forehead. The headaches should go away after a week to ten days. You can do it!

    If your BP isn't an issue, then you could go back to one cup a day. But it really isn't a good thing to have much more than that.